If there is a problem in our life, we might try to let it go. People are telling you, "If you can't find a solution to a problem, let it go, surrender." Yes…..we may let it go, but the problem may not let us go. This always happens, people take loans from the bank, and if they can't pay them back, they want to let the loan go, but the bank won't let them go. Life is like that – if we get into some situation, it is like debt. We have to pay it in one way or the other – not with money, but with life. If we are smart enough, we will pay one way, otherwise, we will pay another way, but we have to pay, that is the experience of everyone. Every problem is a problem only so long as we call it so. In life, there are no problems at all – there are only situations. Everything is a situation. If we call it a "problem" it becomes a problem, otherwise not. If we call it "wonderful", then it becomes wonderful automatically. Somewhere, right now, somebody is getting married even though they do not want to. They may think it is a big problem. Now imagine how much suffering this can cause? Somebody else is getting married, but they want to do so – then also imagine do how wonderful that marriage day will be for them? It is just a situation – whether it becomes a problem or otherwise is just the way we approach it. No situation is airtight because every situation is evolving. If we don't want to be in one situation, then we will be in some another situation ….. then we closely observe that situation and we will seek where the doorways are. If we just want a breath of fresh air, we can open a window and make it a little relaxing. If we want to get out, we can open the door and walk out, that is our choice. If we stay, there is a consequence and if we leave, there is also a consequence. In any case we have to face the consequence. Are we ready to face….???? The problem with most people is that they want the situation, but they do not want the price attached. If anyone wants to buy clothes, but don't like the price tag, the only option is to become a thief. By becoming thief he can have everything for free, but he always lives in fear and he can become at guest of Police dept. any time. Is this fear or becoming of guest of Police ….. not a consequence or price..??? If anyone decides to buy something at ten rupees, but if it costs eleven rupees….., then he would not buy it, that is his judgement. Similarly, with every situation – not only monetary situation, but every situation – there is a price to be paid. One must evaluate whether the price is worth paying or not, he can do only that. Mr. A may look at a situation from a different perspective and that situation is ridiculous, but the same may be valuable for Mr. B. It is not for somebody else to make judgement. Mr. A and Mr. B must evaluate what price of that situation demands and whether they are will to pay or not. The important thing is : "Once decided, pay the price joyfully. If any one does not pay the price joyfully, he will have that situation, but become miserable too in consequence. Hence once decided, there is no right and no wrong. There is only a consequence…..then why not to accept it joyfully? There is no such thing as a "good life." There is only a great life. If anyone put himself wholeheartedly into something, it is great life for him. The only thing is to throw yourself into something wholeheartedly, then it is a great experience for you. At that time somebody may look at your life and think it is rubbish……but that is their problem, not yours. In your experience, your life is great and that is all that matters. So, if you want to evaluate, what is needed is involvement, not letting go. When you are deeply involved with the situation and know everything about it, you can make a judgment. Any judgment you make will be valuable only if it is well-informed. If you don't know much about the situation and you are making a judgment, it is bound to be of no value. So, in any given situation, don't try to let go or distance yourself, or be detached. Involve yourself absolutely. In your involvement, you know the situation. When you know the situation, you see the price that the situation is demanding on your life. If you remain there, there is a price, if you leave, there is a price. You must see which price you are willing to pay. Life is a continuum of situations, if you are on a growth trajectory, you will be constantly facing situations that you may not know how to handle. These situations may be challenging, but they are not a problem. A true problem would be that there are no new situations in one's life, which means life is in stagnation mode. If you want to be continuously in a process of dynamic growth, you will constantly be in new situations that you may not necessarily know how to handle. If you are facing many of these so called problems, you're living a life of great possibility. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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