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MySAR for 14th january

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Daily MySAR Levels For Future Segment :
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Self confidence is the root cause

Don't miss to watch: updated upto 14th November
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شاهد بالفيديو.. فضائية سورية تبث تقريراً لمراسلة تقف بين جثث القتلى


بالفيديو: أمريكا تهدي روسيا "بطاطا" كهدية رمزية ، في اجتماع لبحث أوضاع سوريا "الدامية"


جنازة عسكرية لأرييل شارون وسط إجراءات أمنية مشددة



"بشار الأسد" يحتفل بذكرى المولد النبوي .. فيديو




فيديو ساخر : 2+2 يساوي 5 !




فيديو حاز على أكثر من مليون مشاهدة فور نشره .. ردة فعل مضحكة لطفلة تقابل توأم والدها لأول مرة



بالفيديو .. قرابة مليوني مشاهدة لكلب جائع نفذ خطة للحصول على طعام


بالفيديو.. ميريام فارس ترقص "سامبا" في "رقص النجوم"


ماذا سيقول الشيطان للانسان في يوم القيامة؟! استمعوا للاية الكريمة


جاموس يقاوم للخلاص من تمساح من اجل البقاء - فيديو


بالفيديو : الثلج يتسبب بطيران سيارة


حافلة تدهس شخصين ويخرجان من تحتها سالمين - فيديو


مقطع من لم يسمعه خسر الملايين الملايين من حياته



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                               HAPPY MAKARA SANKRAANTI!!

Sakraanti means to go from one place to another place (to change direction). It also means one meets another. The time when the sun changes direction from one constellation (of the zodiac) to another is known as SankraantiTransition of the Sun from Sagittarius to Capricorn during the winter solstice in the northern hemisphere (Uttaraayana) is known as Makara sankraanti.

Almost all festivals of Sanaatana Dharma are dependent on the position of the moon; however, Makara Sankrāntī is based on the position of the sun. The sun enters the zodiac sign of Makara (Capricorn) on the day of Makara Sankraanti. All the tithi-s (dates) of Hindu festivals vary every year; however, Makara Sankraanti falls mostly on 14 January (occasionally on 13th or 15th January). Every eighty years, the difference created due to the revolution of the earth around the sun is made up by pushing ahead Makara Sankraanti by a day. 

Since time immemorial, demons have been troubling humans as well as Deities. When such situations arise, God incarnates and slays the demons. It is said that Sankraanti, a Deity, slayed a demon, Sankraasur, on this day. 

All religious festivals are intended to be celebrated in a spiritually correct way so as to derive spiritual benefits from them. However, over a period of time, the local customs influence the celebrations. According to the rule that 'customs have more impact on people than the Scriptures;' humans emulate others blindly and celebrate festivals in their own way. Thus Makara Sankraanti is celebrated differently in different parts of Bhaarata (India). 

We need to understand the spiritual science underlying the celebration of Makara Sankraanti, which will motivate and inspire us to celebrate it in the spiritually correct way.

Importance of Makara Sankraanti

1. Worldly importance

In Bhaarata, Makara Sankraanti is celebrated to let go of our differences with each other and increase love (premabhaava) in us. One way people come close together on this day, is by distributing sweets to each other. These sweets are typically made of sesame seeds. 

2. Spiritual importance 

On Makara Sankraanti from sunrise to sunset, the environment is charged with subtle cosmic energy and heightened state of awareness. Thus, a seeker doing saadhanaa (spiritual practice) can derive the maximum benefit from this subtle energy and the heightened state of awareness conducive for saadhanaa. Due to this charged environment, tejtattva (Absolute Fire Principle) also increases in seekers. Therefore the day of Makara Sankraanti is very conducive for saadhanaa.

Spiritual significance of sweets made out of sesame seeds

a. Before distributing sweets made out of sesame seeds, they should be kept in front of an  idol or a picture of a Deity on one's altar. This helps retain the Shakti (Divine energy) and Chaitanya (Divine Consciousness) in the sweets.

b. When distributing sweets made of sesame seeds,  bhaava (spiritual emotion) and Chaitanya is awakened in us.

c. All the members of the house derive the benefit of the increased subtle energy and the heightened state of awareness in the environment.

d. The premabhaava (love) in people increases and they are able to overcome negative thinking and replace it with positive thinking.

e. According to Ayurveda, eating sesame seeds in winter is beneficial for our health. Spiritually, sesame seeds and sesame oil have the ability to absorb and emit saattvik frequencies more than any other oil. Hence, during Makara Sankraanti, sesame seeds are favorable for good saadhanaa (spiritual practice) to happen.

f. Importance of sesame seed sweets: Sesame seeds have the ability to absorb and emit high amounts of saattvik frequencies. By consuming sesame seed sweets, inner purification happens which helps improve one's saadhanaa. By distributing these sweets to each other, there is an exchange of saattviktaa, which helps increase everyone's saattviktaa.

Hindu festivals are great opportunities to imbibe the increased amount of positive energy and the heightened stae of awareness in the environment. However this is possible only if one celebrates the festivals as per the guidance of Hindu Dharma. By adhering to Dharma we can derive the maximum benefit of each festival thereby purifying ourselves as well as the environment.

How is Makar Sankranti celebrated?

Different regions in Bhaarata (India) celebrate Makara Sankraanti in different ways. The following are some examples of the various rituals that are performed on this day.

  1. The period from sunrise to sunset is meritorious. A Holy bath at any Holy place on the banks of the rivers Ganga, Yamuna, Krushna, Godavari, etc., on this day, yields great merits.
  2. The period from Makara Sankraanti (14 January in 2014) to Rathsaptami ( 6 February in 2014) is called a Transition period (Parvakaala or Sandhikaala). Any offerings / donations (daana) and meritorious acts done during this period definitely yield fruit.
  3. White sesame seeds (til) are used extensively while celebrating Makara Sankraanti. People prepare sweets made of sesame seeds and distribute them to others. Sesame seeds have the ability to absorb and emit high amounts of saattvik frequencies which in turn facilitate spiritual practice.
  4. Women celebrate this day with an event known as 'Haldi-Kumkum' or 'Haldi-Kunku'. They apply turmeric and kumkum (vermilion) on the forehead of other women at the site of the aajnyaa-chakra, apply perfume (attar) to hands-forearms-feet, offer 13 types of saattvik gifts (vaan), sprinkle rose water on them, offer sweets made of sesame seeds and do the ritual of offering a sāṛī and / or a piece of cloth to a female Deity or to a married woman (Oti).








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13 JAN 14- See how  Nifty Futures Jan,14  Series - FROM 
MS1 6216  ,  JUMPED to close near   (6279- Dec Series close) close-6285.3

 Nifty Futures for Jan14 . Series is expected to trade in the foll. Band:

MR6 6576 42.00
MR5 6534 54.00 
MR4 6480   30.10
MR3 6450 34.90
MR2 6415 46.00
MR1 6369 89.65
Closel 6279   63.35
MS2    6150 32.00

 Levels- Pls. click link below:


Hi Ravi Sir,

 Good Morning,

 Hats off to your Dedication towards markets sir .. The Monthly Support & Resistance for Nifty which you have in sent last 3 months are ultimate & Nobody can beat this. I am working for Kotak Securities  from 2005 and visited so many websites  but have never seen anybody like you with such success ratio particularly in Nifty levels.

Sir, I am very much interested in learning to prepare these levels so that I can generate S&R for Sensex & BankNifty also. And also plz let me know if we can use the same formulae even stocks also.

 Please send this months S&R for this month whenever time permits.

 Please share me your mob number if possible.

 Thanks in anticipation,

K Durga Prasad

Member of Long term Investors Research




Hi Ravi,


I have been regularly going through your mails which you send out on the  Google group on intraday trades, futures etc - though honestly I have not followed them as I am a novice when it comes to trading however looking to learn the tricks and techniques of intraday trading.


Is there anyway that we could get in touch with each other wherein you could support me on picking up the art of trading (I wonder if there is any science) - and I am not asking it for free as I am willing to compensate for the knowledge sharing. I am seriously looking for a stock market guru who could help me understand the market and its dynamics when it comes to intraday trade.


I am based out of Gurgaon - and you?







Please observe VOLUMES at these levels. or Candlestick Bullish or Bearish pattern.


Your feed back is welcome. 


GOD BLESS! and  Happy Trading.



PS: While due care has been taken in preparing the  Analysis, no responsibility can be or is assumed for any consequences resulting out of acting on it.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ravi Palwankar <ravipalwankar@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 3:48 PM
Subject: BOOM ! BOOM!! ROCKET LAUNCHED. GAIN = 6269-6156=113 PTS Big Move expected in market on Jan 9 +- 1 day only.
To: Ravi Palwankar <ravipalwankar@gmail.com>



GAIN = 6269-6156=113 PTS 

On Sun, Dec 29, 2013 at 5:45 PM, Ravi Palwankar <ravipalwankar@gmail.com> wrote:
Timing chart-Line  analysis

Big Move expected in market on  Jan 9 +- 1 day only. 

10 JAN 14- See how  Nifty Futures Jan,14  Series - FROM A LOW OF 6156 (MS2   6150) , then pierced MS1 6216  and JUMPED TO 6269  (6279- Dec Series close) TO FINALLY close very near to  MS1: 6216 (close-6206)

 Nifty Futures for Jan14 . Series is expected to trade in the foll. Band:

MR6 6576 42.00
MR5 6534 54.00 
MR4 6480   30.10
MR3 6450 34.90
MR2 6415 46.00
MR1 6369 89.65
Closel 6279   63.35
MS1 6216 66.00
MS2    6150 32.00

 Levels- Pls. click link below:


Hi Ravi Sir,

 Good Morning,

 Hats off to your Dedication towards markets sir .. The Monthly Support & Resistance for Nifty which you have in sent last 3 months are ultimate & Nobody can beat this. I am working for Kotak Securities  from 2005 and visited so many websites  but have never seen anybody like you with such success ratio particularly in Nifty levels.

Sir, I am very much interested in learning to prepare these levels so that I can generate S&R for Sensex & BankNifty also. And also plz let me know if we can use the same formulae even stocks also.

 Please send this months S&R for this month whenever time permits.

 Please share me your mob number if possible.

 Thanks in anticipation,

K Durga Prasad

Member of Long term Investors Research




Hi Ravi,


I have been regularly going through your mails which you send out on the  Google group on intraday trades, futures etc - though honestly I have not followed them as I am a novice when it comes to trading however looking to learn the tricks and techniques of intraday trading.


Is there anyway that we could get in touch with each other wherein you could support me on picking up the art of trading (I wonder if there is any science) - and I am not asking it for free as I am willing to compensate for the knowledge sharing. I am seriously looking for a stock market guru who could help me understand the market and its dynamics when it comes to intraday trade.


I am based out of Gurgaon - and you?







Please observe VOLUMES at these levels. or Candlestick Bullish or Bearish pattern.


Your feed back is welcome. 


GOD BLESS! and  Happy Trading.



PS: While due care has been taken in preparing the  Analysis, no responsibility can be or is assumed for any consequences resulting out of acting o

On Sun, Dec 29, 2013 at 5:45 PM, Ravi Palwankar <ravipalwankar@gmail.com> wrote:
Timing chart-Line  analysis

Big Move expected in market on  Jan 9 +- 1 day only. 

Levels- Pls. click link below:



 Nifty Futures for Jan14 . Series is expected to trade in the foll. Band:

MR6 6576 42.00
MR5 6534 54.00 
MR4 6480   30.10
MR3 6450 34.90
MR2 6415 46.00
MR1 6369 89.65
Closel 6279   63.35
MS1 6216 66.00
MS2    6150 32.00

 Levels- Pls. click link below:


Hi Ravi Sir,

 Good Morning,

 Hats off to your Dedication towards markets sir .. The Monthly Support & Resistance for Nifty which you have in sent last 3 months are ultimate & Nobody can beat this. I am working for Kotak Securities  from 2005 and visited so many websites  but have never seen anybody like you with such success ratio particularly in Nifty levels.

Sir, I am very much interested in learning to prepare these levels so that I can generate S&R for Sensex & BankNifty also. And also plz let me know if we can use the same formulae even stocks also.

 Please send this months S&R for this month whenever time permits.

 Please share me your mob number if possible.

 Thanks in anticipation,

K Durga Prasad

Member of Long term Investors Research




Hi Ravi,


I have been regularly going through your mails which you send out on the  Google group on intraday trades, futures etc - though honestly I have not followed them as I am a novice when it comes to trading however looking to learn the tricks and techniques of intraday trading.


Is there anyway that we could get in touch with each other wherein you could support me on picking up the art of trading (I wonder if there is any science) - and I am not asking it for free as I am willing to compensate for the knowledge sharing. I am seriously looking for a stock market guru who could help me understand the market and its dynamics when it comes to intraday trade.


I am based out of Gurgaon - and you?







Please observe VOLUMES at these levels. or Candlestick Bullish or Bearish pattern.


Your feed back is welcome. 


GOD BLESS! and  Happy Trading.



PS: While due care has been taken in preparing the  Analysis, no responsibility can be or is assumed for any consequences resulting out of acting on it.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ravi Palwankar <ravipalwankar@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, Jan 2, 2014 at 6:08 PM
Subject: %%% ATOM BOMB BLAST 2 JAN 14- See how Nifty Futures Jan,14 Series - In the morning climbed towards MR2 6415 (H- 6408) and then the crash towards 6279 Call Dtd : 28 Dec,13 Nifty Futures for Jan14 . Series is expected to trade in the foll. Band:
To: Ravi Palwankar <ravipalwankar@gmail.com>

2 JAN 14- See how  Nifty Futures Jan,14  Series - In the morning climbed towards MR2 6415  

(H- 6408) and then the crash  towards  6279   (L-6266 c= 6257) 

Gain= 6408-6279= 129 ++ pts 

On Sun, Dec 29, 2013 at 5:45 PM, Ravi Palwankar <ravipalwankar@gmail.com> wrote:

Timing chart-Line  analysis

Big Move expected in market on Jan 2 and Jan 9 +- 1 day only. 

Levels- Pls. click link below:



 Nifty Futures for Jan14 . Series is expected to trade in the foll. Band:

MR6 6576 42.00
MR5 6534 54.00 
MR4 6480   30.10
MR3 6450 34.90
MR2 6415 46.00
MR1 6369 89.65
Closel 6279   63.35
MS1 6216 66.00
MS2    6150 32.00

 Levels- Pls. click link below:


Hi Ravi Sir,

 Good Morning,

 Hats off to your Dedication towards markets sir .. The Monthly Support & Resistance for Nifty which you have in sent last 3 months are ultimate & Nobody can beat this. I am working for Kotak Securities  from 2005 and visited so many websites  but have never seen anybody like you with such success ratio particularly in Nifty levels.

Sir, I am very much interested in learning to prepare these levels so that I can generate S&R for Sensex & BankNifty also. And also plz let me know if we can use the same formulae even stocks also.

 Please send this months S&R for this month whenever time permits.

 Please share me your mob number if possible.

 Thanks in anticipation,

K Durga Prasad

Member of Long term Investors Research




Hi Ravi,


I have been regularly going through your mails which you send out on the  Google group on intraday trades, futures etc - though honestly I have not followed them as I am a novice when it comes to trading however looking to learn the tricks and techniques of intraday trading.


Is there anyway that we could get in touch with each other wherein you could support me on picking up the art of trading (I wonder if there is any science) - and I am not asking it for free as I am willing to compensate for the knowledge sharing. I am seriously looking for a stock market guru who could help me understand the market and its dynamics when it comes to intraday trade.


I am based out of Gurgaon - and you?







Please observe VOLUMES at these levels. or Candlestick Bullish or Bearish pattern.


Your feed back is welcome. 


GOD BLESS! and  Happy Trading.



PS: While due care has been taken in preparing the  Analysis, no responsibility can be or is assumed for any consequences resulting out of acting on it.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ravi Palwankar <ravipalwankar@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Jan 1, 2014 at 3:37 PM
Subject: **** 1 JAN14- See how Nifty Futures Jan,14 Series - danced around and finally closed very near to MR1 6369 (close-6360Call Dtd : 28 Dec,13 Nifty Futures for Jan14 . Series is expected to trade in the foll. Band:
To: Ravi Palwankar <ravipalwankar@gmail.com>

1 JAN 14- See how  Nifty Futures Jan,14  Series - danced around and finally closed very near to  MR1 6369 (close-6360)

 Nifty Futures for Jan14 . Series is expected to trade in the foll. Band:

MR6 6576 42.00
MR5 6534 54.00 
MR4 6480   30.10
MR3 6450 34.90
MR2 6415 46.00
MR1 6369 89.65
Closel 6279   63.35
MS1 6216 66.00
MS2    6150 32.00

 Levels- Pls. click link below:


Hi Ravi Sir,

 Good Morning,

 Hats off to your Dedication towards markets sir .. The Monthly Support & Resistance for Nifty which you have in sent last 3 months are ultimate & Nobody can beat this. I am working for Kotak Securities  from 2005 and visited so many websites  but have never seen anybody like you with such success ratio particularly in Nifty levels.

Sir, I am very much interested in learning to prepare these levels so that I can generate S&R for Sensex & BankNifty also. And also plz let me know if we can use the same formulae even stocks also.

 Please send this months S&R for this month whenever time permits.

 Please share me your mob number if possible.

 Thanks in anticipation,

K Durga Prasad

Member of Long term Investors Research




Hi Ravi,


I have been regularly going through your mails which you send out on the  Google group on intraday trades, futures etc - though honestly I have not followed them as I am a novice when it comes to trading however looking to learn the tricks and techniques of intraday trading.


Is there anyway that we could get in touch with each other wherein you could support me on picking up the art of trading (I wonder if there is any science) - and I am not asking it for free as I am willing to compensate for the knowledge sharing. I am seriously looking for a stock market guru who could help me understand the market and its dynamics when it comes to intraday trade.


I am based out of Gurgaon - and you?







Please observe VOLUMES at these levels. or Candlestick Bullish or Bearish pattern.


Your feed back is welcome. 


GOD BLESS! and  Happy Trading.



PS: While due care has been taken in preparing the  Analysis, no responsibility can be or is assumed for any consequences resulting out of acting on it.

31 Dec.13- See how  Nifty Futures Jan,14  Series - danced around and finally closed very near to  MR1 6369 (close-6354.7)

 Nifty Futures for Jan14 . Series is expected to trade in the foll. Band:

MR6 6576 42.00
MR5 6534 54.00MARS
MR4 6480 30.10
MR3 6450 34.90
MR2 6415 46.00
MR1 6369 89.65
Closel 6279 63.35
MS1 6216 66.00
MS2   6150 32.00

 Levels- Pls. click link below:


Hi Ravi Sir,

 Good Morning,

 Hats off to your Dedication towards markets sir .. The Monthly Support & Resistance for Nifty which you have in sent last 3 months are ultimate & Nobody can beat this. I am working for Kotak Securities  from 2005 and visited so many websites  but have never seen anybody like you with such success ratio particularly in Nifty levels.

Sir, I am very much interested in learning to prepare these levels so that I can generate S&R for Sensex & BankNifty also. And also plz let me know if we can use the same formulae even stocks also.

 Please send this months S&R for this month whenever time permits.

 Please share me your mob number if possible.

 Thanks in anticipation,

K Durga Prasad

Member of Long term Investors Research




Hi Ravi,


I have been regularly going through your mails which you send out on the  Google group on intraday trades, futures etc - though honestly I have not followed them as I am a novice when it comes to trading however looking to learn the tricks and techniques of intraday trading.


Is there anyway that we could get in touch with each other wherein you could support me on picking up the art of trading (I wonder if there is any science) - and I am not asking it for free as I am willing to compensate for the knowledge sharing. I am seriously looking for a stock market guru who could help me understand the market and its dynamics when it comes to intraday trade.


I am based out of Gurgaon - and you?







Please observe VOLUMES at these levels. or Candlestick Bullish or Bearish pattern.


Your feed back is welcome. 


GOD BLESS! and  Happy Trading.



PS: While due care has been taken in preparing the  Analysis, no responsibility can be or is assumed for any consequences resulting out of acting on it.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ravi Palwankar <ravipalwankar@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Dec 30, 2013 at 6:47 PM
Subject: }}}}}} 30 Dec.13- - Crashed from MR1 6369 (chk 5min chart) Call Dtd : 28 Dec,13 Nifty Futures for Jan14 . Series is expected to trade in the foll. Band:
To: Ravi Palwankar <ravipalwankar@gmail.com>

30 Dec.13- See how  Nifty Futures Jan,14  Series - Crashed from MR1 6369 (chk 5min chart)

 Nifty Futures for Jan14 . Series is expected to trade in the foll. Band:

MR6 6576 42.00
MR5 6534 54.00MARS
MR4 6480 30.10
MR3 6450 34.90
MR2 6415 46.00
MR1 6369 89.65
Closel 6279 63.35
MS1 6216 66.00
MS2   6150 32.00

 Levels- Pls. click link below:


Hi Ravi Sir,

 Good Morning,

 Hats off to your Dedication towards markets sir .. The Monthly Support & Resistance for Nifty which you have in sent last 3 months are ultimate & Nobody can beat this. I am working for Kotak Securities  from 2005 and visited so many websites  but have never seen anybody like you with such success ratio particularly in Nifty levels.

Sir, I am very much interested in learning to prepare these levels so that I can generate S&R for Sensex & BankNifty also. And also plz let me know if we can use the same formulae even stocks also.

 Please send this months S&R for this month whenever time permits.

 Please share me your mob number if possible.

 Thanks in anticipation,

K Durga Prasad

Member of Long term Investors Research




Hi Ravi,


I have been regularly going through your mails which you send out on the  Google group on intraday trades, futures etc - though honestly I have not followed them as I am a novice when it comes to trading however looking to learn the tricks and techniques of intraday trading.


Is there anyway that we could get in touch with each other wherein you could support me on picking up the art of trading (I wonder if there is any science) - and I am not asking it for free as I am willing to compensate for the knowledge sharing. I am seriously looking for a stock market guru who could help me understand the market and its dynamics when it comes to intraday trade.


I am based out of Gurgaon - and you?







Please observe VOLUMES at these levels. or Candlestick Bullish or Bearish pattern.


Your feed back is welcome. 


GOD BLESS! and  Happy Trading.



PS: While due care has been taken in preparing the  Analysis, no responsibility can be or is assumed for any consequences resulting out of acting on it.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ravi Palwankar <ravipalwankar@gmail.com>
Date: Sat, Dec 28, 2013 at 3:30 PM
Subject: >>>>> Call Dtd : 28 Dec,13 Nifty Futures for Jan14 . Series is expected to trade in the foll. Band:
To: Ravi Palwankar <ravipalwankar@gmail.com>

Call Dtd : 28 Dec,13 :

Nifty Futures for Jan'14 . Series is expected to trade in the foll. Band:


Hi Ravi Sir,

 Good Morning,

 Hats off to your Dedication towards markets sir .. The Monthly Support & Resistance for Nifty which you have in sent last 3 months are ultimate & Nobody can beat this. I am working for Kotak Securities  from 2005 and visited so many websites  but have never seen anybody like you with such success ratio particularly in Nifty levels.

Sir, I am very much interested in learning to prepare these levels so that I can generate S&R for Sensex & BankNifty also. And also plz let me know if we can use the same formulae even stocks also.

 Please send this months S&R for this month whenever time permits.

 Please share me your mob number if possible.

 Thanks in anticipation,

K Durga Prasad

Member of Long term Investors Research




Hi Ravi,


I have been regularly going through your mails which you send out on the  Google group on intraday trades, futures etc - though honestly I have not followed them as I am a novice when it comes to trading however looking to learn the tricks and techniques of intraday trading.


Is there anyway that we could get in touch with each other wherein you could support me on picking up the art of trading (I wonder if there is any science) - and I am not asking it for free as I am willing to compensate for the knowledge sharing. I am seriously looking for a stock market guru who could help me understand the market and its dynamics when it comes to intraday trade.


I am based out of Gurgaon - and you?






JAN Nifty Futures Gain pts. Remarks
Monthly S n R Dec.13 Series Close- 6279.35. Call Dt: 28Dec13
MR6 6576 42
MR5 6534 54
MR4 6480 30
MR3 6449.9 35
MR2 6415 46
MR1 6369 90
Dec13 Series Close 6279.35 63
MS1 6216 66
MS2 6150 32
MS3 6118 74
MS4 6044 24
MS5 6020 71
MS6 5949 79
MS7 5870

MR6 6576 42.00
MR5 6534 54.00
MR4 6480 30.10
MR3 6450 34.90
MR2 6415 46.00
MR1 6369 89.65
Neutral 6279 63.35
MS1 6216 66.00
MS2   6150 32.00
MS3 6118 74.00
MS4   6044 24.00
MS5 6020 71.00
MS6 5949 79.00
MS7 5870

Levels- Pls. click link below:


Please observe VOLUMES at these levels. or Candlestick Bullish or Bearish pattern.


Your feed back is welcome. 


GOD BLESS! and  Happy Trading.



PS: While due care has been taken in preparing the  Analysis, no responsibility can be or is assumed for any consequences resulting out of acting on it.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ravi Palwankar <ravipalwankar@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, Dec 26, 2013 at 5:43 PM
Subject: $$$$$ 26 Dec.13- See how Nifty Futures Dec Series - Closed very very near to MR1 6267 (L=6270 C= 6279)Call Dtd : 29Nov,13 Nifty Futures for Dec. Series is expected to trade in the foll. Band:
To: Ravi Palwankar <ravipalwankar@gmail.com>

26 Dec.13- See how  Nifty Futures Dec Series - Closed  very very near to  MR1 6267(L=6266.1 C= 6279)

 Levels- Pls. click link below:


Hi Ravi Sir,

 Good Morning,

 Hats off to your Dedication towards markets sir .. The Monthly Support & Resistance for Nifty which you have in sent last 3 months are ultimate & Nobody can beat this. I am working for Kotak Securities  from 2005 and visited so many websites  but have never seen anybody like you with such success ratio particularly in Nifty levels.

Sir, I am very much interested in learning to prepare these levels so that I can generate S&R for Sensex & BankNifty also. And also plz let me know if we can use the same formulae even stocks also.

 Please send this months S&R for this month whenever time permits.


[Message clipped]  





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