Moobthaibteb Moobtwmzeej <>: Feb 05 11:44AM -0800 If only you don't care anymore whether the affected person will live or die, I guess, that's when you give up on faith. How would you use science to explain why a person could go on for so long ...more |
AEON <>: Feb 05 07:30AM -0800 > 3. Vajtswv tsimntxw nyoog/Lucifer los ntawm tej pobzeb povhaum uas muaj nqis tshaj plaws. Tabsis nws tsim tib neeg los ntawm av xwb. > 4. Yexus los tuag saum tus ntoo khaublig yog los txhiv ...more |
AEON <>: Feb 05 07:49AM -0800 > 3. Vajtswv tsimntxw nyoog/Lucifer los ntawm tej pobzeb povhaum uas muaj nqis tshaj plaws. Tabsis nws tsim tib neeg los ntawm av xwb. > 4. Yexus los tuag saum tus ntoo khaublig yog los txhiv ...more |
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