Squeakity Squeak <darylkabatoff@yahoo.ca>: Aug 31 07:12AM -0700 Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part F - Daryl Kabatoff August 31st 2021 8:06 am 94,518 words "The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer "Christians are the worst part of Canadian society." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer "Honour killings shouldn't be called 'barbaric.'" - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer "They are not sexual assaults, but 'honour' rapes." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer "We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics." - Joe Biden speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer "Who remembers the Armenian genocide? If they can't remember the Armenian genocide, who is goink to be concerned about the Jews?" - Adolph Hitler speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer "Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff." - Eddie Izzard In the news (not the mainstream news) in 2021, the jabs are designed by witches and contain a myriad of different toxins specifically designed to harm and kill. Children are not adversely affected by the Kung Flu, people who catch any flu in 2020 and 2021 have a 99.8% survival rate while many tens of thousands of people are suffering and dying as a result of getting the jabs. They forced psychiatric jabs upon me for years, it amounted to brutal horrid torture, I begged for assistance to flee the country, all people could do is laugh at me, rob me, libel and slander me, and assault me further. Now these same compassionless arseholes are happily lining up to get the jab and are allowing their children to be jabbed as well. People gave many jabs to their children over the last few decades, resulting in huge numbers of autistic children, cancers, other diseases and ultimately death. For several years until a couple of years ago the media was telling us that we required immigration to North America because we were not reproducing fast enough, now these recent jabs will kill off millions of people, likely the media will soon be telling us we need millions of new immigrants to replace the white people who recently died off. Catholics (people who abide by Catholic fertility rites, such as all forms of Protestants, Hutterites, Mennonites, Seventh-day Adventists and Doukhobors) will be responding to it all by getting bigger trees and decorating them to greater degrees. They were compassionless to the victims of psychiatric horror, then they had their own children and their seniors drugged to keep them manageable in the hospitals, nursing homes and schools. Then care givers allowed seniors to die from dehydration and blamed it on covid. Then the parents had their children injected with a death serum, developed by witches, and now as their children convulse, these parents are making preparations for the final "Christmas" (use of God's Name in vain, not His Mass) celebration, where the many trees in the home will blink. What a joy it will be for the convulsing and twitching children to see the trees blink on and off, on and off, on and off, for the last time. On October 31st the convulsing and twitching children will celebrate death with their family members, then on the following day their tree will begin to blink and will blink in the home for up to the following four months. In the news (not the mainstream news) in June 2021, many people in Britain are being arrested under the Mental Health Act, are imprisoned in psychiatric facilities and are having psychiatric drugs forced upon them. Britain recently altered their Mental Health Act to make it easier to arrest and torture people who dare to complain about Islamic immigration. I imagine that if the British are able to expel all Islamists from their nation, they will still be arresting and torturing people under the Mental Health Act for daring to criticize their Catholic churches. Similar to Canada, should the western provinces separate from Canada, this new nation will still employ psychiatrists and will still deny gun permits to those people who criticized some injustice that resulted in them being tortured and then having a history of mental illness. Anthropologists should call the current western culture, "The People of The Jingle Bells." The Jingle Bell leaders impose harsh judgments against those who do not sing along and then ride upon one horse sleighs. Kate Shemirani says regarding Britain, "They take over the health care system. The first thing they do is change the Mental Health Act, you need one doctor instead of three psychiatrists, and then you can't be reassessed for six weeks. In 2019 I believe there was 16,000 appeals against forced medication for those who were sectioned under the Mental Health Act, a third of those appeals were won. Now you cannot appeal. And this is what they do to get rid of the dissidents, the first thing they do is change the Mental Health Act." Queen Elizabeth II allows such behavior, eventually her son Charles will rule over the many tens of thousands of Catholic, Hindu, Islamic and Sikh psychiatrists in the British (Islamic) Empire. In the news the Liberal (Communist and Islamic) Canadian government passed a new law (Bill C-36) making it illegal to harbor hate in your heart, making it illegal to post material on the internet that is critical of other cultures or religious groups, and you can be arrested for statements you made on the internet, or elsewhere, years ago. And your accuser receives a payment of $20,000 and gets to remain anonymous. And so in 2021 it became illegal in Canada to criticize Islam. As their numbers increase Islamists make increasing demands upon the locations they emigrate to, so now in Canada Islamists are present in sufficient quantities to demand that we shut up about the evils of their fertility cult. In Britain people are arrested and tortured to death under their Mental Health Act for incorrect beliefs, as in Canada, and because people (including Adventists and Doukhobors) are more concerned about getting their trees to blink than about people who are tortured to death in psychiatric facilities, expect this to continue. In the news the Canadian community of Lytton broke the Canadian temperature record for three days in a row and started to burn. Lytton is a six lettered name, 66.666…% of the letters are consonants and these consonants add to 66 (a=1, b=2, c=3…). And 90% of the buildings were destroyed by the fires, it is the 66th number that is not prime. Exodus with 1213 verses (the 198th or the 66+66+66th prime) terminates at Bible chapter 90 (the 66th non-prime). This means that the people of Lytton British Columbia will now spend many more millions of dollars turning trees into decorated idols, they will get nicer and more expensive decorations for their tree idols, they will rebuild their destroyed homes with homes having taller ceilings so they may turn even larger trees into decorated idols. Maybe spend sixty-six point six million dollars having a single individual in your community tortured in psychiatric facilities for daring to say that your churches are teaching traditions in place of God's Commandments. The priests of fish-god Dagon dressed up in full length fish costumes and fish-head hats, maybe the Lyttonites were failing to honour fish when they turned their trees into decorated idols. Both the evergreen tree and the fish are viewed as symbols of fertility, maybe hang some fish heads on your decorated trees in order to placate your fertility gods. In the news in July 2021 a fellow from Edmonton (actually an immigrant from Sudan Africa), Kout David Buttic, aged 26, was caught and charged for dealing drugs (cocaine and meth) in Prince Albert Saskatchewan in 2018. While waiting for his court date he was caught and charged for dealing fentanyl and cocaine in Saskatoon in 2019. So the judge, Doug Agnew, says that too many of his race are being charged for and doing time for their crimes, therefore a lighter sentence needs to be imposed. I got years of brutal horrid torture for saying that it is no surprise that the priests and ministers are ramming their penises up your children's arseholes because they already advertise themselves with Egyptian penises on the roofs of their filthy churches. This guy deals in hard drugs that have killed many in Saskatchewan, and he will be free in under three years. There is no real penalty for this person, the message is sent over and over that those people dealing in fentanyl and other deadly drugs do not have to fear the authorities. The authorities are doing all they can to destroy our nation, so they give the lightest possible sentence to Africans and Asians. This is yet another reason why I cry out to God against Canadians, they have many millions of dollars to have me tortured for years, then they have billions of dollars to spend annually on blinkin' trees. Again, all I can do is cry out to God against Canadian families, I pray for your deaths and for the deaths of your children. Trying to make this clear, I tried to show people in the community that their traditions are in opposition to God's Commandments, they had me brutally tortured for years and when I complained people started calling me a pedophile and then gave me a few brutal beatings. Canadians are the shit of the earth and God now allows their nation to be taken over by alternative fertility cults (more God-damned shit of the earth to replace other God-damned shit of the earth). The authorities are here to punish the righteous, you cannot build a nation upon such a foundation and so I say that it is time for many more of you to roll over a die. Maybe take a free injection. Pretty soon the Africans will be killing the white farmers on the Canadian prairies and the judges will continue to say this racialized ethnicity is overrepresented in prisons, therefore we have to give them lighter sentences. I received year after year after year after year of brutal horrid torture as a reward for speaking against Catholic fertility rites while these Islamists get a slap on the wrist after they commit rapes and murders, and after killing children in our communities with their Chinese manufactured drugs. In the news (not the mainstream news), Sanity for Sweden reports: The problems that we see now is because of all those who complied, yes. So they told you to wear the mask, right? And you did. And then they told you to isolate and you did this. And then they told you to get the jab, and you did. And these guys who are doing this they said "Hooray, now let's see what we can do next to these people." Ya, it's because you did what they told you to do, that's why we are getting this shit now. If you didn't comply, none of this would happen. -Sanity For Sweden July 25th 2021. People have such great compassion for their pagan fertility rites, they stick Egyptian penises on the roofs of their churches and on the very top of their blinkin' evergreen tree idols, in front of Saskatoon City Hall, at the entrance of the University of Saskatchewan and at our cemeteries, and even use the pagan penises as war memorials for the soldiers that gave their lives for us (to keep us free), and they party and laugh. I said that it is no surprise that your priests and ministers are ramming their penises up your children's arseholes as they already advertise themselves with dinks on the roofs of their churches. They responded by repeatedly arresting me and driving me past the Egyptian obelisks (penises) at the front gates of the University of Saskatchewan and delivering me to a Hindu psychiatrist who said that I think too much about penises, but again, it is not me that thinks so highly of penises that I would place one on the roof of a church, and besides Hindus attain their spiritual bliss via orgasm. The Indians at One Arrow First Nation responded to it all by placing a statue of Chief One Arrow on top of an Egyptian dink and by having their daughters sterilized with carcinogenic nasal swabs and so-called vaccines. Other Indians responded by helping Graham Construction build new psychiatric torture facilities in North Battleford. Happy families having their "Christmas" (use of God's Name in vain, NOT His Mass) celebrations, united in pagan fertility whoreship. It did not matter to the Indians whether they held traditional aboriginal beliefs, or if they were Catholics, Protestants or atheists, they all took part in the annual celebration where they get their trees to blink. Those upper caste Indians that obtained free grants of reserve farm land at Muskoday First Nation and other reserves have among the nicest of the blinkin' trees. They place their traditions, themselves and their family members above God. Even the atheists adopted the Catholic fertility rites and so became Catholics. The Catholics not only like the evergreen tree as a symbol of fertility, they build penises into their church architecture, they place Egyptian penises on the roofs of their churches, they have priests and ministers that ram their penises up your children's arseholes, and they have Hindu psychiatrists that proclaimed that it is I who thinks too much about penises, yet Hindus gain their spiritual bliss though orgasm. Anyway, in defense of the Doukhobors, they do not put Egyptian penises on the roofs of their Doukhobor prayer homes, they only stick Egyptian penises on the very top of their blinkin' trees, then sometimes place a pentagram on top of that Egyptian dink, and it was largely the Seventh-day Adventists who taught them to adopt and embrace this pagan shit. Every three weeks I tried to defend my sanity by saying that the Bible repeatedly condemns turning trees into decorated idols, once Dr. Gene Marcoux heard me say this at a psychiatric appeal panel hearing and said I was deluded because everybody does it. The row of Catholics seated on the opposite side of the table smiled and gave Dr. Marcoux permission to continue torturing me with the brutal drugs. Dr. Marcoux once bluntly told me that my posters were crazy, and that if he ever heard of me putting up posters again he would have me hauled back to him at the University of Saskatchewan where he would administer another round of "treatment" (brutal horrid torture that went on year after year after year). This is all after Crown Prosecutor Terry Hinz and his friends maliciously prosecuted me, Terry Hinz was a close friend of my girlfriend's family. She left her parent's home and we lived in a suite together, an acquaintance of mine raped her in our home while I was out working. The rape traumatized her, she acted very strange and did not tell me she was raped, I got a psychologist professor from the U of S to come to our suite and see her, and shortly after he visited, Dr. Roger Martin blew his brains out with a shotgun (that didn't help my mental state). More likely Dr. Roger Martin never blew his own brains out with a shotgun, he was telling stories about how the CIA was funding torture research at the University of Saskatchewan, and the CIA decided to shut him up. Very shortly after she was raped, my girlfriend was pushed into the psychiatric facilities for "treatment." I began to stutter for awhile and it took me years to understand what happened to her. A subsequent girlfriend who lived together with me in |
Squeakity Squeak <darylkabatoff@yahoo.ca>: Aug 31 02:34AM -0700 Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part E - Daryl Kabatoff August 29th 2021 4:50 pm 94,424 words "The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer "Christians are the worst part of Canadian society." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer "Honour killings shouldn't be called 'barbaric.'" - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer "They are not sexual assaults, but 'honour' rapes." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer "We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics." - Joe Biden speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer "Who remembers the Armenian genocide? If they can't remember the Armenian genocide, who is goink to be concerned about the Jews?" - Adolph Hitler speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer "Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff." - Eddie Izzard Annually they spend many millions of dollars turning evergreen trees into lavishly decorated blinkin' idols, then the trees caught fire in California, Oregon and Washington State and burned their homes down. Why? Maybe they decorated their trees with blinkin' lights of the wrong color, maybe they got their trees to blink at the wrong frequency, or maybe they failed to put enough tinfoil on their blinkin' trees. Or maybe their homes didn't have tall enough ceilings, preventing them from getting and decorating tall enough trees. Or maybe they imported alternative fertility cult members who lit the forests on fire. Sure the Bible repeatedly condemns turning trees into decorated idols, but what doth God know? Saskatoon's immensely popular Louis Riel Day and the Louis Riel races was a celebration recognizing the co-operation between natives and Europeans and the building of our nation. Saskatoon City Council cancelled the Louis Riel races and replaced these races with Chinese Dragon Boat races, and at about this same time the media made a flip… on the evening news rather than demonizing the Chinese as they had for the previous decades, they said that the Chinese people were just like you and me, see they have blinkin' trees and are celebrating "Christmas" (which is actually the use of God's Name in vain and is a Catholic fertility rite). The media made another flip around that time... for years the media was publishing stories of La Nina and El Nino weather oscillations causing periodic drought and famine to some continents while leaving the other continents either unscathed or with abundant rain, suddenly those stories ceased and were later replaced by a new anti-industrial narrative. Famine is due to the El Nino-Southern Oscillation combined with a lack of compassion (see Late Victorian Holocausts: El Nino Famines and the Making of the Third Word, by Mike Davis). It is imperative to our enemies that North American industry is destroyed for this will make many people homeless and more easily consumed by the witches. Forcing people to become homeless makes it easier for the witches to get away with eating people… their delight is to devour people without anybody being aware of what is going on (Habakkuk 3:14), and churches keep people ignorant of the cannibalism being conducted by censoring Scriptural references to the act. There is enough wealth in North America (and Australia and New Guinea…) to insure everyone has a home and is well fed, and this can be accomplished without benefitting landlords and lawyers. Remove the industry and you will remove jobs, the wealth and even the homes, and make it easier to consume the growing numbers of impoverished without raising alarm. Do not be alarmed, cannibals will not be breaking into your home and devouring you as their delight is to devour people without anybody being aware of what is going on (Habakkuk 3:14). The cannibals will instead enact legislation to bankrupt you and make you homeless, this way when they eat you, it will not be apparent that you are missing and so there will be no cause for alarm. And on page C3 in the Saskatoon-Star Phoenix on October 17th 2020, there is an article on the Liberal government's new CRB (Canada Recovery Benefit) program, which replaces the CERB (Canadian Emergency Response Benefit). Both the old CERB (Canadian Emergency Response Benefit) program and the new CRB (Canada Recovery Benefit) program have provided and are now providing $500 per week to non-Canadians living in Canada. The Canadians of white European descent who failed to obtain jobs before the Fear Flu broke out remain impoverished and often homeless. Keep in mind that Islamists, Sikhs and Hindus that are not Canadian citizens are being trained as medical doctors including as psychiatrists in Canadian Universities, and are allowed to "work" in Canada without being Canadian citizens. It is the Canadians of white European descent that comprise the vast bulk of the people who are stripped of their rights and tortured in psychiatric facilities… complain about the mismanagement of Canada in an inappropriate manner and expect to be arrested under the Mental Health Act and begin your "treatment". And keep in mind that most of the Christians in the middle-east were recently slaughtered by Islamists, and that these Islamists who murdered them and stole their savings were allowed to come to Canada and keep these savings and were provided with taxpayer funds to start new lives here. I was stripped of my rights in 1988 and brutally tortured for years, I begged in vain for assistance to flee Canada and all the Canadians of white European descent could do for me is laugh at me, libel me, rob me and brutally assault me further, for they did not appreciate it when I criticized their most beloved pagan traditions. Now in 2020 they lose their jobs and businesses, now they lose their nation to members of alternative fertility cults, and they continue to publish obituaries claiming that their smitten children and otherwise deceased family members are up in heaven with Mary, for they abided by traditions (traditions that are in opposition to God's Commandments). Jesus never supported the idea that His mother was in heaven, nor did He agree that His mother is blessed. "...a woman in the crowd raised her voice and said to him, "Blessed is the womb that bore you, and the breasts that you sucked!" But he said, "Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and keep it!"" -Luke 11:28-29 RSV The way I see it, is that the white Canadians of European descent (including the Doukhobors and Adventists) are compassionless to me and to other victims of psychiatric horror and deserve the loss of their nation to Islam. Laugh and sing Jingle Bells, post photos on social media of your children and family members posing next to the pagan idols. You have Egyptian penises on the roofs of your churches, you place Egyptian penises on the tops of evergreen trees that you turn into blinkin' idols, you support media, schools and churches that censor Scriptural references to cannibalism, you train and employ Hindu, Sikh and Islamic psychiatrists to torture people to death, you are absolutely compassionless to the victims of psychiatric horror… Lose your businesses, lose your homes, pay compound interest on the "money" Trudeau hands out to foreigners living in Canada, laugh at me and have me tortured for criticizing your churches. Canadians spent millions of dollars having me brutally tortured for years, they made me a home in a psychiatric ward now consider themselves rich enough to give $500 each week to non-Canadians who are unable to find employment here in Canada. Sing Jingle Bells, turn trees into decorated idols and proclaim that you are saved regardless of what the Bible instructs. Keep voting for the communists who hand over your nation to Chinese, Islamists or any other foreigner. Beat me to the point of death at your Seventh-day Adventist Church for daring to proclaim that your church is united with the Catholic churches in teaching traditions in place of God's Commandments. In the news on October 19th 2020, the Trudeau Liberals (backed by the NDP) extend the border closure with the USA. And for a few days previous to this there have also been reports on how the Liberals (backed by the NDP, both are communist parties) are making it easier for the Chinese to fly into Canada. The government shut down the economy, now there are millions of unemployed in Canada and the federal government is seeking to bring in more foreigners, and are paying many of these foreigners $500 each week because these non-Canadians were unable to find adequate employment in Canada. They made me a home in a psychiatric ward and now hand out over $2000 per month to foreigners, which is enough for them to make payments on new homes, or the foreigners can use that $500 each week and buy a rifle Or these foreigners may purchase two quite nice rifles costing $1,000.00 each month, or one exceedingly nice rifle costing $2000.00 each month. The Canadians of white European descent (most are denied training and denied jobs, some are tortured in psychiatric facilities) did not work and earn money in 2019 so are not eligible to receive the $500/week the Islamists, Sikhs, Hindus and Chinese are getting. The white-European and native aboriginals living in poverty in Saskatchewan received $50 for their covid relief funds from the provincial government in April 2020, so they could buy some masks and hand sanitizer, back then, and may use the money to purchase a used BB gun or perhaps a nice sling shot. Female Islamists don't have to show their faces in Canada in order to buy rifles and ammunition, and since males in Saskatchewan are allowed to claim on their birth certificates that they are females (and without any changes being made to their sexual organs), then the male Islamists in Saskatchewan too are not required to show their faces when they purchase the rifles and ammunition for our government provides them with identification purporting they are females. On page A2 of the October 20th 2020 Saskatoon Star-Phoenix we read that 45-year-old Mohamed Hassan Omer slashed the throat and severed the spine of a 29-year-old woman in Saskatoon in the morning of May 27th 2020, then he stabbed her in the arm and in the back and stole the vehicle she was sitting in. And on page A4 we learn that an autopsy was unable to determine the cause of a psychiatric inmate's death. James Leo Short was being forced to take "antipsychotic" medications, which all have "death" as a known side-effect. In 2020 our Islamic government forced millions of white people into unemployment, then on October 30th 2020 announced that it would obtain economic recovery by importing well over a million new immigrants to Canada over the next three years. This is a direct result of whoreshipping trees and praying to Mary and shitting upon God's Commandments, people ignore God's Laws and then God allows their nations to be taken over by members of alternative fertility cults. The Canadians have no shame, they do not even know how to blush. The Canadians are looking forward to "Christmas" (the use of God's Name in vain) where they will have trees that blink. The Koran commands their followers to behead the unbelievers and NOT to cover their heads and faces, yet they cover their heads and faces, and then are able to buy guns and ammo in Canada without showing their faces. Canadians do not care to get involved in the matter, except to vote for the politicians that allow the murderers entry and who give the murderers money, and who give the murderers free accommodations, and who give the murderers educational opportunities that are not offered to Canadians of European or aboriginal descent. They stole the homes and money and exterminated the Christians in the middle-east and much of Africa, then they came (and continue to come) to Canada with the stolen money, and are allowed to keep "their" money for their own discretionary purposes while starting new lives here. Trudeau forced millions out of work, now will import millions more. The Africans he will bring here will be nearly entirely Moslem. Moslems united with anarchists and communists have been burning down buildings, raping and killing, and marching and chanting to kill the whites, who would have ever thought they would also stuff ballot boxes??? In Saskatchewan the Moslems get a home paid for each of four wives, so if they do not cut your head off, your life will still be negatively affected by their presence (they are bankrupting your nation). And even with the Chinese manipulating bat viruses in the city of Wuhan, Trudeau still allows the Chinese, and even the Chinese living in Wuhan, to fly to Canada… while preventing Americans to visit here. Environmental laws will be strengthened to prevent you from going to gold bearing regions in Canada and mining the gold. Slaves are paid in paper promises and are not allowed to have guns, Canadians are slaves who are slowly having their guns taken away from them. Half the Canadians who desire to get a gun are Moslem, many of the other half are kids who want to get a new lever action Winchester repeating rifle under their blinkin' tree or for their birthday. Consider getting that lever action in .243 Winchester. Or get a bolt action in .243 or 7mm-08, or .270 Winchester, or 7mm Remington Magnum, or .338 Lapua, I think you need a rifle. Get a rifle and then post on the internet and on the usenet, and in letters to the editor, that people who faced brutal horrid torture for daring to criticize the mainstream churches and people living in utter poverty should not be allowed to have guns. Once you legally have a rifle you may speak all kinds of shit against the people who spoke out against your blinkin' tree and against your pedophile priests. Islamists who have four wives and are collecting welfare for each of the four wives, are allowed to have guns, for they do not live in utter poverty, as Trudeau insures that they are well cared for. Perhaps Trudeau will change our dollars into dinars, instead of Laurier on our Five Dollar Bill we will end up with Omar Khadr on a Five Dinar Bill. Adolph Eichmann was in charge of moving the Jews to slaughter via the railways, his trains had priority over the trains that were bringing war supplies to the eastern front. German soldiers on the eastern front went without adequate supplies as trains carrying the war supplies were sidelined in order to allow Eichmann to transport the Jews to the death camps. Hitler knew that his attack against the Soviet Union would be in vain, but his main concern was to kill Jews and make sure that his tree continued to blink. Hitler had trees that blinked on and off, on and off, on and off, it was really quite a show. Canadian Liberal leader Mackenzie King regularly sought advice from demons, who were active in advising King to not allow Jewish refugees entry to Canada. Now today the demons are advising the Liberals to import people who desire to cut our heads off, and to not provide sanctuary to the Christians facing genocide in South Africa or elsewhere. Demons are real and they are wanting to replace white Christians and black Christians with black Islamists, or with any other Islamist. Hitler sought out alliances with Islamists and killed Christians and |
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