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Digest for misc.invest.canada@googlegroups.com - 4 updates in 4 topics

Daryl <darylkabatoff@yahoo.ca>: Nov 14 04:51AM -0800

Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part A - Daryl S. Kabatoff
November 13th 2020 1:30 am 60,166 words
"The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy
"Christians are the worst part of Canadian society." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
"Honour killings shouldn't be called 'barbaric.'" - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
"They are not sexual assaults, but 'honour' rapes." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
"Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff." - Eddie Izzard
Aviation, Boating, TIG Welding
Banking, Wealth Management
Diamonds, Gold and Money
Female Fashion Trends
Largest Building in Saskatchewan
British, German and Russian History
High School Students, Hockey Players
Gun Laws, Native Governance
Restaurants and Fine Dining
Appeasement and Being Nice
Law of 22 Prairial
Monarchy, Caliphate or Republic?
Slavery or Freedom?
Blinkin' Lights
Metallurgy and "Science"
Comics and Obituaries
Religion and Humor
Run in rural and city elections as "Republic", and affirm that you are defending:
1) the right to own property, including land and guns
2) the right to free speech and beliefs
3) the right to be paid in real money which is gold and silver coins
4) the right to "freely" innovate, to fly your own aviation creations without government interference nor taxation, the right to movement
Affirm that you support these four points on your election literature and run for office under the "Republic" ticket. Consider publishing the following paragraph as well:
I believe that people should also have the right to innovate and place their own automotive creations on the roads but should be taxed for road construction and road maintenance. Somewhat similarly, people flying will have to pay for airport landing and storage fees should they choose to land at and fly from such facilities. People flying or driving their own creations should have affordable insurance available to them, and government subsidized if necessary. Governments should continue to insure that the private aircraft are not a hazard to the commercially flown aircraft and prevent their flight in certain locations. Regardless, governments should be giving people options and not taking options away.
If I Were Mayor of Saskatoon:
If I were mayor of the City of Saskatoon I'd end of the money grab of the 30 km/hour school zones. The schools should post reduced speeds but with illuminated, blinkin' and more frequent signage. There should be no fine print on traffic speed signs, it is unreasonable for drivers to slow down to read fine print on street signs, then check the date and time of day to see if the information conveyed applies to them. There should be no reduced speeds in school zones when the students are inside the schools, so at the start of classes the speeds on the illuminated and blinkin' signs should return to 50 km/hour and cease blinkin'. The speed should only be reduced to 30 km/hour for 30 minutes before the start of classes, during the lunch hour, and for 30 minutes at the end of the school day.
An end to reduced speed limits near high schools, for the high school students should have learned how to cross streets before graduating from grade 8. High school students who impede traffic by recklessly crossing streets should face fines to help pay for the cost of the new brightly blinkin' 30 km/hour primary school zone signs (and to reduce home and business taxes). Instead of 30 km/hour zones for the high schools, give the high school students crosswalks where they may push a button and get traffic to either slow down or stop. People like blinkin' lights, give the high school students a few blinkin' lights that are activated by pushing a blinkin' button.
Reimburse the money of the ticketed drivers who were fined for exceeding the poorly marked 30 km/hour school zone limits. Drivers who were ticketed in these zones for speeds up to and including 60 km/hour should have their fines cancelled and money returned. This reimbursement should be funded by ticketing drivers who are in violation of traffic laws. Enforcing the fines for unattached trailers left on streets will go a long way in raising money to reimburse the drivers who were ticketed in the school-zone money grabs. The poorly made and poorly placed signage has resulted in not just traffic fines, but in increased insurance rates, together these increased costs resulted in the loss of mobility to some citizens - City Council should work to refund all these losses incurred by their negligence.
Increase the number of speed limit signs. Some 60 km/hour zones are so poorly posted that drivers have not seen the existing one or two signs and instead travel at slower or faster speeds. Signs indicating speed limits should be posted regularly along streets and freeways, on every second or third or fourth light pole or power pole. Several of the 50 km/hour zones can be increased to 60 km/hour, and several 60 km/hour zones should be increased to higher speeds as well. Due to chemical and other pollution, many Saskatoonians suffer from some degree of Alzheimer's and would benefit by a more frequent reminder of the legal speed limit.
Improved traffic flow by increasing speeds on Chief Mistawasis Bridge and on the roadways leading to and from this bridge. Improved traffic flow by connecting Clancy drive to 18th Street, passing beneath Circle Drive as this will alleviate the congestion on 22nd Street and Circle Drive. Improved traffic flow by widening sections of Circle Drive so that merging onto this freeway will become far less dangerous. Taylor Street should be moving at least four lanes of traffic at a consistent 50 km/hour, if a high school insists upon lower speeds during school hours, then get your blinkin' signs and your blinkin' lights to communicate the lower speeds in a clear and in an unambiguous manner. Put some study into alleviating congestion on Circle Drive between Avenue C and Millar Avenue. An overpass at Highway 12 and Marquis Drive is required but should be delayed due to mismanagement of city finances, and when it does finally get built it should have enough clearance to allow farmers to transport their grain bins.
Improved traffic flow by re-routing the Yellowhead Highway to either one or two miles west of Dalmeny Road, and connecting to the existing Gordie Howe Bridge via a new road located between Cedar Villa Estates and the CN rail yard. This would be hundreds of millions of dollars cheaper than building a proposed bypass on the far east side of the city; furthermore having traffic totally bypassing the city will negatively affect local businesses and result in an additional hundreds of millions of dollars of lost revenue. If the provincial and federal governments desire to fund a bypass, then utilize Grasswoods Road and a new Grasswoods Bridge and have CPR locate their new bridge there as well. It would be in error to get Saskatoonians to pay for a traffic bypass for it would negatively impact businesses for decades to come, as was done in Regina.
Improve the traffic flow on Idylwyld Drive by widening the street to 6 or 8 lanes. With a few underpasses, Idywyld Drive could be moving traffic at 90 km/hour. Provide the buildings lining the street with a European style similar to, matching or blending into the style of the Bessborough Hotel or the old Eaton's building on 3rd Avenue South. Beautifying the city will improve the lives of the merchants, the residents and the visitors. We should study the issue of similarly improving 20th Street West.
Reduced property taxes via the enforcement of existing traffic laws. Ticket drivers who hang any obstacles to vision, such as dream catchers, on their rear-view mirrors. Ticket the drivers who debadge their vehicles and obscure their license plates. Ticket the drivers who tint their front windows. Ticket drivers who fail to come to a complete stop at red lights and stop signs. Ticket the owners of the unattached trailers left on the streets. Laws should be applied equally, when you have a law then enforce the law.
Removal of red-light cameras and radar speed traps, it is a cash grab that largely benefits those who own the cameras and radar guns. People want to drive fast, let them drive fast on the freeways. We should improve and widen our freeways and raise the speed limits on these freeways, but only where there is no pedestrian traffic. We could close down the Circle Drive Freeway and hold races, the money that we earn from these races would go towards the Circle Drive road improvements. We are in need of additional underpasses if we are to block all traffic on Circle Drive for a day of races.
End to dedicated bike lanes, instead seek to improve road surfaces where bicycles are numerous. Most bicyclists in Saskatoon don't want bicycles and bike lanes, they instead want automobiles and their own houses.
The city should work to remove lead from pipes and also bury power lines to ensure the city doesn't suffer power outages during ice storms.
An end to water fluoridation, the substance is toxic. Also a ban on toxic sales receipts, the chemicals cause mental and reproductive disorders, and cancers. The toxic sales receipts are a far greater problem than single use plastics, we should focus on the issue of the toxic sales receipts and eliminating that threat before even addressing the issue of plastics. The Federal government refuses to act to ban the toxic receipts, the provincial governments do not appear to be concerned, and so the responsibility to protect Saskatoon citizens falls upon the shoulders of the civic government. Allow people to continue to poison their children and themselves with toothpastes and deodorants, people should be free to choose.
Removal of the blue recycling bins… people may still recycle their tin cans and bottles for refunds at existing locations. Have a single bin per homeowner and issue heavy clear plastic bags for the homeowner to place his or her metals into, another clear bag for waste plastics, perhaps another bag containing glass, perhaps another contain wood, all the different clear bags get tossed into the single recycling bin with other bagged household garbage. The material could later be separated at the dump. Assist the homeowners, if necessary, to compost. Have the garbage bins numbered clearly so that the homeowner doesn't get charged for the weekly pickup. The city should assist some people to obtain rotating composters so we all may take advantage of the leaves and grass clippings and improve the soil throughout the city. We should be planting apple trees. We should have a single bin per household to help reduce taxes for homeowners, the homeowners can accumulate scrap aluminum and other metals in their own containers and deal with the material when desired.
Any future arena and velodrome should be located near the downtown core, in the central industrial area (the city yard site) near the existing sports and recreational facility of Harry Bailey Pool. I support the building of a single velodrome before the building of a second arena, and am unwilling to spend taxpayer's money for either venue.
Trains should not be transporting dangerous goods through the center of the city. The city yard site should be used for future world-class arenas, swimming pools, gymnasiums, a velodrome and a stadium. Repurpose the tracks to transport people to and from these sports venues to distant parking lots, the train tracks are the foundation for a light rail transit system stretching from Clavet to Parkridge. The "subway" could travel underground from 22nd Street to 33rd Street, allowing more room at this location for arenas, velodromes, swimming pools and skating rinks. Saskatoon should make a trade with the CPR, Saskatoon gets the tracks from Parkridge to Clavet, including the train bridge and the rail yards at Sutherland, in trade we build them a bridge at Grasswoods Road and provide alternative land for their new rail yard. Millionaires living around Grasswoods Road do not want trains running along that corridor, they bought off politicians who then propose to spend a great deal more money to run a much much much longer bypass along the east side of the city.
We should not be spending many hundreds of millions of dollars for a dangerous goods traffic bypass without first eliminating the transport by trains of dangerous goods through the center of the city. Canadian Pacific Railways should be required to post a $3 billion performance bond to cover future damages should they continue to transport dangerous goods through the center of the city. Canadian National Railway also transports dangerous goods through the city, they too should be required to post a $3 billion performance bond. Railways were granted land in Canada for their tracks, then they sold the land and bought hotels with the money.
Neither the federal nor provincial governments are helping to identify nor eliminate excessively radioactive foods and radioactive goods being brought into the city, the city should make some effort to purchase detectors and scan a sample of the goods being offered for sale. No matter of the degree of nuclear fallout from the Fukushima Daiichi or other nuclear disasters, no effort is made by any Canadian government officials to warn parents to provide Potassium iodide to their children. Likely the greatest radioactive fallout occurs when it rains or snows, an attempt should be made to discover what is falling out of the sky and then warn residents when appropriate.
When I was a kid we had multitudes of different butterflies and dragon flies in our back yards. Toads lived in our back yards. This was all back in the day when people were not scared. Where the Confederation Mall now stands and surrounding low areas, and what is Fairhaven now, was Tiger Salamander land. It wasn't difficult to find salamanders roaming the edge of the city… the city built on these low lands and now face frequent flooding. If I were Mayor of Saskatoon I'd have a zero cost campaign encouraging people to use fewer pesticides, it would just be a little sentence or two on the bills mailed out.
City Provides Space For Projects:
Land south of 19th Street West between Avenues B and C and the freeway, and also land south of 20th Street between Avenue A and First Avenue should be utilized for city residents to develop metal working skills and build small projects, with the immediate goal of becoming skilled enough with TIG welding and aluminum fabrication so that they may build their own small aluminum landing craft, small speed boat or paddle-wheeler. This is land closest to the poorest of the poor, the site is ideal for giving hope to people that have given up hope, and has river access for launching their finished boats. The higher quality TIG welders that have pulse capability smoke less than most every other welding technology, these welders, grinders, and other equipment that produces smoke, should all be used in conjunction with smoke extractors as the smoke generated from grinders is as harmful as the smoke generated from the welders. These pulse TIG welders utilize very small amounts of power when used to weld thinner materials, lowering the overall costs of the program and lowering the cost to the participants as they learn how to use the equipment. Those who participate should be provided with secure lockers so they may store their own
Daryl <darylkabatoff@yahoo.ca>: Nov 14 04:51AM -0800

Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part B - Daryl S. Kabatoff
November 13th 2020 1:30 am 60,166 words
"The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy
"Christians are the worst part of Canadian society." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
"Honour killings shouldn't be called 'barbaric'". - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
"They are not sexual assaults, but 'honour' rapes." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
"Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff." - Eddie Izzard
The Catholic fertility rites (which includes tree and penis worship) are being whole-heartedly adopted by aboriginals in and around the community of Saskatoon. At One-Arrow First Nation the native aboriginals placed a statue of their leader Chief One-Arrow upon an Egyptian representation of a penis. They see how other communities in and outside of Canada honor their war dead by placing statues of soldiers next to or directly on top of Egyptian dinks, so the ignorant aboriginal Indians similarly adopted this Catholic ritual and hoisted a statue of their beloved ancestor upon a pagan penis as well. The aboriginal children faced a couple of hundred years of sodomy at the hands of the Catholic priests, and they incredibly respond by placing a statue of Chief One-Arrow upon a pagan representation of a penis. The result of embracing Catholic fertility rites in place of God's Commandments is that God withdraws His protection and allows Canada to be flooded with Islamists, Hindus and Sikhs, all of whom similarly embrace pagan fertility rites including penis whoreship. Covering the many penises built into the Amritsar temple with gold doesn't make the penises nor the Sikhs holy. Using a long row of obelisks (Egyptian penises) to mark our southern border dothn't make our southern border secure. Filling our cemeteries with obelisks (Egyptian penises) dothn't mean our dead went to or are heading to heaven. Stealing an obelisk (a pagan penis) from Egypt and sticking it in the center of Vatican Square dothn't make that church holy. Placing a statue of Chief One Arrow on top of an Egyptian representation of a dink dothn't bring fertility and abundance to that First Nation community. If there is some sort of historical evidence that Chief One Arrow found his penis to be of tremendous importance and perhaps even played with it, then there might be some merit to the idea of placing a statue of him standing on top of an Egyptian dink. It was before my time, and there are two different cultures here (North American Indian and Egyptian) which are both very dissimilar to my own culture, so I am not entirely qualified to comment further on the issue.
It matters little to God which particular group of pagan penis whoreshippers occupies any nation. Many of the aboriginal Indians flip-flop between "Catholicism" and "Traditional Native Spirituality" depending upon whom they are trying to get into their beds and fuck on any particular day, rather indicating their true religion to be "sex", they engage in a communal version of this sex and phallic worship that results in a decrease in their fertility and longevity. So as the native aboriginals blindly engage in their phallic worship, members of alternative fertility cults invade Canada, and it just doesn't matter to God which particular fertility cult occupies any nation.
Many native reserves are plagued with violent crimes, the young there failed to listen to the wisdom of their grandmothers and other elders, they failed to listen to and obey God. In most reserves the children flip-flop between Catholicism and Native Spirituality depending upon whom they are trying to get into bed with on any particular day, resulting in them getting infected with HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases. Then these folks come to the city and continue with their criminal and violent activities and spread their diseases here. The problem would be mitigated if the provincial government ceased giving rent money to people on welfare. Instead of the government handing over money for rental accommodations and benefitting landlords, the provincial government should be handing out a few dollars worth of building material so people may construct their own tiny off grid homes away from the cities. The city can continue to expect violent crimes and the spread of diseases as long as governments continue policies designed to bankrupt people and bankrupt communities, and as long as people dismiss God's Commandments as being valid for our day. Children are taught to bow to trees turned into decorated idols rather than to attempt to honor God's Commandments.
Veterans and others are being tortured to death in psychiatric facilities, people think they unite against evil by turning trees into blinkin' idols (a Catholic fertility rite) and singing Jingle Bells, and by having people arrested and tortured for daring to criticize the Catholic churches. What most Americans do for the veterans, is place decorated wreaths made from evergreen trees upon the veteran's grave stones... these war veterans never fought for your right to honor Catholic fertility rites. Often a statue of a veteran is made and placed to stand next to or directly on top of an Egyptian penis, then people bow to this Egyptian penis by placing a decorated evergreen wreath at the base of the pagan dink. People think themselves holy for honoring Catholic fertility rites, but by honoring these pagan fertility rites God allows their nations to be invaded by members of alternative fertility cults. In Canada people spent many millions of dollars to try to force me to shut up about the Egyptian penises on the roofs of their filthy churches, to shut up about how their "Christmas" celebrations are in violation of God's First Three Commandments, to try to force me to shut up about the churches censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism. In 1988 proclaimed as loudly as I could that it is no surprise that the priests are ramming their penises up children's arseholes for they already advertise themselves by placing Egyptian penises on the roofs of their filthy churches. I was arrested and given to a Hindu psychiatrist who said that I think too much about penises, but I am not the one who thinks so highly of penises that I would place one on the roof of a church, and besides, Hindus gain their spiritual bliss via orgasm. Catholics employed Hindus to do their dirty work for them. I criticized the pedophilia in the Catholic Church, people responded by calling me a pedophile and having me tortured for years. When I complained I was being tortured by Hindus, people laughed at me and assaulted me further, now they train Hindus, Islamists and Sikhs, people who are citizens of foreign nations, to become psychiatrists at our universities, and they are allowed to work in the field of psychiatry in Canada without becoming Canadian citizens.
Saskatoon requires water and sewer upgrades, these repairs should be considered as of far greater importance than paving streets, clearing streets of snow, designating bike lanes or separating recyclables. Saskatoonians who drive cars should consider driving trucks instead as we do not have the money to keep the roads in top condition, especially if we are digging up streets to replace water lines and bury the power lines. Most bicyclists in Saskatoon wish they owned cars or trucks, may they prosper and purchase themselves some kind of warm vehicle. It will be pretty difficult for the poor to prosper now that the federal government allows non-Canadians to work in Canada, and because most any government aid goes to others now. The banks took so much money from people in the communities, now they employ non-Canadians from Iran or other Islamic countries to work behind desks at bank branches and determine if you are worthy of a loan. There should be an end to the City of Saskatoon employing people who are not Canadian citizens.
The Islamic federal government imposed a carbon tax upon Canadians, an Islamist spokesman said that the money raised is to be rebated back to Canadian families, with the largest of the families receiving the largest of the rebate cheques. Already taxes are supporting Islamic families that have up to four wives, with each wife living in a separate residence. It costs a great deal of money to support these large Islamic families, and so hence the federal carbon tax, which is really a tax to help raise large Islamic families. Islamists requires that non-Islamists pay an annual fee, called "jizya", in order for the non-Islamists to retain their heads, but with the so-called "carbon tax", Canadians are paying a "pre-jizya" tax.
Islamists require women to be sexually mutilated and separated from men, and they will demand that swimming pool time be allocated just for women, these are additional aspects of Sharia Law that I oppose. People advocating Sharia Law are clearly not willing to integrate into our society and have no business being here. Sharia Law is a sexist attack against women and is an attack against anybody that doesn't abide by Islamic teachings. Women should have the right to wear their own choice of clothes without facing beatings, rape and beheadings. People should have the right to alternative beliefs without having their heads cut off.
Currently industrial trade programs in Saskatoon are racist and sexist, 20% of the seats are reserved for recently arrived immigrants (mainly Asian and African Islamists), 20% of the seats are reserved for women (again many are recently arrived Asian and African Islamists), 20% of the seats are reserved for handicapped (again, many are Asian and African Islamists), 20% of the seats are reserved for natives (many are converting to Islam in the prisons), and then the remaining 20% of the seats are for the other Islamists that never filled the other seats. White males are being shunted away from the paying professions and into poverty. White male youth should not have to wait to be brutalized by recent immigrants in order to qualify for a handicapped seat at a trade school. Allowing any one single race in Canada the privilege of blocking roads or blocking rail lines or blocking pipe lines, amounts to racism. If I were to block a road in Saskatoon, I would be arrested and returned to the University of Saskatchewan for another round of brutal horrid psychiatric torture. The police would deliver me to a judge, the judge will prevent me from speaking and send me in for "psychiatric evaluation", but that is just a euphemism for years of brutal horrid torture. Once the Brahmin Hindu psychiatrist gets his or her hands upon you, then you are their patient for life. The more patients they have, the more money they earn. When they started having me tortured in 1988 it was at the hands of Brahmin Hindus psychiatrists, but now there are Sikh and Islamic psychiatrists torturing people to death in Canada as well. There are hundreds annually, and over the years thousands of Saudi Arabian students have been and are being trained to become "Doctors of Medicine" by the University of Saskatchewan, some of whom specialize in psychiatry. And under Trudeau they may "work" in Canada without being Canadian citizens.
I was repeatedly arrested and tortured for criticizing Catholic fertility rites. The drugs made my skin hard and dry, my tongue turned to leather, my hair fell out, my head banged in pain, the nausea was overwhelming. Every three weeks I was wheeled into a psychiatric appeal panel hearing and allowed to defend my sanity. There I would limit my defense by saying that the Bible repeatedly condemns the practice of turning trees into decorated idols and that people were inadvertently bowing to the trees via placement and retrieval of presents at the base of the trees. I would keep my defense short as it was very difficult to talk. Normally I was tortured by Brahmin Hindus (a husband and wife team), but eventually white Catholic psychiatrist Dr. Gene Marcoux took over the role, and when he heard my defense he smiled and said that I was religiously deluded because everybody does it (turn trees into decorated idols). The Catholics seated at the appeal panel hearing smiled and nodded in approval to Dr. Marcoux's words and gave him permission to continue to detain and torture me. Doctor Marcoux specializes in religious disorders... my criticism of the Catholic fertility rites was a disorder to him, and he warned me that if he ever heard of me postering poles in Saskatoon again, that he would have me returned to him for another round of "treatment". This is how people defend their Catholic fertility rites, with violence and threats of violence. Anybody criticizing the pagan practice of turning trees into decorated idols is first mocked, then if that is ineffective the individual is shunned, then assaulted, and eventually arrested and tortured. Most people reading this were over the years provided with multiple testimonies from both friends and strangers of how their evergreen tree whoreship is repeatedly condemned by Scripture, and they dealt with these testimonies by mocking and shunning the messengers, and doubling down in their apostate filth by getting bigger trees and decorating them to even greater degrees.
The churches (and their media and their courts) that teach you to turn trees into blinkin' idols, are the same churches that censor Scriptural passages referring to cannibalism. Both the decorated trees and the cannibalism are pagan fertility rites, people worship the evergreen tree as a symbol of fertility due to it being green and fertile throughout the year, while evil doers consume other humans thinking that the practice grants them strength, fertility and longevity. Each winter the Vatican places an idolized evergreen tree alongside the Egyptian obelisk (penis) they stole from Egypt, suitable as both are symbol of fertility. The churches teach you to turn trees into idols, many of these churches are capped with Egyptian obelisks (penises). Some churches turn trees into blinkin' idols and then caps the trees with Egyptian dinks. The Catholic priests still wear a fish-head hat, these priests of fish-god Dagon still pay homage to the fish, for it is a symbol of fertility in that most fish lay enormous quantities of eggs. And the Catholics revere Mary, as another symbol of fertility. People embrace traditions that are in opposition to God's Commandments, they insist that the sacrifices they make in their worship of God are acceptable to Him.
I proclaimed in 1988 that the churches were censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism, the words upset Catholics in the community enough to have me removed from the streets and tortured by a female Hindu psychiatrist (Catholics employed Hindus to do their dirty work). After years of the six-week sessions of brutal horrid psychiatric torture, the Hindu's husband, who was also a psychiatrist, also began "treating" me. First the female Hindu psychiatrist said that I was schizophrenic, then years later she claimed I was psychotic. But for her to change her diagnosis of me to psychotic, she needed a second opinion. Along comes her Hindu husband, he steps into my hospital room at Saskatoon City Hospital for all of three minutes to talk to me, and then he signs off on his wife's written declaration of me being psychotic rather than schizophrenic – I was not ranting when the Brahmin Hindu concurred with his Brahmin Hindu wife that I was psychotic, I sat in a drugged stupor on the edge of my bed when he
Daryl <darylkabatoff@yahoo.ca>: Nov 14 04:51AM -0800

Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part C - Daryl S. Kabatoff
November 13th 2020 1:30 am 60,166 words
"The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy.
"Christians are the worst part of Canadian society." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
"Honour killings shouldn't be called 'barbaric'". - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
"They are not sexual assaults, but 'honour' rapes." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
"Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff." - Eddie Izzard
My dad, Samuel Kabatoff, passed away on November 1st 2018 (shortly after getting another flu shot), he served as a police officer for the City of Saskatoon for many years. About a week before Sam passed away he repeated the story to me, he said that there used to be two buildings side by side, one occupied by priests, the other by nuns, and that the two buildings had a very narrow space between them. The buildings were demolished to make way for the court house on Spadina Crescent, and during that demolition there were a number of children's skeletons found in that narrow space. Sam said the discovery of the human remains was kept secret as the Catholics in the police force and courts of law are above the law and believe themselves to be God on earth.
Sam's death necessitated that his surviving family members meet with banking officials to remove his name from bank accounts, so we went to a branch of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce where we were directed to the office of an Iranian woman - she was an Iranian citizen and not a Canadian citizen – who completed the required paperwork. Prime Minister Trudeau recently made it legal for companies to hire foreign nationals for jobs in Canada with the companies no longer having to offer the position to Canadians first. Saskatoon City Hall is in on this as has begun employing Islamists and other people from foreign lands that do not hold Canadian citizenship.
Seats at the medical schools at the University of Saskatchewan in Regina and Saskatoon are given to hundreds of Saudi Arabian and other Islamic students so they may learn to become doctors, some are trained to specialize in psychiatry, and they may practice this psychiatry (they may torture Canadians) at Canadian psychiatric facilities without them being Canadian citizens, and they may even practice the "art" without having yet graduated from the college. In Sweden they train the newly arrived Islamists to march and become sharp shooters, but the teacher who trains them is a Swedish citizen, while in Canada we may now fly in marksmen from Islamic nations and give them jobs teaching the skills here to their fellow Islamists, without any of them being Canadian citizens. People respond by borrowing money to build new and larger torture facilities in the city of North Battleford and upgrade the torture facilities in Saskatoon. Many people in Saskatoon were sleeping in bushes along the river bank and under bridges, and three levels of government (city, provincial and federal) ignored the homeless and instead met Islamists at our airport and welcomed them to the city and assisted them with housing and other expenses.
Many of those Canadians who were homeless found it rather difficult to obtain employment due to criminal records from non-violent marijuana convictions or from other non-violent crimes they committed during their youths, often decades earlier. Now marijuana is legal but they still have criminal records and continue to be excluded from most jobs and educational programs. Khat remains illegal but the Islamists fly the drug in daily and distribute it with their network of courier franchises and trucking companies. More drugs and violence comes to us from Mexico and Trudeau no longer requires visas for the Mexican murderers when they come to Canada. The Chinese are shipping enough fentanyl into North America to kill everybody here many times over. The Islamists killed Christians in foreign lands and took their money, houses and land, then they came to Canada with this stolen wealth and were allowed to keep "their savings" for their own discretionary uses while they were given taxpayer funds to start new lives here.
In many Canadian communities the only businesses that allow smoking in their premises are hookah bars that cater to the middle-eastern Islamists. Our slave owners decide which particular people may have which particular freedoms. The Christians are having their lives shortened and are marginalized, they are hated for their worship of Jesus and for attempting to honor His Commandments, they are hated for telling Catholics that their pagan fertility rites are in opposition to Scripture, they are hated for daring to point out that the Koran is but a pile of bogus blasphemy - this "blasphemous crap" was communicated to Mohammad via 6-year-old Aisha's shit-stained panties (Hadith Number 2442), and most Canadian Christians are hated for having white skin.
There is no better way to marginalize the children of white European descent than to give them criminal records for marijuana possession, then based on that or on another minor non-violent conviction prevent them from obtaining post-secondary education and jobs, and prevent them from obtaining gun licenses so they may hunt or protect themselves. The white kids are actively given hurdles to prevent gun ownership while the RCMP go to the reserves and annually hand out valuable boxes of high power ammunition to Indians that hold no gun licenses whatsoever. The white kids that do manage to obtain the necessary paperwork to purchase a firearm should be reminded that the Canadian constitution doesn't recognize your right to own neither a gun nor land, and that the gun and/or land you paid for may be removed from you at any time. The white kids are targeted and systematically taught to start ramming their penises up each other's arseholes, while at the same time are being educated in the schools to become Moslems. Similar issues are now playing out in The United States of America and in other western nations.
We read in the Hadith Number 2442 that when Mohammad wore 6-year-old Aisha's shit-stained panties, the panties talked and dictated the Koran. Mohammad took off Aisha's talking shit-stained panties and tried on the shit-stained panties belonging to other little girls, but those other panties would not talk, so Mohammad put Aisha's shit-stained panties back on and her shit-stained panties resumed dictating the Koran (from the Sahih Collection of al-Bukhari, Hadith Number 2442). And now that we have Aisha's shit-stained panties dictating laws to Canadians, this adversely affects lives of people living in Saskatoon. As a possible candidate for Mayor of The City of Saskatoon, I'd like to make it clear that I am opposed to this "Sharia Law" that Aisha's shit-stained panties proclaimed.
There is no precedent in Scripture of shit-stained panties proclaiming an end to God's Commandments, let alone ever talking. God's prophets were united in defense of His Commandments, while Aisha's shit-stained panties never mentioned God's Commandments. Mohammad can't be a prophet of God because he only received instruction from Aisha's shit-stained panties, and these instructions never mentioned God's Commandments, nor did the instructions include a single prophecy. And neither Aisha nor her shit-stained panties are prophets of God, for neither Aisha, nor her shit-stained panties spoke in defense of God's Commandments, nor did either utter a single prophecy.
God's prophets are united in defense of God's Commandments, if Aisha's shit-stained panties spoke in defense of God's Commandments, then Aisha's shit-stained panties could possibly have a claim of being a prophet of God. But Aisha's shit-stained panties neither uttered prophecy nor did they speak in defense of God's Commandments. If Mohammad wore the talking shit-stained panties while the talking shit-stained panties spoke in defense of God's Commandments and at the same time were uttering prophecy, this still won't result in Mohammad being a prophet of God, because it was the shit-stained panties that prophesized and not Mohammad. Likely Mohammad put six-year-old Aisha's shit-stained panties on because they were talking while Aisha was wearing them, although the panties belonged to Aisha an event such as this one needs to be shared. You certainly can't blame Aisha if her shit-stained panties started talking. And you can't blame Mohammad, I'm pretty sure that most anybody who came across a six-year-old little girl who's shit-stained panties were talking, would similarly remove them and try them on for him or herself, just to see if the shit-stained panties would continue to talk. Years later Stalin came along and got the little kids to build composite Yaks that saved Russia from utter ruin, but it is Mohammad that is greatly loved instead. Anyway, today Aisha's shit-stained panties are likely located in the basement of the Vatican and are viewed as a valuable relic, there they continue talking but are now coated with semen as well.
It needs to be noted that before Mohammad removed Aisha's shit-stained talking panties, that he heard a voice coming from the region of her anus. How did Mohammad know that the voice was coming from six-year-old Aisha's shit-stained panties rather than her anus? Clearly Mohammad would have had to remove her panties in order to determine where exactly the voice was coming from. It is likely that the talking spirit originally resided in Aisha's rectum and then later migrated to her shit-stained panties. There remains a possibility that Hadith Number 2442 is in error, that the Koran was not dictated by Aisha's shit-stained panties at all but instead by Aisha's arsehole. But even if that were the case, since the voice never defended God's Commandments nor uttered prophecy, Aisha clearly has no claim of being a prophet of God. And furthermore, the western media (owned by the Catholic Church) has no basis to be calling the murderous pedophile "The Holy Prophet". Regardless, now in Saskatoon and other western communities, the residents give free houses to the newly arrived Islamists and allow these Islamists to try on their daughter's panties as well.
People should consider reading Hadith 2442 for themselves, when I read the passage it is pretty clear to me that it was Aisha's shit-stained panties that dictated the Koran, to say otherwise would be udder heresy. The scribe who witnessed the birth of the Koran and documented it in Hadith Number 2442 would have been astounded to hear Aisha's shit-stained panties talking, no doubt. But again, how was the scribe to know if the voice came from Aisha's shit-stained panties rather than from her anus? Only if the shit-stained panties spoke while Mohammad wore them, and if at the same time Aisha's anus was not uttering any Koranic passages, could we be reasonably assured that indeed, it was Aisha's panties that spoke and dictated the Koran.
I imagine the scribe was in a tough position, he had to have heard the voice coming from the region of Aisha's anus, he would have had to witness Mohammad removing Aisha's shit-stained panties, he would have had to watch as Mohammad dressed up in Aisha's shit-stained panties, and then he would have had to heard the shit-stained panties talking while Mohammad wore them. But the Hadith goes on to say that Mohammad removed Aisha's talking shit-stained panties and tried on the shit-stained panties belonging to other little girls in order to determine if those shit-stained panties would talk as well, and so the scribe was present to witness and document the entire event. I think the scribe may have witnessed that the voice was coming from Aisha's and Mohammad's arseholes, but he would have faced pressure to instead fraudulently document that the voice was coming from Aisah's shit-stained panties instead. Telling Mohammad to his face that he is talking out of his ass would likely not go over too well for the scribe.
There should be classes taught on the subject in primary schools, high schools and universities, as the kids should be encouraged to think on the serious subject of the origin of the Koran. If I were mayor of Saskatoon, I would warn the parents to watch over their daughter's panties and make sure that the panties are not talking, and if the panties do start talking, to report the incident to any appropriate authorities. Likely you will soon have a Brahmin Hindu psychiatrist telling you that you think too much about talking panties, so it might be wise to first wash the panties and see if they continue talking after they come out of the dryer. I advise the citizens of the City of Saskatoon to not hang talking panties on any clothes lines, but to dry them in dryers instead, lest the talking panties say anything to bother the neighbors. Heaven forbid, children's panties hanging out together outside on clothes lines could break out into song, I think that such a situation would be rather intolerable if they sang crappy songs, and more so if they sang crappy songs throughout the night. I don't think we need a new bylaw to prevent children's panties from singing at night as the existing noise bylaw should have this covered. Nevertheless the issue is sure to be divisive as religion always is, some Saskatoonians are sure to only hang their talking panties out on Saturday, others will choose Sunday or some other day, some will whirl their children's panties clockwise, others in a counterclockwise direction. My hope is that people would wash their daughter's shit-stained panties before hanging them outside on a clothes line for all to see (and hear, and smell), as this way they were less likely to utter any crap. I should go on about the shit-stained panties because Scripture advises us to beware of lying spirits, like Santa Clause, manifestations of Mary, the Easter Bunny and such. Anyway, a thousand years after Aisha's shit-stained panties dictated the Koran, people in England were sticking their arses out of upper story windows and crapping upon people passing by on the streets below. Incredible story, I couldn't make it up if I tried.

The Catholic media censors Scriptural references to cannibalism, censors acts of pedophilia by their Catholic priests, encourages homosexuality and witchcraft, defends the Protestant churches because the Catholic Church owns them, and endlessly wars against God's First Three Commandments by getting you to engage in a pagan winter festival. Then there is the issue of the Catholic Church using their media to get the "Christians" in America to vote for "Obama", an Indonesian Islamist. Even after Obama funded the extermination of Christians from the middle-east, the Catholic media continues to heap praises upon him. "Obama" (a homosexual Indonesian Islamist) stood with his wife "Michelle" (Mike wears size 12 men's shoes and played football in college), and stood with two borrowed daughters, together the group posed with a tree turned into a decorated idol. The Christians and the pagans together voted for "Obama" because they liked his blinkin' trees. Not just Americans but the whole world loved "Obama" (a homosexual Indonesian Islamist) when they saw photos of him posing with muscular Mike and the blinkin' trees. "Obama" (a homosexual Indonesian Islamist) funded the slaughter of Christians in the middle-east, yet is loved
Daryl <darylkabatoff@yahoo.ca>: Nov 14 04:50AM -0800

Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part D - Daryl S. Kabatoff
November 13th 2020 1:30 am 60,166 words
"The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy.
"Christians are the worst part of Canadian society." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
"Honour killings shouldn't be called 'barbaric'". - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
"They are not sexual assaults, but 'honour' rapes." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
"Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff." - Eddie Izzard
The laws in Saskatchewan allowed the psychiatrists to torture me for a three week period, then I would be wheeled into a psychiatric appeal panel hearing and allowed to appeal my sanity, which is very difficult when sleeping in the wheel chair or if awake with my head banging in pain while undergoing the worst possible case of nauseous horror, my jaw would be locked open and my mouth and tongue have dried up and turned to leather. Because of my condition I would limit my appeal by stating that the Bible repeatedly condemns turning trees into decorated idols and that people are in fact bowing to these trees when they place and retrieve presents at the base of the trees. After years of being tortured by Hindus, white Catholic psychiatrist Doctor Gene Marcoux took over torturing me with drugs, and the horror he brought upon me with these drugs dwarfed by magnitudes what the Hindu psychiatrists did to me. I told Doctor Gene Marcoux that all the different drugs he was forcing upon me had death as a side effect, and he just smiled and said it was his call. Then eventually this white Catholic psychiatrist Gene Marcoux heard me state my defense at one of these three-week appeal panel hearings, he smiled and said that I was deluded, because everybody does it (turn trees into decorated idols). The Catholics seated across the table from us at that psychiatric appeal panel hearing smiled together with Marcoux and gave him permission to torture me for another three weeks. That was the law in Saskatchewan, they are allowed to torture you for a three-week period, then allow you to appeal your sanity, then they allow you to be tortured for a second three-week period, then on the final day of the six-weeks of torture the victim will be given a depot drug (long lasting psychiatric drug) injection and sent on his or her way. The psychiatrists never torture people for a single three week period as they are allowed to keep their victims for a second three week torture session, back to back, and earn twice the amount of money.
Then the New Democratic Party (NDP) came to power in Saskatchewan, and their first act of legislation was to allow the psychiatrists to force medication upon the victims after the initial six-weeks of confined horror. Normally they would release me after six weeks of torture, then a few weeks later a police officer would approach me and say, "You have a long term history of mental illness, you are under arrest." Generally some ignorant Catholic would be offended by my words, call the police and I would be arrested for speaking, and returned to another six weeks of brutal horrid torture, and the pain and the nausea of the drugs would remain for weeks after the six weeks of confined torture. But then the communist New Democratic Party (NDP) came to power and they legislated more of people's rights away – they gave the Hindu and Catholic psychiatrists the right to torture people with drugs for the remainder of their lives, not just for the six week periods with a short interruption, but for every week thereafter, people were forced to take psychiatric drugs after they were released from the six weeks of confined horror. The NDP came to power in Saskatchewan and removed additional rights from the people, then the people in British Columbia and Alberta elected NDP provincial governments as well. Then after the NDP were voted out of power in Saskatchewan, the subsequent Saskatchewan Party kept the NDP's new 24/7 torture legislation on the books. People laughed at me (and assaulted me, and robbed me, and libeled me) when I tried informing people in the community that I was being tortured by Hindus, now they train Islamists and Sikhs to become psychiatrists in our universities, and allow these people to torture Canadians without they themselves being Canadian citizens.
The Canadian NDP went on to elect a Sikh to head their communist party, and other left-wing Canadians appointed another Sikh to run the Canadian military. People did not know that the NDP and Liberal parties were both communist parties, then these two communist parties merged the seats they won and took power, they gave Canada's wealth and all of Canada away to the world's poor and to their Islamic and Chinese buddies, they insured that they gave so much money away that Canadians would never be able to recover. Indeed, the major right-wing provincial and federal parties in Canada are also implementing Communist agendas for they too are using taxpayer money to fund their assorted businesses, they too import the third-world to help keep wages low, and they too cater to and seek votes from the Islamists, Sikhs and Hindus. The Canadians and their children and grandchildren and great grandchildren would have to slave away for the remainder of their lives just to try to pay the compound interest on the debt the communists created when they gave the newly printed money away to the Africans and Asians. Considering the high Islamic birth rate with the four wives, and additional births due to sex slaves and rape, and considering the increasing numbers of Islamists flooding across our border and into Canada, and considering the increasing numbers of Islamists coming from Saudi Arabia to take up seats at our universities, Canadians should expect the tipping point, where the Islamists have such a high percentage of the Canadian population, that they will make increasing demands upon the white European population. The police will act as in England, where if you are beaten and raped by an Asian or African man, then the police fail to come that day to investigate, if at all, but if you say something regarding Islam, if you even dare to quote and discuss some Islamic teachings, the police will immediately be at your door and charge you with hate speech.
All the mainstream political parties in Canada are seeking the Islamic, Sikh and Hindu vote, so nobody will address the issue of Islamists, Sikhs and Hindus being trained as psychiatrists in Canada and "working" in Canada without them even being Canadian citizens. The same is going on in other western nations. People have no compassion for the victims of psychiatric horror, they just want to fly to resorts each winter and sing Jingle Bells. The left and the right unite each winter to decorate and bow to trees and sing Jingle Bells together, and together these Catholics employ psychiatrists to prevent criticisms of the Catholic faith they hold in common. Even the atheists adopt the Catholic fertility rites, when one adopts God-damned Catholic fertility rites, then one becomes a God-damned Catholic.
People are compassionless to me and to other victims of psychiatric horror, all sit back and allow psychiatry to not only continue, but to thrive. They train Islamists to become psychiatrists at Canadian universities, I sure hope that works out for you people. I complained for years about being tortured by Hindu psychiatrists, people laughed and laughed. Now you also train Islamists and Sikhs to become psychiatrists, that should help matters even more. Borrowing money from your children so that you may build new torture facilities in North Battleford was one of your finer moves. Look at the American experience in the matter, veterans are being tortured in psychiatric facilities in the USA while the educated talk. They talk and talk and talk, much more talk than in this little book you are reading now. Americans allow their veterans to be tortured in psychiatric facilities and sleep on the streets, and then honor them by sticking statues of veterans next to or on top of Egyptian penises, which they bow to when they place wreaths constructed out of evergreen trees at the base of these pagan dinks. The Americans annually turn their homes into blinkin' temples of evergreen tree fertility, then they go to war cemeteries and decorate the tombstones of the war dead with additional green symbols of fertility – these soldiers fought for your freedom, not for your Catholic fertility rituals. The Americans embrace pagan fertility rites, then God allows members of alternative fertility cults to invade their country. Canadian, Australian and American universities all reserve seats to train foreigners from radically different cultures to become brutal psychiatrists.
Since 1988 I started talking about being tortured by Hindu psychiatrists, it is 32 years of talking and nobody cares, psychiatric torture is not an issue, all people want to do is turn trees into blinkin' fertility tree idols and sing Jingle Bells. When people embrace pagan fertility rites then God allows their nations to be ruled by members of alternative fertility cults. Canadians are compassionless to me and to other victims of psychiatric horror, they deserve the loss of their nation to Islam.
The Chinese are isolating bat viruses, this latest onslaught was likely a test run and other bat viruses will soon be released upon the world. Trudeau allows the Chinese to fly in daily, directly from Wuhan where they develop the bat viruses, people don't really care and then sing Jingle Bells. Our native aboriginal Indians sell their grain to China and then block pipelines, rather than block airports and seek to maintain a seven year supply of food reserves – the Bible supports the idea that we should save food in anticipation of a future period of adversity (Genesis 41). So, Canadians respond to criticisms of their Catholic fertility rituals by training and employing Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists to torture the offending Canadians in psychiatric facilities, and then when China launches viral warfare against Canadians, the Canadians respond by allowing infected foreigners a continued free pass into our nation while they shelter in their homes waiting for an appropriate time to bow to decorated idols and to sing Jingle Bells. The Ukrainian community in Canada is certain to be using their free time to turn numerous eggs into lavishly decorated fertility idols. Nobody really cares what God says about embracing the pagan fertility rites, people are sure that killing and decorating evergreen trees is an acceptable sacrifice to God.
Mock the individual if he or she criticizes your pagan fertility rituals. If that isn't sufficient, shun the individual, then libel them, then assault them, and if they still complain about your church exchanging God's Commandments for pagan fertility rites, then have them repeatedly arrested and tortured in psychiatric facilities until they are no longer able to speak. If that still dothn't work for you, libel the individual in the media and call him a pedophile, in the hopes that somebody on the street will kill the individual and shut them up for good. Drug your own children and even drug the elderly in your families, and get ready for an influx of victims to the North Battleford torture facilities by borrowing money from your own children to build larger torture facilities there. Prepare for a wave of anger and poverty in the community by reserving more seats in medical schools for Islamists, Sikhs and Hindus to be trained in the art of psychiatry. And remember to hunt down anybody that spent time being tortured in the psychiatric facilities and then steal anything from them that they value, including pets. The secret here is not just to steal from those who have been beaten down over the years, make sure to take something from them that they value, no matter how little it is. Fight the good fight, teach them a good lesson for daring to criticize your blinkin' trees. Laugh and party.
Turning trees into decorated idols is such an entrenched tradition, that it is ok to have me tortured for daring to criticize the pagan practice. This is your sacrifice to God, you adopt Catholic fertility rites that are in direct opposition to God's First Three Commandments, and He better like it, and too bad if He dothn't. Put an Egyptian penis on the roof of your church, that should get His attention. Cry out to the world that your freedom in Christ allows you to embrace any number of pagan fertility rites.
Currently the single welfare recipients in Saskatoon are eligible for $459 per month for their rent, and $241 extra that can be used for food for the month. Sometimes they get an extra $40 for disability allowance, sometimes another $40 for a landline phone, sometimes up to $40 is provided for electrical per month. That is what is given to the single old stock white Canadians who are an unpleasant relic. What matters here most to The City of Saskatoon, is that The City of Saskatoon will be getting at least $459 per month from the single welfare recipients who choose to live in a concrete home in the country that the city constructs (pours) for them, until they pay for their mortgage, which the city holds.
Saskatoon should invest in several contiguous sections of land and provide concrete houses (200 square feet per adult, 100 square feet per child) for the welfare recipients, who would then use their allotted $459/month for a payment on a mortgage for that structure rather than on rent to some landlord in the city. The houses have to be concrete because the residents will be sharing the land with bison who will rub against the houses. With flat concrete roofs, additional stories may be added. Some of these western pioneering homesteaders will fail in their homesteading efforts, unionized city employees will find their corpses in the spring and use power washers to remove the stains. Using a combination of unionized employees, borax, soap, power washers and "science", The City of Saskatoon should be working towards eliminating the unsightly stains and smells that appear after the spring thaw. There are many benefits to investing in the concrete structures.
Each concrete house would be provided with a small surrounding lot, the occupant who pays the mortgage would have the option to place a fence around the perimeter of their lot. Each lot should have spaces between them to allow the bison and deer to roam. Some people may opt to erect tall fences to prevent the animals from trashing their gardens and yard, that's perfectly ok as long as corridors are provided for animals to pass through. If the new homeowners desire wooden homes, then in their leisure and on their own dime, they may add wooden rooms to their 200/square foot concrete home that was initially provided to him or her.
Some people may be killed by the bison and their house will of course become available to others, name a street after him or her. Some people may desire plumbing, they will be encouraged to dig a hole and build an outhouse or build a chemical toilet for themselves. So we can get $459 from their former welfare rent which would be applied to their mortgage payment for their small concrete homes, which the city builds for them. Stop providing welfare recipients in Saskatchewan with rent money, let the poor take on mortgages instead, for an unserviced concrete 200 square foot concrete structure in the country, where the bison roam. They may take pride in home ownership and
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