Recently I discovered an interesting article on internet about the days of the week and their governing planets.
The conception of Planetary Days is one of the most ancient in astrology. The names for the days of the week have an obvious planetary connotation. Isn't it obvious that Monday is ruled by the Moon, Saturday - by Saturn and Sunday - by the Sun? When centuries ago Gregorian calendar was adopted in many countries of Europe, special care was taken to ensure that the sequence of the days of the week, and the sequence of their planetary rulers, remained unaltered. So it can be said that this sequence comes to us from time immemorial.
After Sunday ruled by the Sun follows Monday ruled by the Moon, then Tuesday ruled by Mars, Wednesday ruled by Mercury, Thursday ruled by Jupiter, Friday ruled by Venus, and finally Saturday ruled by Saturn.
Check it out at http://bitly.com/fmu74l
Hope it will be useful for someone…
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