- Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part I - Daryl Kabatoff - 1 Update
- Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part H - Daryl Kabatoff - 1 Update
- Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part G - Daryl Kabatoff - 1 Update
- Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part F - Daryl Kabatoff - 1 Update
- Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part E - Daryl Kabatoff - 1 Update
- Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part D - Daryl Kabatoff - 1 Update
- Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part C - Daryl Kabatoff - 1 Update
- Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part B - Daryl Kabatoff - 1 Update
- Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part A - Daryl Kabatoff - 1 Update
Squeak <darylkabatoff@yahoo.ca>: Aug 09 12:55PM -0700 Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part I - Daryl Kabatoff August 9th 2022 1:12 pm 132,552 words (150 pages) "The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer "Christians are the worst part of Canadian society." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer "Honour killings shouldn't be called 'barbaric.'" - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer "They are not sexual assaults, but 'honour' rapes." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer "If you're not willing to embrace Islam, you're not a part of our society." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer "Who remembers the Armenian genocide? If they can't remember the Armenian genocide, who is goink to be concerned about the Jews?" - Adolph Hitler speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer "Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff." - Eddie Izzard In the news (not the mainstream news), a new law is proposing that British people are sent to jail for two years if their words irritate somebody. I imagine if you say anything bad about the people landing on the shores with their boats and rafts and who quickly end up in hotels, that you will face the two years in prison. It isn't that you irritated the ears of the invader who just got off the raft, you irritate the ears of the Communists and the Moslems, they so desperately desire that you shut up and die. The prison time will impoverish you and your family will lose whatever property and wealth you managed to accumulate. Likely you already took the bullshit Covid jab and so will not have to get raped in prison to obtain AIDS. So the rulers of this world (Prince Charles, he runs the show) hopes to impose the same law in other nations as well. It is written in the Koran to kill those who don't agree with the words within. Also in the news the pope has made an apology to the Big-Nosed Cree and to the other Canadian Indians, yet he continues to eat children. The pope gets to eat children and teach you to turn trees into decorated idols with impunity, for his church runs the media and the psychiatric facilities. Anybody getting a temporary pass from the brutality of the psychiatric facilities are to be abused further, abused by those who defend the Catholic Church, whether they are Catholics or see themselves as Protestants or atheists, you have no right to tell others that the churches are censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism, you have no right to criticize the pagan idolatry taught to the children of this world. Anybody trying to inform you that the Bible condemns turning trees into decorated idols only has the right to be laughed at and assaulted. Anybody trying to inform you that the churches are censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism only has the right to have a needle stuck in their arse, and to be laughed at and assaulted, it is how the world works. By comparison to what I received in Canada, it would be a joy to be given a two year prison sentence for daring to say something that could offend somebody in Britain. In the news (not the mainstream news), the tap water is being poisoned, those who drink the water end up with flu-like symptoms, they end up in hospitals where they are poisoned with additional drugs. The water in the First Nations communities is a priority target, the First Nations peoples, among others, are targeted for extinction. The evil that purposely pollutes the tap water is first and foremost targeting native people for extinction (their beliefs are incompatible with Islam). See Don't Drink Tap Water by Dr. Bryan Ardis, maybe you will find the short video on Bitchute. The First Nations peoples and the white European peoples provide some degree of rights to the women in their communities, which is totally unacceptable to the Islamists arriving here to replace them. Lone-wolf Islamists have multiple opportunities to pollute your food supply. In the news (not the mainstream news), Obama is shipping missiles to Europe to be used against the Russians, many of these missiles take years to manufacture and are made with components that were supplied by China, which are no longer available, depleting the United States armory and making the nation (USA) now vulnerable to attack. Obama is a homosexual Indonesian Islamist and is a pedophile and a cannibal, he whispers into Biden's ear and tells him what to do and say. Also in the news, Trudeau is shipping our heavy artillery and other weapons to Europe, also to be used against the Christians in Russia. We are being invaded and our politicians give our armaments away. In the news (not the mainstream news) The Democratic Party (Communists, Islamists, Chinese) staged a coup and overthrew Trump with their fraudulent voting machines and their mail-in ballots, then they printed "money", some 80% of all the "money" ever printed in the USA was printed in the last two years. This "money" is being given away to the Islamic invaders and is sent to corrupt nations and then is laundered, large portions of this "money" is handed back to the Democratic politicians. Both the Republicans and the Democrats have been raping the American tax payers and giving their tax dollars away, mostly to foreigners, to people who want to remove our remaining liberty and who want to cut our heads off. Same deal for the Canadian taxpayers. James Madison proclaimed "Charity is no part of the legislative duty of the government", if people took this seriously, and if people stood up for those who were stripped of their rights and brutally tortured in psychiatric facilities, we would likely be free and prosperous. In the news (not the mainstream news), the 1918 pandemic was not a pandemic at all, people were killed off from so-called vaccinations. In the news (not the mainstream news), the jabs contain a vast myriad of materials, including snake venom, likely there is both enzymatic and neurological snake venoms in the jabs. And the 26 million people living in Shanghai are confined to their towers, they are dying within from thirst and starvation, many are shown jumping to their deaths. Constant screams are being made by these residents, the entire population of 26 million people is being sacrificed. The people of Shanghai are richer and more independent thinking than the Chinese living in other cities, so they must be eliminated for the sake of The Chinese Communist Party. The citizens of Shanghai were not independently thinking well enough to flee from the cities or from the nation. The western politicians are bought off by the Chinese and so do not condemn this atrocity (see Tucker Carlson Tonight 2022-04-11) and instead continue to poison their citizens with the toxic jabs. This latter point is never discussed by Tucker Carlson, it is not newsworthy to Tucker Carlson (or to Donald Trump) that millions of their fellow citizens are being killed off by the toxic bullshit Covid jabs. Tucker Carlson will talk on and on about most any subject except the diseases caused by the toxic bullshit Covid jabs. The leaders have underground bunkers full of food and clean water, and private islands, they hope to survive the ongoing genocide that they themselves are orchestrating. In the news (not the mainstream news), Moslems are stabbing Germans at a rate of 50 stabbings per day. A disproportionate number of these stabbings are being committed against women. The German media is largely silent. The Islamists can rise up in the middle of the night and cut your heads off in your own homes by the hundreds of thousands or even by the millions, and the German media will remain silent. Consider defending your nations from Islam, even if this results in Prince Charles and his massive United Nations Islamic Army coming to their assistance. I'm sure that if you are successful in expelling Islam from Canada, that you will continue to have people arrested and tortured under the Mental Health Act for quoting Scripture that dothn't fit with your Catholic narratives. In the news (not the mainstream news) the American left is upset that the Supreme Court is about to rule that people should be allowed to vote upon whether their state allows abortion or not. Americans are now largely sterile (some 82% took the jabs) and dying from the jabs, and the big controversy is instead abortion. Americans are dropping dead from heart attacks, they have blood clots, liver failure, cancers, they are twitching and convulsing in utter pain and horror, they have open sores, and the girls and women have their vaginas necrotizing (rotting), while the left is demanding that Americans not be allowed to vote over the issue of allowing abortion or not in their various states. About the only things now uniting Americans is their Catholic evergreen tree idols (and that they are now sterile). Their evergreen trees are symbols of fertility that they decorate and turn into blinkin' idols, and they cap their God-damned fertility tree idols with miniature Egyptian obelisks (penises), and they sing Jingle Bells, jingle all the way. The Americans are now largely sterile (and dropping dead in droves), and they continue to spend billions of dollars annually turning trees into decorated fertility tree idols. God proclaims in Scripture that He is enraged when He sees you arseholes turn trees into decorated idols, and so the American left and the right are united in enraging God. The American left and right are both necrotizing (rotting), they are united in stinking like death, united in embracing pagan fertility tree idols, united in enraging God. Well good for you, I sure hope you win. In the news (not the mainstream news) American military deaths are up 1100% and are exponentially rising. And in the news (not the mainstream news) the World Health Organization (WHO) is a communist organization that is giving itself the power to shut down the economies of almost every country on earth. Traditionally Canadians relied upon America for her defense, but both nations are now run by communists and Islamists, both nations are sending their armaments to Europe to fight against the Christians in Russia, leaving their own nations defenseless, both nations are handing their sovereignty over to the Communists and Islamists running the United Nations and the World Health Organization. The Americans and Canadians continue to strip their citizens of their rights and have them tortured in psychiatric facilities, and those Americans and Canadians who remain on the outside of the psychiatric facilities couldn't care less, what they care about is the blinkin' evergreen tree idols and turning their churches, homes, shopping malls and entire cities into blinkin' temples of fertility for the sake of their children and other family members (who are dropping dead at roughly the same rate as the American military). Similarly it is not an issue for either the United Nations or the World Health Organization that psychiatrists continue to target white people in western nations for chemical lobotomies. American and Canadian churches continue to work in conjunction with the media (the Catholic church owns it all) to teach people to turn trees into decorated idols, and to censor the news that massive numbers of children are annually going missing (the children are being raped, cooked and then eaten by witches). I attempted to warn people in 1988 that the witches are eating people, that the environmental destruction is on purpose and that Scripture condemns turning trees into decorated idols, everybody was outraged with my words and had me repeatedly arrested and tortured in psychiatric facilities, and then laughed and laughed at me and assaulted me further when I tried to find support to flee the country. You people cannot win against the UN and WHO when you treat me with brutal horrid torture and then laugh and laugh and laugh and then use your universities to train Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists to become brutal psychiatrists and even allow them to work (torture people to death) in Canada without being Canadian citizens. You adopt pagan fertility rites and then lose your nations to members of alternative fertility cults and you deserve it. At a cost of many millions of dollars you folks made me a home in a psychiatric ward, you haven't a kind word for me (or for any other victim of psychiatric horror), you can't even find it in your hearts to offer to buy me a cookie. Your compassion is limited to your traditions. In the news three people were shot in Saskatoon on May 19th 2022, one of which died at the scene, and Mohamed Abdula Ali (age 35) is charged with First Degree Murder. Canadians made it extremely difficult for the white kids to obtain training in the trades, shunted the white kids to The College of Arts and Sciences where they were trained in sodomy and Marxism, others were "treated" in psychiatric facilities, some 82% of the white kids were given injections that is sure to kill them, while the "immigrants" are given $500 each week in addition to their welfare payments, housing, food, nearly unlimited opportunities to obtain training in fields that actually pay, and are not required to take the "inoculations" (kill shots)… and still Mohamed Abdula Ali and his friends are upset and shooting. When I grew up in Saskatoon in the late 1950's and early 1960's, kids carried rifles on the handlebars of their bicycles and peddled to the outskirts of the city where they shot birds and gophers while the adults drove around and displayed their rifles by hanging them in the back window of their half ton trucks. Now we are all at risk of losing our guns because people like Mohamed Abdula Ali are shooting people. Strip the people of their rights (and brutally torture them in psychiatric facilities) when they complain that the churches are teaching you to turn trees into decorated idols you strip, strip the people of their rights (and brutally torture them in psychiatric facilities) when they state that the churches are censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism while the media is censoring the stories about the many missing children, then kill off the white people with injections, and provide the newly arrived Islamists with enough funds so they may buy themselves a new rifle every seven days. Then laugh and sing Jingle Bells, jingle all the way. In the news nearing the end of May 2022, the Islamist ruling over Canadians is banning handguns. First this Islamist banned semi-automatic rifles, then gave $500 each week to foreigners (mainly Islamists) living in Canada (enough for them to purchase a new rifle every seven days), now he is banning handguns. It is largely the blacks and the black Islamists in the big Canadian cities that are shooting up the neighborhood, but now the white people will pay the price with the loss of their guns. Those who get caught with a semi-automatic rifle or a handgun will face great economic losses and jail time (where they face sodomy and are forced into gangs), while the Islamists are allowed to cover their faces when they purchase either guns or ammo if they purport to be female. Islamists are caught in Canada forcing white children and white women to be sex slaves and then they receive suspended sentences (no jail time nor fines) for their crimes. If Canadians revolt |
Squeak <darylkabatoff@yahoo.ca>: Aug 09 12:55PM -0700 Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part H - Daryl Kabatoff August 8th 2022 12:11 am 132,089 words (149 pages) "The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer "Christians are the worst part of Canadian society." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer "Honour killings shouldn't be called 'barbaric.'" - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer "They are not sexual assaults, but 'honour' rapes." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer "If you're not willing to embrace Islam, you're not a part of our society." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer "Who remembers the Armenian genocide? If they can't remember the Armenian genocide, who is goink to be concerned about the Jews?" - Adolph Hitler speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer "Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff." - Eddie Izzard On October 21st 2021 radio talk show host John Gormley announced on his CKOM 650 radio talk show that the "anti-vaxers" are like atheists who come to a church service only to provoke endless debate and sow division, and so those people who hold views critical of the jabs will no longer be allowed to phone in and comment on his talk show. First I was hated for being of Doukhobor background (dad's side), then I was hated for being of Ukrainian background (mom's side), and then I was hated for being eastern-European rather than western-European. I was greatly hated for being of Russian descent, and I was quite young and impressionable in the early 1960's when Russia was particularly vilified. Then I was hated because my dad was a police officer. Then I was hated for becoming a Christian and attempting to uphold Christian values. Then I was hated for trying to show people that their names and lives (birthdays) were both gifts from God and in harmony with the numbers in Scripture, hated for saying that the churches were teaching pagan traditions in place of God's Commandments, hated for saying that witches are eating your children. Then I was hated for complaining about being tortured in psychiatric facilities. Then I was hated for crying out to God against you and your ignorant family members. Then I was hated for being white, and especially hated for being a white male. Then I was hated for pointing out that when the blacks were hired into the meat packing industry in Brookes Alberta, the vicious African Mafia came along and established a foothold in Western Canada. Then I was hated for saying that the homosexuals were the ones largely responsible for raping children. Then I was hated for my refusal to take a depopulation jab and roll over and die. There I was, very hated and being tortured in psychiatric facilities, then the NDP came to power provincially and immediately (their first act of legislation) was to hand more power over to psychiatrists and removed more rights from me and from the other victims of psychiatric horror. And I became greatly hated after the Saskatoon Star-Phoenix repeated internet libel stemming from Freemason Don Ocean of South Dakota and James Takayama of Hawaii implying that I was a pedophile. Then immediately after the Saskatoon Star-Phoenix repeated the internet libel, preacher-teacher John Gormley came along and used his radio talk show to encourage people to beat me up, in an effort to shut me up for good. John Gormley was happy, Saskatoonians were happy, everybody in Saskatchewan was happy, people in Alberta and British Columbia then voted the NDP into power provincially and everybody there was happy too. Happy happy people, most of whom get their trees to blink. Nobody on earth is deserving of psychiatric horror, not even me. Over the years I've learned a great deal about traditions and psychiatry and am now thoroughly convinced that you should take your decorated evergreen tree idols and shove them high up into your God-damned arseholes. You folks uphold your versions of Christianity, paganism and atheism with brutal violence. Keep in mind that the atheists are really Catholics for they abide by the Catholic fertility rites (the blinkin' trees), when you abide by Catholic fertility rites then you become a Catholic. And in spite of it all, I would still rather be me, tortured, libeled, robbed and beaten than be a compassionless and ignorant Mary, monkey, sun, tree and penis whoreshipper like you. In the news on October 28th 2021, the communist/satanists running USA announced they desire to provide the invaders with $450,000 US each, and an apology for daring to separate children from the adults who brought the children into the country illegally, these accompanying adults were frequently or usually strangers who used the children as pawns. In Canada Trudeau flies Africans to Canada and pays the airfare. In Canada Trudeau prepared for the arrival of the Islamists and was renting entire hotels and keeping them empty in preparation and gleeful anticipation of these invaders to arrive. Across Canada white children are denied seats in trade schools and in university programs that result in pay cheques, and are instead shunted to the College of Arts and Sciences where they were taught Marxism and sodomy. Trudeau gave up military bases and resources to the invading Islamist army. Like our many provincial governments in Canada, Trudeau and his Federal Liberal party allows (they legislate it into being) brutal psychiatric torture to be conducted in cities across the country, and since this latter point has never been an issue to you, you now let him force an injection upon you and your children that maims and kills. It used to be that the rich Americans would show up at the airport in Saskatoon in order to catch connecting fights up north so that they may hunt and fish, now it will be the rich Islamists coming here instead. The rich Americans used to arrive with shotguns costing many thousands of dollars, now the Islamists will arrive with the ornate and well manufactured shotguns. Now the rich Americans stay home to protect their properties, and instead it will be the wealthy Islamists arriving to Saskatoon to catch the connecting flights up north so they may hunt and fish. These shotguns work well, they are known to have wonderful balance, are easy to handle, are a joy to hold and use. Often these shotguns have gold inlay, some kind of design engraved in gold. If you got nothing to do, watch for these newly wealthy Islamists to arrive with expensive 12-gauge shotguns at Saskatoon's airport, they will catch a connecting flight to some northern lake where they will interact with the Big-Nosed Cree. If you ask them nicely maybe they will take the shotgun out of the carrying case and show it to you at the airport, there may be a verse from the Koran engraved in gold upon the receiver, or barrel, or elsewhere upon the shotgun. If I had that kind of money ($450,000 US), I would get an Italian shotgun and have Hadith Number 2442 engraved in gold, together with an image of Mohammad wearing Aisha's shit-stained panties while these panties were dictating the Koran (Hadith Number 2442). I'd have the image of six-year old Aisha engraved as well, I'd use the image to display the contents of this Hadith by depicting Aisha without wearing any panties, Mohammad wearing Aisha's talking panties, while the panties dictated one of the many perversions of the Koran. This is not a joke. Hadith Number 2442 reveals that the Koran was dictated by Aisha's shit-stained panties while Mohammad wore them. Mohammad tried on the shit-stained panties belonging to other little girls but those panties never spoke, so he resumed wearing Aisha's panties and when doink so, the panties continued to dictate the Koran (Hadith Number 2442). If I would spend $20,000 US on a shotgun, I'd still have $430,000 US remaining and would use a portion of this to purchase clean underwear. Seriously though, if I had $450,000 US, I'd be more likely to buy a cheap shotgun, maybe a Remington 1100 semi-auto shotgun. The Remington 1100 semi-auto shotgun is available in a range of gauges, including .410, I believe it is the only semi-auto .410 gauge shotgun ever made, if I had one I'd cut the barrel down so it would be more suitable to shoot rats in the old wooden grainaries. If the Islamists had more shotguns it is unlikely they would be beheading so many people and would instead have fun shooting rats in the old wooden grainaries on all the prairie farms they are inheriting. It is unlikely that the female Islamists stopping by at our airport are heading north to hunt and fish, more likely they would be brought along to cook and clean and would be carrying an expensive shotgun because they were ordered to do so. Nevertheless it would not hurt to ask, so if you see a female Islamist at the airport with her head covered and with her eyes peeking out of a narrow slit, you may still ask to see her shotgun. Likely she is just carrying it for her husband and if that is the case, it would be unlikely that she would have or get permission to show it to you, so you would have to ask her husband. Consider that over the decades the CIA spent many millions of dollars to fund torture research at the University of Saskatchewan, now these very same Americans are going to reward Islamists, Africans and Latin American Catholics that invaded their country and hand them each $450,000 US. Americans are upset about this, they want the $450,000 for themselves so they may buy bigger trees and decorate them to greater degrees, and perhaps so they may buy clean underwear for themselves. With $450,000 US in their pockets, Americans would feel empowered and would be more likely to tell me and other victims of psychiatric horror to shut up and take a pill. With $450,000 US in their pockets, the Americans would come to Saskatoon (to catch a connecting flight up north) and stop just long enough to tell the impoverished here that money talks while bullshit walks. "Money" printed out of thin air enables those who have it to lecture those without it. In the news (not the mainstream news), the jabs contain a myriad of toxins designed to kill. And the Covid test involves sending chemical laden swabs deep into the nasal cavity to stroke a thin membrane protecting your brain and is again designed to kill. And the masks reduce your oxygen intake resulting in cancer, the masks are contaminated with extremely small particles that lodge into your lungs, people are continually toughing everything imaginable under the sun while continually touching and adjusting their masks, the masks are contaminated with anything your enemies desire to contaminate them with, including herbs that make you infertile, and every used mask is growing a myriad of different species of molds… the masks cause cancer and lung infections, the masks prevent you from meeting, marrying and reproducing, the masks kill. All of the hand sanitizers are toxic and some are exceedingly toxic, people are dying as a direct result of rubbing these sanitizers into their hands, often an Islamist, Hindu or Sikh will insist that you apply their particular variety of hand sanitizer before you enter a building. And the 5G wireless network utterly destroys your organs and immune system, people get sick and then the media blames the resulting deaths on Covid-19 (a virus that isn't proven to exist). Close to a thousand people die every single year in Saskatchewan after contracting a cold, shutting down the Canadian economy and forcing people to wear masks is an act of war being committed by China and by their appeaser politicians. Chinese spies stole western technology and are now in a position to kill all who survive the manipulated bat viruses, the purposely bad medicine in the hospitals and the 5G microwaves. Dr. Fauci directed that Americans who ended up in hospitals be given a drug that insured their deaths and refused to allow life-saving drugs and therapies be provided instead (see We Are Witnessing Intentional Medical Genocide by Dr. Bryan Ardis). While this is goink on, the witches are still eating you and your children, they sacrifice you and your children to Satan and then consume your testicles and nipples, heart, or your entire body. Witches shop for children on Facebook and other social media sites and then place an order on the child that is most attractive to him or her, the child is then kidnapped, delivered, killed, cooked and eaten. People respond by getting an evergreen tree to blink. The trees blink on and off, on and off, on and off… it is really quite a show. In the news (not the mainstream news), children are largely immune to the Fauci's bat flu yet are forced to wear masks in the schools for hours on end, and are now forced to take the depopulation jab without their parent's permission. The white children sit at school and are taught Marxism, sodomy and that they are racists, in America when the kids attempt to walk home are beaten by the black children. The black children learn the behavior from the black adults who go around beating white people, and they are joining Islam in the hopes that they can start enslaving and beheading the white people. In America the blacks are shooting other blacks at unprecedented rates. In Canada the black people were welcomed to Brookes Alberta to work in the meat processing industry, resulting in the brutal African Mafia getting a foothold into Western Canada. The black people have their rap music that encourages them to rob and kill, they embrace this belief with enthusiasm. White people have become full-blown slaves who are forced to wear the slave masks, and who are beaten and killed with impunity by the black slaves, who are over represented in prisons so are released by the Freemason judges if caught. And I am the racist for pointing out the racism. I was also accused of being a pedophile for pointing out the pedophilia in the churches. In the news (not the mainstream news) Prince Charles (the Anti-Christ) announced that he will make use of an army to impose his green agenda (actually an Islamic agenda) upon the rest of the world. Canadians will make an attempt to push the Africans and Asians, and Trudeau out of Canada, Charles will come with jets and tanks to support them, of course because they are united under Islam… Prince Charles and Trudeau are both Islamists, Trudeau has Charles's Islamic UN military for support. Obama is a homosexual Indonesian Islamist who turned trees into decorated idols with the medals of the American war dead, and who now whispers into Biden's ear, they all utterly despise the Constitution of the United States of America and they also utterly despise Jesus and Christians. And they hate women so much that they would rather ram their penises up each other's arseholes than have a sexual relationship with a real woman. It is such a big mistake to allow Islamists, Sikhs and Hindus to work in the food and trucking industries, or let them near bodies of fresh water, or near forests, or near children, and a much bigger mistake for the red and white Canadians to take the jabs. Millions of Islamists live within just a few miles from Moscow, they will make their move on Moscow about the same time they make their move on Canadian cities. When the Islamists attack Moscow they will come as a rag tag affair and kill |
Squeak <darylkabatoff@yahoo.ca>: Aug 09 12:55PM -0700 Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part G - Daryl Kabatoff August 8th 2022 12:11 am 132,089 words (149 pages) "The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer "Christians are the worst part of Canadian society." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer "Honour killings shouldn't be called 'barbaric.'" - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer "They are not sexual assaults, but 'honour' rapes." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer "If you're not willing to embrace Islam, you're not a part of our society." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer "Who remembers the Armenian genocide? If they can't remember the Armenian genocide, who is goink to be concerned about the Jews?" - Adolph Hitler speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer "Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff." - Eddie Izzard Normally the western governments send shipments of arms to Islamic nations and get their own western taxpayers to pay for the arms when the recipient Islamic nations default on the bill, but now the Democrats have found a new way to provide arms to Islamists, all they had to do is withdraw the American troops and abandon perhaps as many as 40,000 Americans in Afghanistan together with the night vision optics and other advanced weaponry. I expect that much of the night vision optics abandoned in Afghanistan will soon be trucked around Canada in Sikh-driven transport trucks. With night vision optics and support from Trudeau, Biden, Prince Charles and many others, the Taliban will now have an easy time taking the farms, towns and reserves across the Canadian prairies. The Islamists are not here to collect welfare, they are here for the land. The Islamists who are in Canada already will soon be compelled by the Taliban and ISIS, who are now arriving here, to fight along with them. The Taliban and ISIS have an ally in the African migrants, who have recently torched over 300 American cities and vast amounts of forest lands. Rather than laughing at, robbing and assaulting the victims of psychiatric horror, consider instead killing a psychiatrist, a psychiatric nurse, a university President, the head of a university's Department of Medicine, or their support staff, including professors, secretaries, janitors and food service providers. Psychiatry destroys everybody it touches, the number of dead is huge, you would be saving many lives by killing a single psychiatrist. But I don't think the readers will kill any psychiatrists or such, the readers are more likely to be beheaded by Islamists. The Islamists will behead you to prevent you from killing a psychiatrist, or so they'll say. The psychiatrists and the Islamists both preserve public order, and they are supported by the Catholics and the Marxists. The readers are dying of the depopulation jabs, and if they complain too loudly they will be arrested and given to psychiatrists who will tell them that they think too much about depopulation jabs. I think that you are more likely to be forgiven by God for killing a psychiatrist because he or she is a murderer who kills hundreds over the course of his or her career. I think you would be more likely to go to heaven after killing a psychiatrist as opposed to robbing and/or beating a victim of psychiatric horror and then being unrepentant of the crime. The media would be sure to demonize you if you were to kill a medical secretary, perhaps the secretary of the Head of Medicine, or a secretary in The College of Law. Similarly the media would be sure to demonize you if you were to kill a janitor, but you might find public support if that janitor was a Somali. It seems the majority of the janitors at the university are male Somalis, and the majority of the food service providers are female Filipinos. Probababbly the media would still demonize you if you were to kill a Filipino food service provider who is employed at a psychiatric ward, even if there were lots of them. It may be possible to bring psychiatry to an end without having to kill those Catholic female Filipino food service providers working in the psychiatric wards. Similarly it may be possible to bring psychiatry to an end without killing those Islamic Somali janitors who found their employment at the same or at similar psychiatric torture facilities. I think it would be racist of you to kill a male Islamic Somali janitor who works at a psychiatric ward, but in your defense you could always say that you only wanted to kill janitors but they just happened to all be Somalians. Similarly it would be racist of you to kill female Catholic Filipino food service providers employed in a psychiatric ward, but again in your defense you could say that you only wanted to kill food service providers but they just happened to all be Filipinos. And then the media would also demonize you by calling you sexist if you killed the female Filipino food service employee or a female nurse or a female secretary, the media is pretty sneaky, they got you either way. If you were to kill a female Filipino food service provider and they accuse you of being sexist, I guess you could defend yourself by saying that you only wanted to kill food service providers but they just happened to all be female. Then just think of the trouble you could get into if you killed a male Filipino food service provider working in a psychiatric ward who identified as a woman. To be fair, it is not likely you will find a male Somali janitor who identifies as a female, or find a female Somali janitor who identifies as a male, as the male Somalis would have that person killed long ago. Where do you draw a line in the war against psychiatry? For example, do you only target psychiatrists or do you also target the janitors that work in the psychiatric wards as well? Or do you also target janitors who work in other wards in that hospital which hosts the psychiatric facilities? Or do you target janitors who work at other medical buildings at a campus which houses a psychiatric ward elsewhere? Or do you target the university's janitors throughout their entire facility? Do you only target psychiatric nurses or do you target nurses working elsewhere in that hospital which is hosting a psychiatric ward? Anyway, there is a time for war (Ecclesiastes 3:08), but choose carefully who you are warring against. Psychiatry, psychiatrists and psychiatric medications can all be removed from operation in your communities by simply removing a few janitors and food service providers from other university facilities, but again, since the janitors and food service providers are all Somalians and Filipinos, you would likely be called a racist if you were engaged in such a program. And then when considering that the janitors and food service providers that you kill are male and female, they sneak in the sexism charge against you as well. Yep, the media would demonize you and call you a racist-sexist, or maybe a sexist-racist. In the good old days you could just go and kill some God-damned-son-of-a-bitch without being called racist or sexist, what has become of this world?!!! Now people come to Canada from the Third World and commit horrid crimes against Canadian citizens and they are never labeled as being racist or sexist. The Third World comes to western nations and systematically enslaves, rapes and kills women and children, yet somehow they are neither racist nor sexist, they are the religion of peace, if anything they will be rewarded by being given unionized employment as janitors at the University of Saskatchewan. Wouldn't it be nice if Trudeau only brought Islamists to Canada who would cut your heads off but without them being neither racist nor sexist? I tried to teach people in my community that they were turning trees into decorated idols, but they determined the words were unwanted and employed predominantly Hindu psychiatrists to torture me for years, good thing these people torturing me year after year after year were not racists. I shudder to think what would have happened to me if the Hindus and Catholics torturing me were sexist, or worse yet both racist and sexist, or if they harbored some other malignancy. Odd that the University of Saskatchewan's food service providers are predominantly female Filipinos and the majority of their janitors are male Somalis, yet this is neither racism nor sexism. And no Islamists nor Filipinos get tortured in the University's psychiatric facilities, both groups are much better than that. My suggestion is that you pray to Jesus about the issue of psychiatry and war. Vengeance is God's yet you may still physically fight for your human rights, indeed Jesus commanded you to sell your clothes if that is what is required for you to raise the money so you could buy yourself a weapon. When you wage war do so with deception, use strategy and tools that will allow you to fight again another day… it would be much safer for you to kill janitors working in other departments (Physics, Chemistry, Education and Engineering, for example), than to kill the janitors working in a psychiatric ward nearby. When there is a psychiatric program being waged at a university, then all university employees place themselves at risk, consider not working at a job where people are being tortured with horrid drugs somewhere on the job site. The deaths are real, can you not see that psychiatry has already declared and is waging war? Pray to Jesus over the issue of psychiatry in your community. Sadly whenever you folks get together for prayer, you end up turning trees, homes, churches, shopping malls and entire cities into a blinkin' temples of fertility. Grow some balls and force the closure of psychiatry and an end to third world immigration that desires to cut your heads off, or flee, maybe fly in a Yak to Yakutia. Or if you, as a Christian, are in favor of psychiatrists who are torturing your fellow Christians who tried to speak out against your false traditions, then contribute some money and build yourselves additional psychiatric torture facilities. Or if I was elected mayor I'd just work with city council to pass a law preventing the use of psychiatry in the city, I imagine. And I imagine you are compassionless and unrepentant Mary, monkey, sun, tree and penis whoreshipping pricks, all I can do is cry out to God against you and your children. You are ok with me and others being brutally tortured in the community, I am ok praying for your deaths and for the deaths of your children. My prayers seem to be working, how are your prayers working out? I think you white women in North America are about to become Islamic sex slaves. It is more likely that white children and women will become Islamic sex slaves rather than seeing them even attempting a revolt against this Islamic invasion, or against psychiatry. The white women regurgitate the belief that Islam is the religion of peace while Christians are an evil force that enslaved Africans and native Indians, then the following day the Taliban or some other Islamic group will move into their American and Canadian communities and change their minds, and initially those women who are too vocal about their loss of rights will be referred to an Islamic, Sikh or Hindu psychiatrist who will inform them that they think too much about women's rights. Not too many Cree women will be turned into sex slaves because their noses and nostrils are way too big, they are just not that attractive. I think that instead of turning the big-nosed Cree women into sex slaves, ISIS and the Taliban will just get them to do all the cooking and cleaning. The Islamists will largely avoid raping the big-nosed Cree (huge noses and huge nostrils) and will make sex slaves out of the more attractive aboriginal women belonging to other Indian tribes. If anybody is going to be raping the big-nosed Cree women, it will likely be the big-nosed African Islamists or the big-nosed Cree male "warriors". Why God leaves me to point this out to everybody is beyond me. And I'll just avoid the controversy of their big lips, best to leave some things alone. Suffice to say is that this is Anthropology and Anthropology is a science. They teach Marxism at our universities, which is not a science… then the Marxists are allowed to burn American cities and forests yet the Cree Indians marched with these Marxists, perhaps thinking they are practicing science. The Big-Nosed Cree Protectors of The Forests will be angry at me for practicing Anthropology and mentioning their big noses while they are happy with the Marxists who burned down the forests and the cities, and then marched in solidarity with these assholes. The Marxists burned down over 300 cities and torched huge amounts of forests, then the big-nosed Cree, who see themselves as the protectors of the forests, marched in solidarity with the forest-burning Black Lives Matter Marxists, perhaps because the Cree and the Africans both have big noses. The Marxists are allowed to burn cities while I am not supposed to talk about the big noses (and nostrils) the Cree have. The world has gone insane. Note that Anthropology is divided into Cultural Anthropology, Physical Anthropology, Archeology, Linguistics and Folklore, for me or anybody else to study the shapes and sizes of the Cree people's noses falls under the auspices of Physical Anthropology. Anthropologists generally do not interfere in the lives of the people they are studying, so when studying Cree noses, it may be best to only observe these protrusions from afar, maybe try to get some stereoscopic photographic images on the sly. Sol Tax was a Cultural Anthropologist who thought that he could take action and interfere in the affairs of American Indians, I'm not sure if he studied any noses, and probababbly not as he was a "Cultural" Anthropologist while studying noses is a part of "Physical" Anthropology. Archeologists sometimes dig up the bones of long deceased Indians, but there is little left of the noses to study. Indians passed down stories, which is folklore, and some of these stories contain references to their noses. If people were making sounds and communicating with their noses, then this would fall under Linguistics, which again, is a sub-discipline of Anthropology. Again, Anthropology is a science while Marxism is not a science. Your schools are teaching your children to become homosexual communist revolutionaries who desire to shut down your industries and your culture, all the while ramming their penises up each other's arseholes, rather than open-minded scientists who may aspire to study noses. Maybe you are waiting for "Christmas" (not His Mass, the use of God's name in vain) before you raise a finger or your voice in defense of one or more of the victims of psychiatric horror, or maybe the following summer you will be prepared to speak out, or after your kids leave home, or after your parents pass away, or after you take another holiday, or after you discover you are now infertile and sick after taking a depopulation jab. Just sit back, mutter an empty prayer and go tithe to a church that teaches you to embrace the pagan shit, everything is sure to work out. Maybe keep collecting the $2000 per month in COVID relief benefits from Trudeau, adopt a Somali child, or give birth |
Squeak <darylkabatoff@yahoo.ca>: Aug 09 12:54PM -0700 Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part F - Daryl Kabatoff August 8th 2022 12:11 am 132,089 words (149 pages) "The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer "Christians are the worst part of Canadian society." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer "Honour killings shouldn't be called 'barbaric.'" - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer "They are not sexual assaults, but 'honour' rapes." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer "If you're not willing to embrace Islam, you're not a part of our society." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer "Who remembers the Armenian genocide? If they can't remember the Armenian genocide, who is goink to be concerned about the Jews?" - Adolph Hitler speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer "Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff." - Eddie Izzard Tucker Carlson reports on February 24th 2021 that there may be 30 million or more people living in the States that are about to be granted citizenship by Biden's communist party, and since Biden has thrown the borders wide open (as Trudeau has done recently), there can be additionally tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of people soon to arrive. And almost every one will vote Democrat and thereby cement the United States of America as a communist nation. All the work and savings made by Americans to build their nation is to be handed to others. Murders and other crimes are escalating dramatically, more and more women are being turned into sex slaves, many are shipped in containers with the stolen vehicles to Moslem nations (capturing and shipping women to Moslem nations has been going on for centuries). The increasing numbers of homeless will be easy prey for the witches, who sexually abuse and then devour their victims (eating the testicles of little boys is another fertility rite, similar to killing trees and turning them into decorated idols). Many of the people who arrive to the United States will continue on to Canada and will be an ever increasing burden upon Canadians who are similarly giving away their nation. The citizens of Canada and the United States have their businesses shut down and are told to stay home while tens of millions or perhaps hundreds of millions of people are allowed to flood into North America from foreign lands. The blacks burned over 300 American cities in 2020, over and over the blacks rioted and chanted that they were going to kill the whites, and Trudeau welcomes them with open arms, borrows money made out of thin air and hands it over to them, and charges the white people compound interest on this borrowed money. The communists ended capitalist society not by war, but simply by telling people to stay home and wear a mask. People are asleep, they think they are worshipping God, but they demand that their churches, homes and entire cities are turned into blinkin' temples of fertility, they continue to have people tortured in psychiatric facilities when those people point out the filth in their churches, saying that their sacrifice to God is acceptable. In the news in May 2021, 25 year old Dilshad Ali Zada from Afghanistan has been given no jail time for enslaving and sexually trafficking women in and around Saskatoon. Personally I feel that people who enslave other people into a life of sexual service to others should face serious penalties. Providing Dilshad Ali Zada with no jail time for her many heinous crimes is a signal to others that such activity is allowed to be conducted in the community. The law comes down hard on people who dare to open their stores… fines against people who violate quarantine laws, if unpaid, result in the loss of businesses, employment, land, homes and life savings. I received years of brutal horrid torture as a reward for criticizing your filthy churches, people laugh at me, slander, libel, rob and assault me when I complain, and allow Dilshad Ali Zada to sexually enslave their children with no real penalty. I wish to clarify my position. Just because the media is united with Hollywood, schools and the churches (the Catholic Church owns it all) and teaching you people to ram your penises up each others arseholes, and just because the Indians at One Arrow First Nation stuck a statue of their ancestor One Arrow on top of an Egyptian representation of a penis, dothn't mean that the Indians at One Arrow First Nation are all ramming their penises up each others arseholes. And just because the Indians in western Canada flip flop between traditional aboriginal beliefs and Catholicism depending upon whom they are trying to fuck on any particular day similarly dothn't mean they are all goink around ramming their penises up each others arseholes either. Nevertheless the Indians and the whites are together taught to engage in sexual activities that are leading to their utter destruction, and then on top of that their favorite activity is to idolize trees. Sometimes they stick an Egyptian obelisk (a representation of a penis) on the very top of their blinkin' tree. The story went, I said that it is no surprise that the priests are ramming their penises up your children's arseholes for they already advertise themselves with Egyptian penises on the roofs of their churches. I was arrested and given to a Hindu psychiatrist who said that I think too much about penises, but it is not me who thinks so highly of penises that I would stick one on the roof of a church, and besides, Hindus gain their spiritual bliss via orgasm. Then people laughed at me, assaulted me further and called me a pedophile. Then they allowed Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists to be trained as psychiatrists at the University of Saskatchewan, then they allowed them to work (torture Canadians) without they themselves being Canadians citizens. Then they allowed the government to pay foreigners residing in Canada $500 each week to help support themselves (they get the $2000 every four weeks if they were in Canada in 2019 and received a small allowance from their parents in China or Saudi Arabia, or wherever). And they allowed Saskatoon City Hall to employ non-Canadians, and no mayoralty candidate complained, and even if they did, the media would remain silent, just as the media is silent on the non-Canadians receiving $2000 every four weeks, it is more than $2000 monthly. European immigrants removed billions of dollars worth of land from Doukhobor families and now see themselves as rich enough to hand out $500 each week to non-Canadians to help them through the fear flu. Strip the Doukhobors of any land they still manage to possess and hand it over to the Chinese, Islamist, Sikh, Hindu and Catholic invaders and call the Doukhobors racists. You are compassionless to the victims of psychiatric horror, your compassion is limited to your pagan evergreen tree rituals and to Egyptian penises on your church roofs (and spread across the nation in almost every place imaginable, even on the very tops of the blinkin' trees in the homes of Doukhobors, Mennonites, Hutterites and Adventists). You unrepentantly continue to employ Hindu, Islamic, Sikh and Catholic (likely Chinese as well) psychiatrists to torture those who don't appreciate your blinkin' trees, you absolutely MUST lose your nation to alternative fertility cults as a result. Go give a few million dollars to Omar's sister and put her image on our paper money. In Saskatchewan the wealthy are allowed to sell you oatmeal that contains no more than "three" mouse turds per cup, but should they find "two" mouse turds in their Class A motorhome, Saskatchewan Government Insurance will provide them with a new Class A motorhome. All I can do is laugh at you while crying out to God against you. You have me brutally tortured for years and think it funny, you can't raise a finger in my defense, you don't even have a kind word for me. God is about to spread you compassionless Mary, monkey, sun, tree and penis whoreshippers out like dung over the surface of the earth and I think it is absolutely hilarious!!! Send your kid to school to learn to become a transsexual communist. Go ejaculate upon your blinkin' fertility tree idol. Have me arrested and tortured again at the University of Saskatchewan for daring to quote from Aleister Crowley's book "White Stains" (he wrote poetry about raping and killing children and then eating their testicles and nipples), which was housed at the main University of Saskatchewan library, then libel, slander and assault me further and steal from me some more. Good for you, I sure hope you win. The elections for Saskatoon city council in 2020 and beyond should all prove to be exciting events, my hope is that residents will get out and vote as decisions made by City Council have always had great impact upon the citizens of the city. Whether you are a compassionless Mary, monkey, sun, tree or penis whoreshipper, should I become mayor of Saskatoon I vow to allow your pagan practices to continue unabated but I will not be using the public purse to pay for them, nor will I allow the practices to take place on city-owned properties, neither on nor in city-owned equipment. Anyway, if I were mayor of the city of Saskatoon, that's what I'd do. Actually I'm not really running in any election, the thought was if I made this book look like election litrature then it would be more difficult to censor. Be aware that Ducks Unlimited and the Canadian Wildlife Federation are allowing farmers to cut the grass on their reserves in as early as June, thereby killing off the nesting songbirds and depriving them of nesting cover, and depriving them of habitat used by insects which some birds eat and use to feed their young, and deprives the seedeaters of seeds. The farmers like to get onto the wildlife lands and cut the grass in June lest another farmer come along and cuts that grass for themselves at the beginning of July. The land around Blaine Lake is used for agriculture, the few spots that are designated for wildlife get cut and made into straw bales in June and July, it makes life particularly hard for the seedeaters like the Bobolinks who depend upon the plants and seeds to raise their batches of young into September. Even the ducks and geese suffer as grasses from the previous year's growth are used by the ducks and geese in the following year for concealing themselves and their nests and for eating the seeds. And there is the issue of trees, the young trees are annually cut down at the same time the grass is cut, depriving the tree-nesting birds of the trees and depriving other animals of concealment and shelter. By cutting and removing the grass and the trees, the land becomes unsuitable for nesting as food, shelter and concealment cover has been removed. In place of a healthy environment full of a myriad of species including moose are instead large round bales of hay, sometimes a hawk sits upon one of the round hay bales waiting for a mouse to scurry by, which is now easy to see as the grass is cut. The more coyotes the farmers shoot, the more mice there are scurrying about. The farmers shoot the coyotes, potentially resulting in a plague of rats and mice, then they spread poison to kill the rodents, which results in the deaths of myriads of other animals. The farmers spread pesticides and herbicides, then they shoot the coyotes and spread additional poisons to deal with the resulting impending plagues of rats and mice, and care little when they see their neighbours cut the grass on Ducks Unlimited / Canadian Wildlife Federation reserve lands. It is of upmost importance for the farmers to maintain friendly relations with their neighbours, they find common ground by decimating the wildlife, by abiding by the Catholic fertility rites, by proclaiming their hatred of aboriginal Indians, and by proclaiming an utter and complete hatred of people who speak in defense of coyotes. I faced threats to my life from western Canadian farmers several years ago when I posted a few sentences on Facebook that were in defense of coyotes. Go for coffee at a rural Saskatchewan restaurant and hear the farmers say… "The grass will simply go to waste if the farmers do not take it, and besides, our cows and horses need it, and besides the ducks have hatched and are swimming, can't you see the baby ducks swimming, are you stupid?!!!" Or when the farmers are questioned about stripping the grass cover on Ducks Unlimited lands, they will invert the response to "The ducks have hatched and are swimming, can't you see the baby ducks swimming, are you stupid?!!! The grass will simply go to waste if us farmers do not take it, and besides, the cows and horses need it." Or, "Are you stupid?!!! The cows and horses need it, the grass will simply go to waste if they can't have it, can't you see the baby ducks have hatched and are swimming?!!!" Often the issue of "Have you ever held a job?" is tossed into the argument by the farmer, adding great complexity to the permutations and combinations of their responses and exceeding the scope of this essay. The biggest losers are the wildlife, those people who donated the land to Ducks Unlimited and the Canadian Wildlife Federation, and those people who do not care that they never saw a Bobolink. In Canada the forests are sprayed with herbicides in order to kill off the deciduous trees, leaving the forests to be covered with coniferous (evergreen) trees, which are later harvested for money. When the forests are kept as a mixture of deciduous and coniferous trees, as God intended, the result is a healthy ecosystem and a great variety of life. A myriad of problems result from spraying and killing off the deciduous trees, including wildfires that rage unchecked over huge mountain ranges. Without the existence of deciduous trees in a forest, fires in the coniferous forests spread rapidly and rage unchecked. The general pubic has no idea that the forests are being sprayed in order to kill off the deciduous trees, and when the resulting forest fires destroy lives and communities these ignorant dupes cry out that the climate is warming and ignorantly back legislation that removes our industries, our wealth and our freedoms. The general pubic cares little about deciduous trees, they instead want coniferous trees to decorate and make them blink on and off, on and off, on and off, just like Hitler's and Obama's and the Queen's and the pope's and Trump's blinkin' trees. Americans, Canadians, Europeans, Australians and Papuans are all willing to ignore an invasion of Chinese and Islamists, thinking that by annually turning trees into decorated idols and singing Jingle Bells, that national security, heaven and salvation are all assured. Both the Sunday and Sabbath keepers are turning trees into decorated idols and are getting their trees to blink. In ancient times the priests of fish-god Dagon dressed up in full length fish outfits, turned trees into decorated idols and left presents for the tree at the base of the tree. Over time the full-length fish outfits that Dagon's clergy wore evolved so that just the fish-head hat remains, but still to this day these fished-headed priests of Dagon turn trees into decorated idols. And now with advanced technology they get their trees to |
Squeak <darylkabatoff@yahoo.ca>: Aug 09 12:54PM -0700 Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part E - Daryl Kabatoff August 8th 2022 12:11 am 132,089 words (149 pages) "The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer "Christians are the worst part of Canadian society." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer "Honour killings shouldn't be called 'barbaric.'" - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer "They are not sexual assaults, but 'honour' rapes." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer "If you're not willing to embrace Islam, you're not a part of our society." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer "Who remembers the Armenian genocide? If they can't remember the Armenian genocide, who is goink to be concerned about the Jews?" - Adolph Hitler speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer "Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff." - Eddie Izzard Currently the single welfare recipients in Saskatoon are eligible for $459 per month for their rent, and $241 extra that can be used for food for the month. Sometimes they get an extra $40 for disability allowance, sometimes another $40 for a landline phone, sometimes up to $40 is provided for electrical per month. That is what is given to the single old stock white Canadians who are an unpleasant relic. What matters here most to The City of Saskatoon, is that The City of Saskatoon will be getting at least $459 per month from the single welfare recipients who choose to live in a concrete home in the country that the city constructs (pours) for them, until they pay for their mortgage, which the city holds. Saskatoon should invest in several contiguous sections of land and provide concrete houses (200 square feet) for the welfare recipients, who would then use their allotted $459/month for a payment on a mortgage for that structure rather than on rent to some landlord in the city. The houses have to be concrete because the residents will be sharing the land with bison who will rub against the houses. With flat concrete roofs, additional stories may be added. Some of these western pioneering homesteaders will fail in their homesteading efforts, unionized city employees will find their corpses in the spring and use power washers to remove the stains. Using a combination of unionized employees, borax, soap, power washers and "science", The City of Saskatoon should be working towards eliminating the unsightly stains and smells that appear after the spring thaw. There are many benefits to investing in the concrete structures. Each concrete house would be provided with a small surrounding lot, the occupant who pays the mortgage would have the option to place a fence around the perimeter of their lot. Each lot should have spaces between them to allow the bison, moose, deer and coyotes to roam. Some people may opt to erect tall fences to prevent the animals from trashing their gardens and yard, that's perfectly ok as long as corridors are provided for animals to pass through. If the new homeowners desire wooden homes, then in their leisure and on their own dime, they may add wooden rooms to their 200/square foot concrete home that was initially provided to him or her. I suggest that the people who occupy these small concrete houses be allowed to fence off only a small portion of land for their yards, perhaps limit their yards to 1,000 square feet, and insure that the fences are separated by 100 feet in order to provide the space for the animals to roam. Trees located between the houses should be left for the wildlife and also planted for wildlife, homeowners may obtain wood from other sources or from the trees growing within their fenced properties. Some people may be killed by the bison and their house will of course become available to others, name a street after him or her. Some people may desire plumbing, they will be encouraged to dig a hole and build an outhouse or build a chemical toilet for themselves. So we can get $459 from social services for their rent which would be applied to their mortgage payment for their small concrete homes, which the city builds for them. Stop providing welfare recipients in Saskatchewan with rent money, let the poor take on mortgages instead, for an unserviced concrete 200 square foot concrete structure in the country where the bison roam. They may take pride in home ownership and dig outhouses and wells for themselves and build solar systems and attractive fences. I suggest that the people who move out to these concrete homes find some way to heat their homes, consider purchasing a stove and some stove pipe and burning some coal. Ceasing to pay rent to welfare recipients in Saskatchewan should result in many "immigrants" leaving the province, but keep in mind that they have come not for the welfare but for the land. The Islamists have federal government assistance to insure they remain here, they also have provincial government assistance to insure they remain here, even individual cities have programs to help the Islamic invaders, and there are people in Catholic churches assisting to entrench the Islamists as well. And even the City of Saskatoon has begun a program where it is employing non-Canadians. If we were to cancel the federal, provincial and city assistance given to the Islamists, and if the supposed Christian churches were to stop giving aid to the Islamic invaders, then Prince Charles would cover the costs to insure that his Islamists are happily established here. After all, Prince Charles has been funding the spread of Islam, for decades. And because the Islamists have many sources of income and are provided with homes in the city, they would not be eligible to own or live in the bison park. People are largely homeless and living under bridges because resources and housing is provided to the invaders, we should be providing the concrete houses to our own people who are homeless largely due to the Hindu, Islamic and Sikh invasion. Lenin ordered Stalin to shoot the landlords, I probababbly wouldn't be having any landlords shot if I were the mayor. Lenin clearly traumatized Stalin, but Stalin overcame the abuse and went on to get Russian children to build composite Yaks that out-performed and easily shot the invading German planes out of the sky… why God leaves me to explain this all to you is beyond me. Lenin actually hated Stalin, can you believe that?!!! Workplace bullying… Lenin hated Stalin as he perceived Stalin to be illitrat, and he despised Stalin's Georgian accent. Stalin exiled many people to Siberia, Yakutia and Magadan, perhaps that was due to God's Holy Spirit working in Stalin's heart to guide his people to the chosen land, where they were put to work in gold mines. Quite a few Ukrainians and Poles, and Hungarians and such dislike Stalin, they don't appreciate the suffering that Lenin made Stalin endure. Even the Finns hated Stalin. All these people were udderly compassionless to Stalin… poor guy. I imagine it all started with Lenin farting forth assorted "microaggressions" at both Stalin and Trotsky, who were both busy trying to placate Lenin and understand his litrature. Eventually Hitler, Stalin and Trotsky all had enough of Lenin's litrature and wrote their own litrature. It's really hard to write anything nice about Stalin (either in refined litrature or in illitarat ramblings), and attempting to do so may jeopardize my bid to become mayor. People are not allowed to say anything good about Stalin or bad about Mohammad, but it is ok to laugh at, slander and assault psychiatric abuse victims who say they are being tortured by Hindus at the University of Saskatchewan and at Saskatoon City Hospital. Go figure. Starting in 1988 I tried to advise Canadians to store up seven years of food supplies (see Genesis 41), I was thwarted from delivering the message as I delivered this message together with other messages that were not welcome. Now I think it is too late to accumulate seven years of food reserves and instead advise people to buy rifles for their children. My advice is to get a rifle calibrated to at least .243 Winchester (or perhaps .270, 7mm-08, .308, .338, or .50) and emigrate to Yakutia (Sakha Republic). If the Canadians of red and white can united and close the airports, seaports and borders, and deport the Asian, African and Latin American invaders, then perhaps we can make a last stand here in Canada instead. Many jets are parked on runways and waiting to be used to transport the invasion force back to their home continents, or can be used so we may emigrate to Yakutia. Presently in Saskatchewan the slaves are not allowed to go to Alberta, British Columbia or the Yukon to mine gold, and have never been allowed to mine the North Saskatchewan River sands for it's fine gold, but if we fled from the North American Indians, and fled from the Black invaders, and fled from the Chinese invaders, and if we fled from the Islamic and Latin American invaders, and if we fled from the white people who are communists or anarchists or Catholics, and fled from the British Crown, then we could always emigrate to Yakutia, mine gold and collectively become rich, and be a blessing to the Sakha Republic as a whole (or maybe Magadan). When enough Islamists reside in Canada, then mining laws will be changed and allow these Islamists to mine the gold, and women will be covered and walking in large groups with their chains clanging. The Canadian government trains Islamists to become medical doctors, including psychiatrists, we could flee Canada and flee the Islamic, Sikh and Hindu psychiatrists who are now allowed to "work" in Canada without them being Canadian citizens. It would be better to flee Trudeau's Islamic Canada and start a new community, perhaps in one of the many gold fields of Yakutia, or maybe in Magadan. Maybe we can rebuild the community of Kadykchan, we would need a great deal of glass to replace the broken windows. We could fill the community of Kadykchan with industrial tools and manufacture airplanes, ATV's, glass, high quality guns and such, we would be a blessing to the established residents living in the vicinity and a blessing to the country as a whole. And there is housing waiting for occupancy nearby in Sinegore. After we emigrate to Russia, some of us will be arrested and tortured to death in Russian psychiatric facilities, while those that do not receive this "treatment" will continue to tithe to phallic-capped churches and sing Jingle Bells. The Russian Orthodox priests will wave smoke and glory in pomp and glitter, best not to speak out against them while you are in the process of emigrating there. Check out the Youtube video "Across the Suntar-Khayata Range to the Sea of Okhotsk" parts 1 and 2 by Marina Galkina. The author hitchhiked along the Hiway of Bones and then hiked across country, these and other of her videos on Youtube give you some idea of the beauty in Yakutia and surrounding regions, and provide many ideas of the equipment that would be useful when traveling in the Russian far east. I hope to marry Marina Galkina some day. As the Canadian slaves laughed at me (and libeled, assaulted and robbed me) when I begged for assistance to flee the country, I now laugh at the Canadian slaves sheltering at home while their Prime Minister places them further and further into debt and hands their nation over to members of alternative fertility cults. Trudeau borrows money that the banks make out of thin air, gives this "money" to members of alternative fertility cults, then he saddles you with both the debt and with the compound interest on this unnecessary debt, and people slave away for low wages, landless and unable to pay rent, it is a perfect recipe for prostitution, drug abuse, crime, the downfall of civilization, the establishment of a worldwide Islamic Caliphate, and the end of the earth. Your churches teach pagan fertility rites in place of God's Commandments and tortured me for saying so, your response was to laugh at me and sing Jingle Bells and allow the ingress of Islam. Slaves are paid in paper promises and are forbidden to own guns, allowing the slaves to purchase silver and gold coins at the post office at greatly inflated prices, and allowing some Canadian slaves to possess guns, is all just a show. Canadians are just a bunch of ignorant slaves who are totally compassionless to me and to other victims of psychiatric horror, their love is for their pagan traditions. They are even willing to place their children in debt so they may build additional torture facilities, and they have their children and elderly parents drugged. Slaves are helping to enslave other slaves. Parents are enslaving their children to psychiatric horror and insurmountable debt, while the newly arrived Islamic and other "immigrants" sit back, smile and collect. The Islamic leaders of both Canada and the USA are using this bogus pandemic as an excuse to hand over mountains of cash to the newly arrived Islamists while injecting white people and native Indians with death serums. Canadians are slaves and our slave owners are determined to replace the white slaves with Islamic slaves, this way they will not have to pay women for their work. The Islamist has four wives, none of them get paid for their work, the Islamist male is the head of the family and takes ALL the money freely handed to them. In addition to the four wives, the Islamist may also have sex slaves who similarly are not paid for their "work". The Islamist is above our laws, they have laws of their own. Their Koran instructs them to acquire slaves, they isolate themselves into no-go zones, and the police have no idea what befalls the women and children taken there. The Canadian slaves annually turn their homes and entire cities into blinkin' temples of fertility worship, and tithe to phallic-capped churches that teach them to engage in the pagan practice, then they fly to distant resorts and post photos of themselves posing next to blinkin' trees that they find in hotels and malls in distant lands. They think themselves open-minded when they engage in and allow multiple perversions to be taught to their children, they have me tortured for years in an attempt to prevent me from speaking and then have the audacity to smugly sit back and tell me to stop judging them. They exchanged God's Commandments for pagan traditions, then God allowed their nations to be invaded by members of alternative fertility cults, and they responded by singing Jingle Bells with even greater fervor. Scripture proclaims that these Canadian and other slaves are to be spread out like dung over the surface of the earth, and I think it is absolutely hilarious and entirely necessary. Go borrow some more money, put your children in debt and build additional torture facilities in Saskatoon and North Battleford, accumulate enough working hours so you may go on unemployment insurance, and continue laughing. Laugh about the non-Canadians receiving over $2000 per month from the government during this supposed crisis, that we are to pay back plus pay compound interest on. Real money is gold and silver coins, people are enslaved with paper debt. Politicians hand out money they borrowed from banks, which the banks make out of thin air, then saddles you |
Squeak <darylkabatoff@yahoo.ca>: Aug 09 12:54PM -0700 Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part D - Daryl Kabatoff August 8th 2022 12:11 am 132,089 words (149 pages) "The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer "Christians are the worst part of Canadian society." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer "Honour killings shouldn't be called 'barbaric.'" - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer "They are not sexual assaults, but 'honour' rapes." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer "If you're not willing to embrace Islam, you're not a part of our society." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer "Who remembers the Armenian genocide? If they can't remember the Armenian genocide, who is goink to be concerned about the Jews?" - Adolph Hitler speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer "Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff." - Eddie Izzard The Catholic media censors Scriptural references to cannibalism, censors acts of pedophilia by their Catholic priests, encourages homosexuality and witchcraft, defends the Protestant churches because the Catholic Church owns them, and endlessly wars against God's First Three Commandments by getting you to engage in a pagan winter festival. Then there is the issue of the Catholic Church using their media to get the "Christians" in America to vote for "Obama", an Indonesian Islamist. Even after Obama funded the extermination of Christians from the middle-east, the Catholic media continues to heap praises upon him. "Obama" (a homosexual Indonesian Islamist) stood with his wife "Michelle" (Mike wears size 12 men's shoes and played football in college), and stood with two borrowed daughters, together the group posed with a tree turned into a decorated idol. The Christians and the pagans together voted for "Obama" because they liked his blinkin' trees. Not just Americans but the whole world loved "Obama" (a homosexual Indonesian Islamist) when they saw photos of him posing with muscular Mike and the blinkin' trees. "Obama" (a homosexual Indonesian Islamist) funded the slaughter of Christians in the middle-east, yet is loved by Christians because he poses with the blinkin' trees, they are decorated idols. The greatest threat to my life is not the Islamists nor the Catholics, nor their psychiatrists, police officers and judges, it is the filthy and ignorant servers at Tim Horton's and other restaurants who care little of food safety and who scratch their arses, handle money and then hand me a cup of water after touching the rim of the cup. First Nations have casinos that offer such service, the greatest gamble is not blackjack, poker nor slots, the greatest gamble is to consume food and water originating from such restaurants and coffee shops in their casinos. The fecal matter and germs the Indians allow to be spread on the food and water at their casinos kills people, and it kills people faster than the anti-fertility herbs being added to foods by the Islamists. Don't expect First Nations people to enforce food safety regulations at their casinos, they are paying people back for the contaminated blankets handed to their ancestors centuries ago. People buy business licenses and offer food in the hopes of financial profit, then they cut corners to maximize their profits, they care little that staff members dealing the food and handing out water aren't abiding by food safety regulations, their licenses should be revoked and they should face fines. The Indians have cameras all over their First Nations casinos, but they are unable to see their own cooks continually touching their faces, adjusting their glasses and scratching their noses, arses, or whatever, with their rubber-gloved hands, and they think the contaminated meals they offer are still worth $25 a serving. The healthy among us who consume the contaminated food and water get diarrhea for a couple of days while the weak and the elderly get death sentences. The First Nations running the casinos show their true colors each winter when they openly adopt Catholic fertility rites and turn their casinos into blinkin' temples of fertility. There is little difference between traditional aboriginal beliefs and Catholicism, band members flip-flop between their traditional aboriginal beliefs and Catholicism depending whom they are trying to get into their beds and fuck on any particular day, and that is why HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases are so high in the First Nations communities. The Indians are like anybody else, they lined up to help Graham Construction build the new torture facilities in North Battleford, and are eager to sweep the psychiatric ward floors or provide food to the tortured inmates as the positions offered in the hospitals are unionized and pay better than average. Repeatedly I have seen fast food restaurants allow mothers to sit their children down upon the front serving counters, these mothers and restaurant employees think pretty highly of the children's filthy pants and dirty arseholes, and then nobody sanitizes the serving counter after the mother and child leaves. Cadets, sports organizations and assorted clubs should submit videos of food service safety infractions to City Hall and share in the fines being levied against them. People who are void of compassion should not be allowed to have a business license that allows them to serve food, but that is not possible so they must face fines in an attempt to force compliance to the laws. The Canadian Food Inspection Agency is just a joke that costs lives and money, the City of Saskatoon should be levying fines against the filthy restaurants without the assistance of that corrupt organization. The Indians in Caswell, Riversdale and Pleasant Hill districts of Saskatoon are largely just killing one another while it is the Indians serving food at Whitecap Dakota Dunes Casino and other restaurants that pose a greater danger to the people of other races. Some of the money being spent at the casinos in Canada originates from Western New Guinea, Islamists from Indonesia invaded the island about 60 years ago and have been slaughtering the native inhabitants, many of whom are Christians, ever since. Both Chinese and Canadian companies are involved in extracting the gold from the extremely rich land, it is land that likely contains the highest concentration of gold in the entire world. The Chinese transport the gold by pipeline - the Chinese pump an extremely rich golden slurry to their waiting ships, then transport this golden slurry to China where they refine it into gold bullion. The Chinese then use the gold to purchase land, resources, houses, entire companies, and to buy off politicians in Canada and around the world. The Papuans were our allies in WWII, and now Australia and other western nations close their eyes to the atrocities committed by the Islamists, and close their hearts to the suffering of the Papuan people. The "savages" at aboriginal run casinos in Canada work hard to benefit from this Papuan wealth. Should Saskatoon build a casino and get a piece of the Papuan pie, we should use much of the profits to aid Papuans rather than Canadians. It's funny how Canadian aboriginal Indians care little that much of the money pouring into their casinos originates from Western New Guinea and that the inhabitants there are facing genocide. This uncaring attitude of Canadian aboriginal Indians is largely due to them being Catholics, their concern is for their genitals and their blinkin' trees rather than their fellow man. And when an earthquake and tidal wave struck Indonesia in 2004, Canadian "Christians" sent massive amounts of aid to the Islamists in Indonesia, for they too care little about the Papuan people. Many Indonesians were becoming massively wealthy from their theft of Papuan gold, and then in 2004 western churches began raising many hundreds of millions of dollars for the Islamists of Indonesia. Now Papuans are united in their adoption of Catholic fertility rites, they turn trees into decorated idols, pray to Mary and sing Jingle Bells. Many Christians in American helped to elect and re-elect a homosexual Indonesian Islamist to the presidency of the United States of America, they voted for the sodomite because he appeared to share their values when he repeatedly posed besides trees turned into decorated idols. Together the Papuan gold and trees turned into blinkin' idols were instrumental in electing and re-electing the homosexual Indonesian Islamist to power, and once in power Obama funded the massacre of Christians in the middle-east. But the American Christians still love Obama, for his blinkin' trees were exceptionally decorated, Obama even turned trees into decorated idols with the medals of the American war dead. The American and Canadian aboriginal natives are fond of Obama, even though his presidency was largely funded by the genocide of the Papuan natives in western New Guinea and area. It is an easy thing for Islamists to pretend to be Catholics as both groups harbor a great hatred for God's Commandments. See the politicians pose next to the blinkin' trees, it is a Catholic fertility rite, different aspects of this pagan winter holiday are in direct opposition to God's first Three Commandments. Politicians of all stripes are trying to get the Catholic votes and do so by adopting filthy Catholic traditions. The Canadian political parties are run by people who turn trees into decorated idols, they are so eager for the Islamic, Sikh and Hindu votes that they promote these people within their parties, they guarantee that large percentages of the space in post secondary educational facilities be handed out to people of these alternative religious persuasions, they provide homes in Canada not only for the pagan "immigrants", they provide homes for the Islamic, Sikh and Hindu family members, cousins, and for entire villages (and give them free health care and such). Now about the only time we see a white woman on TV is when she is shown together with an Arab, Asian or African man in the role as her sexual partner. The white people in North America turn trees into decorated idols and adopt other Catholic fertility rites, such as sticking a miniature Egyptian obelisk (penis) on the roofs of their church and on the top of their blinkin' trees. They embrace pagan fertility rites and then give their nations away to members of alternative fertility cults. I criticized the pagan traditions in their churches and said that their churches were censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism, they made me a home in a psychiatric ward and annually turn their homes and entire cities in blinkin' temples of fertility while giving away homes to members of alternative fertility cults. These Catholics consider themselves rich, so rich that they can give entire nations away to members of alternative fertility cults. In the final days God uses His angels to bring destruction, don't seek protection from angels is my advice. Anyway, to make a long story short, God is about to spread you folks out like dung and I think it is absolutely hilarious!!! The Saskatoon Star-Phoenix newspaper and other media outlets throughout the western world used comics to teach people that Africans and South Sea Islanders were cannibals, they would depict white people in a cooking pot while black people or south sea islanders stood next to the pot and tended to the fires burning below. This continued well into the 1960's but since then it is no longer politically correct to use the comics to denigrate the African people, while the South Sea Islanders are still periodically depicted as cannibals. Assorted churches (including the Seventh-day Adventist Church) published books explaining how their missionaries traveled to these distant lands and civilized the cannibals. The churches never quoted Scripture in their publications, nor from their pulpits, nor during their Bible Studies, that supported the existence of cannibals, instead they would teach of the existence of cannibals in Africa and the South Seas while censoring existence of cannibals in the "civilized" west. In 1988 I criticized this racism taught by the churches and faced arrest and the beginning of years of torture. Hollywood was systematically teaching people to seek power from supposedly magical rocks, was teaching people of the great benefits of engaging in witchcraft, and taught of the existence of ghosts as opposed to angels, but then in 1989 this changed with the release of "Silence of The Lambs" where a single cannibal was depicted as being real and active in the western world. So in 1989 Hollywood began to be more truthful in their teachings than the Christian churches, as the Christian churches continued to censor the existence of cannibals in the western world. In 1988 people began paying millions of dollars to have me tortured at the University of Saskatchewan (and later at Saskatoon City Hospital) for daring to speak of the existence of cannibals in the civilized west, then starting in 1989 they began spending millions of dollars to watch Hollywood movies depicting cannibals in the civilized west. Anyway, Scripture proclaims that God is about to spread you people out like dung over the surface of the earth, this is fair and I fully support it. Already God has begun to spread many of your apostate children out like dung, I not only support it, I think it is absolutely hilarious. Just as you folks think it hilarious that I get tortured by predominantly Brahmin Hindu psychiatrists, I think that the deaths of your children is equally hilarious. In February 2020 aboriginal protestors set up a blockade on 20th Street and Idylwyld Drive, the Saskatoon City Police responded by blocking additional streets in the area. Huge numbers of police officers and police cars were deployed to assist the aboriginal protestors to block streets. Tax money collected from the residents of the city should not be used to pay police officers to block traffic. The police in Canada have a duty to uphold the laws of Canada, not Catholic laws, not Islamic Sharia laws, not Chinese laws, not United States laws, not United Nations laws, nor First Nations laws. Should I become Mayor of Saskatoon, I will instruct our Aboriginal/Catholic police chief to stop using our police force to block streets and impede the flow of traffic. The Catholic law is to steal an obelisk (a pagan representation of a penis) from Egypt and erect it in the center of Vatican Square, then each winter to place a large evergreen tree turned into a decorated idol next to the stolen dink, and encourage the entire world to join with them in this pagan filth, while ramming their penises high up into your children's arseholes. It is not appropriate for the police force in Saskatoon to celebrate Catholic laws and annually turn the police station into a blinkin' temple of fertility. Nor is it appropriate to use the police force to arrest people who dare to criticize Catholic fertility rites. If our current Aboriginal/Catholic police chief continues to abide by First Nations laws and Catholic laws, then he should be prepared for a new job. Canadian laws should be applied equally to all Canadians. Annually turning the police station into a |
Squeak <darylkabatoff@yahoo.ca>: Aug 09 12:53PM -0700 Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part C - Daryl Kabatoff August 8th 2022 12:11 am 132,089 words (149 pages) "The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer "Christians are the worst part of Canadian society." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer "Honour killings shouldn't be called 'barbaric.'" - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer "They are not sexual assaults, but 'honour' rapes." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer "If you're not willing to embrace Islam, you're not a part of our society." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer "Who remembers the Armenian genocide? If they can't remember the Armenian genocide, who is goink to be concerned about the Jews?" - Adolph Hitler speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer "Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff." - Eddie Izzard It started with the Saskatoon Star-Phoenix libeling me when they misrepresented my election platform when I ran for mayor. I wanted cars off the road that were defective and belching clouds of blue smoke, the Saskatoon Star-Phoenix instead reported that I wanted to ban cars that burned an excessive quantity of gas, and the public lapped up the libel and laughed. My election litrature also stated that city council reduced municipal taxes for banks, and this was ignored by the media. Then in 1988 I proclaimed that the media was protecting the pedophile priests, adding that it was no surprise that the priests were ramming their penises up your children's arseholes as they already advertise themselves with Egyptian dinks on the roofs of their churches, but I was repeatedly arrested, given to a Brahmin Hindu psychiatrist who told me that I think too much about penises, who then tortured me, and was labeled as a pedophile when I publically complained of the "treatment" I received. Years later the Saskatoon Star-Phoenix ran three front page stories over a three day period libeling me and urging my arrest, immediately Catholic radio host John Gormley took up the battle and used his thousands of watts to encourage people to assault me in order to shut me up. Gormley's message was received by the people of Saskatoon, resulting in the theft of my property and additional threats against my life. I was robbed, I complained to police officers who just laughed at me. Usenet trolls Don Ocean of South Dakota (Freemason) and James Takayama of Hawaii repeatedly and incessantly libeled me and called me a pedophile, then the media quoted the libel from these usenet trolls and accused me of being a pedophile as well. Being repeatedly libeled and labeled as a pedophile by the usenet trolls and their sock puppets, and then by the media, made my life exceedingly difficult. It is better to be libeled and be called a pedophile and then face assault and ultimately be murdered, than for me to kill these people and be labeled as both a pedophile and a murderer. It is better to hand the problem over to Jesus than attempt to rectify it on my own. Most citizens who hear of this are happy about it for they have a great love of Catholic fertility rites and don't want these traditions criticized. I wanted to know more about who the hell you people were, so I interviewed people on the streets and in coffee shops, and posted material attempting to show folks that their birthdays, names and children were all gifts from God. Radio host John Gormley did not appreciate the postings and did what he could to prevent additional material from being posted on the usenet - he used his radio station to whip up a frenzy and urge my assault. None of my wealthy Adventist relatives nor my Doukhobor relatives would raise a finger in my defense as all were embracing Catholic fertility rites and did not require any criticisms of their Catholic faith… one relative managed to reach under her lavish tree and give me a can of nuts every December 25th. Kindness was shown to me, on December 25th. For additional information on families persecuting their own children for daring to speak out against their traditions, read "Frances Farmer: Shadowland", by William Arnold. The book is difficult to both find and read, there is no space at all for such a book to be found in either our schools or libraries. No public-private partnership construction, the end result is higher costs for citizens. If you can't afford your project now, don't build it now. Engaging in public-private partnership construction burdens the youth with the costs for decades to come. Note that public-private partnership was used in the construction of new psychiatric torture facilities at North Battleford, if you can't afford to build facilities to torture people with psychiatric drugs, don't be getting the public taxpayers and future taxpayers to assist you with such facilities. Vengeance is God's (Romans 12:19, Hebrews 10:30), the corporate leaders who think they are set to profit from building torture facilities are going to be disappointed, I predict. Lives are being lost and destroyed. There must be a special place in hell for people who profit on the torture of their fellow man, and who place the community in debt while doing so. Until then, there should be an end to the city utilizing Graham Construction for any projects. Check out the 16 Catholic hockey players that lost their lives when a Sikh rammed his truck into their bus near Humboldt. Evergreen trees obscured the vision of the drivers. Similarly today the evergreen trees are obscuring the vision and the common sense of the people who should be thanking God for their lives, instead they idolize the trees, stick Egyptian penises on the roofs of their churches and pray to Mary. I criticized your pagan practices and received many years of brutal horrid torture, nobody would assist me to flee Canada, and no "free" country was about to give refugee status to any person from "free" Canada. I lost year after year to brutal horrid torture, then lost subsequent years living in an utterly frantic state wondering when the next arrest and round of torture would occur… it is fitting that God would withdraw His protection from your apostate children and send a few on holidays. The 16 Catholic hockey players were not the only children of yours that God sent on holidays. People think it hilarious that I would be tortured by Brahmin Hindus for years, I in turn think it hilarious that the parents teach their children to pray to Mary and turn trees into idols, then claim that their smitten progeny are up in heaven looking down upon us, and protecting us. Periodically God makes a clean sweep of your neighborhoods and removes roofs and destroys houses, this gives people an opportunity to build new houses with taller ceilings so they may get even taller trees and decorate them to even greater degrees. People exchange God's Commandments for man's traditions then attribute their prayers to be full of power while ascribing my prayers as being of no effect. They have me tortured for years in an attempt to shut me up about the pagan filth that they hold up as being Christianity, and when I complain, they claim that I am judging them. Better to give my problems to Jesus and have Him terminate your ignorant and compassionless children's lives when He feels the time is right. People are facing tremendous economic losses and the loss of many lives, through prayer, and they think they can get on God's good side by praying to Mary, bowing to trees and allowing a flood of Catholics, Islamists, Hindus and Sikhs into our nation. They faithfully prayed to Mary and faithfully tithed to their priests, the faithfully turned trees into blinkin' idols, faithfully had me tortured for years for attempting to criticize their priests and fertility traditions, people are full of faith. Just as the nurse laughed at me when I complained of the effects of the psychiatric drugs and said it was my own damn fault for not drinking enough water, similarly your Catholic hockey players are now dead because they too never drank enough water. If they drank enough water the bus would have stopped and let them out to take a piss, or they would have delayed getting on that bus in the first place by stopping at the water fountain for another drink. The parents turn trees into decorated idols, the kids abide by the traditions handed down by their parents, the children die and then the parents publish stories claiming their smitten children to be up in heaven with Mary, looking down and protecting their families and entire communities from evil. Your Catholic lives and your Catholic religion are a joke. Public facilities, whether police stations, libraries, schools, zoos, city or fire halls, should not be annually turned into pagan temples glorifying evergreen tree whoreship. Should I be elected as mayor, the upper management of these facilities in Saskatoon will be given notice that should they continue to use their office to teach pagan fertility rites or if they allow such practices to continue unabated, they will face termination from their jobs. Your job description does not include teaching people to adopt Catholic fertility rites!!! Catholic schools will of course be allowed to continue to teach children to abide by Catholic fertility rites. And the Protestant schools may continue to teach the children to abide by Catholic fertility rites as well because they too are actually Catholic schools, for when you adopt Catholic fertility rites then you become Catholics. Catholics have co-opted not just Protestant churches, but Protestant schools as well, and have co-opted the media, Hollywood, police forces and courts of law, they infiltrate and use any and all institutions to help them teach you to turn trees into decorated idols. It is exceedingly important for the Catholic Church to get people to turn trees into decorated idols, for this way they are able to get people to violate God's first three Commandments in one fell swoop. I will do what I can to prevent any tax money from funding any Catholic (or so-called Protestant schools) and suggest parents homeschool their children or find alternative ways to educate their children. Schools (and libraries) should not be used to teach traditions - I will not be party to this. City owned transit buses are being used to proclaim Islamic holidays on illuminated signs on the outside of the buses. The practice must come to an end. Bus drivers who continue to allow religious proclamations to be displayed in or on their buses should be terminated from their jobs. Doukhobors came to Canada with the message: "Toil and Peaceful Life", they were persecuted in Canada and aren't allowed to have this messages blinkin' on the buses. But the Islamists come recently with a book that repeatedly tells them to kill the non-believers, and you allow them to flash their messages on buses with blinkin' lights. The priests are ramming their penises up children's arseholes, and then the schools respond by teaching the kids to embrace a homosexual lifestyle and start ramming their penises up each other's arseholes as well. The Protestant schools are co-opted by Catholics who then teach your children to ram their penises up each other's arseholes. The children of the Islamists are allowed to keep their faith and are not subjected to the brainwashing, just the white kids are taught to ram their penises up each other's arseholes. The Catholic Church works hard to get the white students into their College of Arts and Sciences, where they are taught Marxism and to ram their penises up each other's arseholes. Parents wanting to have their children educated in these pro-sodomy Catholic schools should find ways to fund the schools without the assistance of other taxpayers. Should the Catholic Church be unwilling to pay the city a $3 billion dollar performance bond, the city should consider repurposing some of their churches, schools (the university) and other real-estate holdings. The Catholic Church has sizable real-estate holdings that can be forfeited if they fail to pay the $3 billion performance bond. Gasoline and diesel fuel sold in Saskatoon is to be labeled at the pump as to the origin of the fuels. About 25% of the fuel sold in Canada comes from Saudi Arabia and Azerbaijan (fuel is transported to us from half way around the world) and not from Alberta, Saskatchewan nor the Maritimes. Gas stations that fail to label the origin of their fuels and gas stations that sell fuel coming from Saudi Arabia, Azerbaijan and other distant locations will face a "filthy carbon tax" of 25% added of the sales price of the fuel, that tax must be submitted to city hall daily. For example, if the filthy fuel is priced at $1.40/liter, the owners of the service stations will adjust the price upward to $1.75/liter and submit .35 cents per liter to city hall daily. The federal government is responsible for this situation where they financially back Islamic nations while at the same time are actively trying to bankrupt our own nation. The Islamic nations are especially cruel to women, Jews, Christians and homosexuals, I am of the opinion that we should not be supporting their economies. Saskatoonians should be informed as to the origin of their fuels and be allowed to decide for themselves whether to support Islam or not. Should Saskatoonians support Islamic fuel (and thereby support the enslavement of women, the sexual abuse of children, and the murder of Jews, Christians and homosexuals), then they can pay the additional 25% "filthy carbon tax" on the fuel. Gas stations that sell the Islamic fuel are raising money for Islam, the corporations they represent should each post a performance bond of $3 billion to help pay for the damages caused to city infrastructure when the Islamists begin their bombing campaigns. Give each of the corporations 30 days to post the $3 billion performance bonds, after which time gas stations that sell their brand should have their business licenses cancelled and stores shuttered. The money raised will go a long way to assist the lowering of both home and business taxes. Similarly we should not be growing foods for the sole purpose of converting the food into alcohol to add to gasoline. Gasoline that contains any percentage of ethanol should also face a 25% tax added at the pump. The practice of converting corn into fuel results in higher food prices and greater pollution from fertilizers entering and polluting waterways. The people selling and purchasing these foul fuels will have to do some serious soul searching regarding the future of our nation and our planet. And it should be noted here that lead and most other additives to gasoline are highly toxic and shortens both human life and engine oil life. This results in more frequent oil changes and accelerated wear to engines, and also results in sick and dead people. We should raise money by taxing the fowl fuels. Islamists are taxing food manufacturers with a Halal tax, which is passed on to consumers. The money raised with this Halal taxation is used to wage war against western civilization. Saskatoon requires a bylaw making it illegal to buy or sell any foods that are taxed to raise money for war. Repeated violators should have their properties seized, sold, |
Squeak <darylkabatoff@yahoo.ca>: Aug 09 12:53PM -0700 Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part B - Daryl Kabatoff August 8th 2022 12:11 am 132,089 words (149 pages) "The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer "Christians are the worst part of Canadian society." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer "Honour killings shouldn't be called 'barbaric.'" - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer "They are not sexual assaults, but 'honour' rapes." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer "If you're not willing to embrace Islam, you're not a part of our society." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer "Who remembers the Armenian genocide? If they can't remember the Armenian genocide, who is goink to be concerned about the Jews?" - Adolph Hitler speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer "Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff." - Eddie Izzard People wanting to build aircraft, whether in the west or in the Russian far east, should consider making an assembly-line and rolling off copies of a commonly desired model, perhaps a flying boat that seats just four people. Another group of people will be incessant that they will each have a Short Takeoff And Landing (STOL) aircraft, and so that group would be best served by building assembly-line copies of the same plane… One seater STOL? Two seater STOL? Four Seater STOL? There may be enough interest to warrant making single, two and four seater STOL's and rolling these three models off assembly lines. If the majority wants a four-seater STOL, the people who desire a one or two seater STOL may still manufacture what they desire, we should have the room available to accommodate people's projects. If city has the ability to spend hundreds of millions of dollars on assorted projects of very questionable worth, and more on projects that they have no business funding, then similarly the city should be able to spend a bit of money to construct space that is suitable for you to build a project. Put 100 people together each wanting to build the same aircraft, perhaps a one-seater STOL, this aircraft has a complex wing design. The 100 projects can be approached haphazardly with individuals constructing assorted parts of their aircraft independently from one another. Or everybody could unite and build the wings for their airplanes at the same time. Or everybody could unite and build 100 copies of the same set of wings to be drawn for after the aircraft are built. Or 20 people could unite and build the 100 sets of wings for the 100 aircraft while the other 80 people build different components for these 100 airplanes. This latter scenario would likely speed up the process of building the STOL aircraft, and 80% of the builders will not have to worry about building wings for their aircraft. Hopefully there would be enough interest to get a second set of 100 (or more) people together to build a different aircraft, and perhaps get a third group of 100 people united so they too may build 100 copies of some third style of aircraft for themselves. If you wanted an airplane and had very limited wealth, you would likely choose to join the group that seeks to make extremely cheap airplanes (likely mostly wooden and cloth) that are light weight and so can function with lower horsepower engines. Perhaps your group will cooperatively own some engines that you may borrow until you get your act together to purchase your own. There might be some smaller groups of builders, for example there may be 25 people who desire to build some plans-built airplane who do not wish to join with the other groups of people building other aircraft designs. The city provides a room for the builders, first large rooms where all the prospective builders may meet and discuss building different designs, then smaller meeting rooms for the builders who decided upon the same design. At first the groups could make use of smaller building facilities, perhaps sharing machine shops with others groups as they manufacture parts for their own designs, then later the groups would graduate to their own larger facilities that would allow them to build wings and assemble their fuselages. I believe many people will want to use welders to fix and customize their automobiles and trucks, we are in need of facilities for these projects that are well separated from other projects. People can start by bringing a clean vehicle that has no papers or any other materials in the glove boxes or scattered about. Then they can drain the vehicle of fuel and remove the gas tank(s), and leave their gas tanks wrapped up and outside in the empty gas tank storage location. Then they can roll their vehicle upon a movable platform, then they can remove their wheels and tires and similarly have these wrapped up and stored in an alternative outdoor storage location. Once their vehicle is stripped of paper, fuel and tires (fire hazards), and once their vehicle propped up onto a movable platform, then they may move their vehicle into the building where there will be a secure storage location for it. When they are ready to work on their vehicle they may roll it out of the secure storage and work on the vehicle, then return it to the secure storage when they are done for the day. People welding near fabric seats can remove their seats and other flammable materials and leave these items outside as well. People doing bodywork are creating dust and they can do this in a separate building, people painting vehicles would again conduct this in a separate building. Perhaps other facilities can be made available for people to work on their vehicles without having to remove their gas tanks and tires. Consider using the facilities to alter the oiling of your engine, relocate the oil filter to the top of the engine in order to easily accomplish future oil changes. Rather than use the facilities to work on your vehicles, use our other facilities where you build your car from scratch, using anything from carbon fiber and other composites to aluminum, titanium and steel. Help people to innovate and create by providing encouragement and secure facilities, and by legalizing their creations and allowing their daily use without the added burden of huge volumes of government paperwork. When people get together in groups they can talk and share ideas and share resources and manufacture all sorts of things, people would learn metalworking, woodworking and other skills, and the entire nation would benefit as a direct result of allowing and helping people to get together, innovate, and in the process, learn new skills. Innovation is far more apt to occur without having to deal with government and their mountains of paperwork. There are sure to be accidents and people will lose fingers or other appendages, these can be humorously pickled and placed on display as we should always make the best of our situation. Anyway Stalin was wise to give the students the option to build the composite Yaks, for those Yaks saved Russia from utter ruin. I bet the Russian kids sang songs in praise of Stalin back then, just as the Canadian kids sing praises for Justin Trudeau today. And then again there is that issue of Cindy who isn't quite sure which airplane to build and changes her mind, but still is able to trade the unwanted parts she built for an aircraft that she no longer desires for the parts she now requires, squeak squeak. Probababbly Cindy would originally want to build a Yak and flee to Yakutia but then changed her mind and built a STOL and fled to Finland instead, in either case Saskatoon's Aviation Department would strive to assist Cindy to meet her desired goals, no matter how many times she changes her mind. Saskatoon's Aviation Department would strive to assist Saskatoonian's to emigrate to different locations, perhaps to Scandinavia or to the Russian far east, we could help send groups of people to different locations, perhaps dropping people off at the sprawling and vibrant cities of Magadan and Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy. And again at the very last minute Cindy and women just like Cindy could again change their minds and could decide to travel along with Steve to some bleak outpost in northern Siberia. Lucky Steve, it would be due to the flexibility of the Aviation Department to accommodate women like Cindy who decide at the last minute to include themselves and their equipment together with an alternative Aviation Department convoy. In the end it would be trendsetters like Cindy who would pave the way for a better future for Saskatoonians, and for people like Steve. Other Civic Issues: Recently administrators at the main downtown library discarded massive number of books citing that people bound to wheelchairs were unable to reach the books on the highest and lowest shelves, they decided to remove access to books that other people could reach. Over the last few decades the head librarians have been filling our shelves with material promoting witchcraft and homosexuality, this is in addition to the librarians pushing books advocating Catholic fertility rites. It costs taxpayers about a million dollars every time a single individual gets infected with HIV, but you won't read about that in books at our libraries. The libraries are being patronized by drug addicts who have little interest in reading, and who's presence negatively affect the learning of those who are so inclined. I do not support spending any money on a new larger downtown library, nor on spending money to annually turn the existing libraries into Catholic temples of fertility, nor on spending any additional money on new crappy books advocating Catholicism, Islam, witchcraft nor homosexuality. Nor should we be spending money on computers (and computer support technicians) for patrons to play games on, and we can save money by reducing or ceasing the purchase of adult fiction books. The library is for housing books and making these books accessible, not to cruise the internet and play computer games. We should stop spending money on paying wages for the administrators who turned our libraries into jokes. We should radically cut the budget on the libraries and find new administrators who will allow books that are critical of the Catholicism, Islam, witchcraft and homosexuality. Rather than censor Michael Rowbotham's "The Grip of Death: A Study of Modern Money, Debt Slavery, and Destructive Economics" and even purge the record of the book ever having been at the library, we should instead buy several copies of the book. Rather than having hundreds or even thousands of different children's books advocating witchcraft and homosexuality, we should be providing children with books that encourage independent thinking. Currently far less than 1% of the people in Canada are ramming their penises up each other's arseholes, we should not be using taxpayer's money to encourage the other 99% to do so. Until the homosexual / witchcraft books are removed from the children's section of the libraries, consider carding people and preventing anybody under the age of 18-years-old from entering the public libraries, lest the city face a law suit for contributing to the delinquency of children. Children are created by a union of a man and a woman who ideally unite as a family and work together to raise these children, the public libraries (and Hollywood and the media and the churches and the schools) are being used to contribute to the delinquency of children by advocating the removal of the fathers from the lives of his children and tearing families apart. City council should recognize that the libraries have been co-opted by individuals that have very dark agendas and do everything possible to prevent additional money transfers that allow these damaging agendas to continue. Michael Rowbotham has a plan where interest-free money can be created to pay for new infrastructure (bridges, overpasses, sewers, roads, schools, libraries, aircraft factories, homebuilt aviation insurance…), it would be helpful to give the citizens of Saskatoon access to such material. This interest free money can be "created" by the City of Saskatoon to pay for any liability caused by our homebuilt aviators. At present, so-called "money" is printed by private banks out of thin air, and then loaned to the governments at compound interest, thereby enslaving us. Recently people have had access to an excessive amount of fiction and are confusing fiction for non-fiction. And then on July 17th 2020 the Saskatoon Star-Phoenix announced that the Saskatoon Public Library has appointed a Syrian sodomite who is living in Vancouver to be the new "Writer In Residence", and so Danny Ramadan is now being paid to encourage Saskatoon's youth to start ramming their penises up each other's arseholes. Over the last few decades many millions of dollars were spent just in Saskatoon to encourage people to adopt a homosexual lifestyle, now in 2020 and 2021 people are demonized if they desire to encourage children to adopt a straight lifestyle. Hollywood, the media, the churches, the schools and the libraries are all teaching your children to ram their penises up each other's arseholes… the result is the end of white families. The Moslems have four wives and a house for each wife (paid for by your tax dollars through Saskatchewan Social Services), but the message from Hollywood, the media, the churches, the schools and the libraries is not for the Moslems to ram their penises up each other's arseholes, the message for the Moslems is that male Moslems can now also have white wives. And there is another message being sent out, that white women can be raped and traumatized with little fear of serious consequences to the rapist. If I were mayor of Saskatoon, I would pay my employees in real money, which is gold and silver coins. The City of Saskatoon could strike its own gold coins to pay their employees. As mayor of The City of Saskatoon I'd give the average worker a 0.06 troy ounce (0.06 AGW), gold coin for eight hours work. This will reduce taxes to homeowners and to business owners considerably. Workers wanting more than a 0.06 Troy Ounce gold coin for a eight hour work day can seek out work elsewhere, they may go mine gold for themselves or work at alternative businesses, or create their own businesses. Free people are allowed to have guns, land, and are paid in gold and silver coins, back in the day when people were free Mexico made a 2.5 Peso (.0603 oz) gold coin from 1918-1948, and the coin was alloyed at 90% gold to 10% copper, it was alloyed in order to make the coin harder and more durable to survive circulation. We should have a small gold coin that is similar to that Mexican coin, but containing 0.06 ounces of gold instead, or less, it would be a savings of at least .0003 ounces of gold per coin, again saving money for the home and business owners by reducing taxes, perhaps. We'll be rich. And the supposed poor among us would have small concrete homes in the country - they get their own concrete homes (and pay the city mortgage on the tiny house) and a garden, they can work towards gaining wealth with their gardens and taxpayers wouldn't have to give money to landlords. People would not pay taxes for landlords to house the poor, and would obtain access to |
Squeak <darylkabatoff@yahoo.ca>: Aug 09 12:22PM -0700 Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part A - Daryl Kabatoff August 8th 2022 12:11 am 132,089 words (149 pages) "The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer "Christians are the worst part of Canadian society." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer "Honour killings shouldn't be called 'barbaric.'" - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer "They are not sexual assaults, but 'honour' rapes." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer "If you're not willing to embrace Islam, you're not a part of our society." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer "Who remembers the Armenian genocide? If they can't remember the Armenian genocide, who is goink to be concerned about the Jews?" - Adolph Hitler speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer "Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff." - Eddie Izzard Contents: Aviation, Boating, TIG Welding ATV's, Mini-Trucks 4x4's, 6x6's, 8x8's Tracked Vehicles Velodrome and Bicycles Wooden Aircraft, Boats and Cars Horse Drawn Wagons Bison and Affordable Home Ownership Banking, Wealth Management Diamonds, Gold and Money Female Fashion Trends Pants That Fit Largest Building in Saskatchewan British, German and Russian History Islamic History High School Students, Hockey Players Big-Nosed Cree Gun Laws, Ballistics Native Governance Restaurants and Fine Dining Appeasement and Being Nice Law of 22 Prairial Psychiatric Abuse, Horror Blinkin' Lights and Fertility Rites Metallurgy and "Science" Son of Sam Yaks and Yakutia (The Sakha Republic) Magadan and Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy Marina Galkina Religion and Humor The Anti-Christ Revealed Red and White Depopulation Jabs El Nino and La Nina Climate Oscillations Forwards: Run in rural and city elections as "Republic", and affirm that you are defending: 1) the right to own property, including land and guns 2) the right to grow food and other plants, to raise and prepare animals for food, to sell your food 3) the right to decide upon the education of your children 4) the right to free speech and beliefs 5) the right to not be forced into psychiatric or any other medical care 6) the right to be paid in real money which is gold and silver coins, the right to mine a small gold claim in your nation 7) the right to not have your tax money used to support foreigners, many of whom desire our deaths. The right not to have your tax money used to support people of your own nationality, many of which are in need due to their poor habits. The right to not have your tax money used to support medical "care" for anybody, as it is now evident that the "care" provided for many is designed to maim and kill. The right not to have your tax money used to fight wars in foreign nations, as it is evident that the wars are designed to impoverish people of our own nation and bring about our own demise. The right not to have your tax money used to support schools, as these schools are teaching children to alter their sex, engage in abhorrent sexual behavior, to adopt Catholic fertility rites… the schools teach your children to become docile communists and are used to encourage your children to hand over their nations over to Islamists 8) the right to "freely" innovate, to fly your own aviation creations and to operate other mobile creations without government interference, with either no or minimal taxation, the right to movement Affirm that you support these eight points on your election literature and run for office under the "Republic" ticket. Defend the Republic of the United States of America, fight for a Republic in Canada and in other nations. If you are not comfortable publicly defending the idea of a Republic (as opposed to a democracy which always seems to lead to a dictatorship), then you can still affirm you are defending the points listed above in your election literature. I believe that people should also have the right to innovate and place their own automotive creations on the roads but should be taxed for road construction and road maintenance. Somewhat similarly, people flying will have to pay for airport landing and storage fees should they choose to land at and fly from such facilities. People flying or driving their own creations should have affordable insurance available to them, they should be allowed to pay the same low rate required to insure a 20-year-old mid-sized automobile, or even a lower rate as an incentive, in order to motivate people to innovate and create. Governments should continue to insure that the private aircraft are not a hazard to the commercially flown aircraft and restrict their flight in certain locations. Regardless, governments should be giving people options and not taking options away. I believe that people should NOT be handed free homes paid for by taxing others, or be provided with welfare assistance so they may pay rent to landlords. Inflation is NOT rising prices but is instead a result of inflating the paper money supply. By paying people in gold and silver coins (instead of paper dollar bills), inflation of the paper money supply and the resulting increase in the prices of consumer goods would be eliminated, thereby allowing people to earn enough money (gold and silver coins) so they may purchase or build a home, unless they piss their money away. Gold-bearing regions in Canada should be opened up to the average Canadian so they may stake and work a claim. The inflation of the money supply should be limited to the extraction (and importing) of gold and silver and converting this into coins. Gold and silver should not be traded in any electronic or paper form in part to help determine the true value of silver in relationship to gold, and in part to stop criminal activities tied to this ponzi scheme, and in part to get rid of the corrupt banking system. We should be able to transition to a more sane economy based on circulating gold and silver coins, and/or coins containing primarily a mixture of gold and silver, without having to resort to persecuting Jews or any other religious group. Using Scripture, (Jewish Laws), we can cancel all the national and personal debts every 49 or 50 years or so, and deport or slay the invaders, or those we are invading, or some damn thing like that. Many millions of acres of land in Canada and the USA that are gold-bearing are being mined by foreigners or by those Canadians and Americans who provide themselves with special privileges, or have the funds to climb legal hurdles (government restrictions on your freedom requiring teams of lawyers to overcome), or the land and the wealth within is claimed by the crown (The Queen of England and soon by Charles, her son), it is land that citizens should be able to work in order to build wealth for themselves. Homeless people can be provided with a small (I suggest a 200 square foot) concrete structure in the countryside where they may pay a mortgage on the land, on the concrete poured, and on the oil stove, door and windows installed. People can live in tents and trailers in the gold-bearing regions where they would have the right to mine the metal, should they wish they may return to the protection of their small permanent concrete home located in a non-mining area, perhaps in another province or state… that is if they have their mortgage payments on these small concrete houses up to date (which should not be hard as many would continue to collect welfare from the provincial or state governments that includes a housing allowance). I believe people should have homes and that it should be done in such a way to prevent banks and landlords from benefiting. Help provide the homeless (including the home renters and the apartment dwellers) with small concrete homes in the countryside (at least 20 miles away from the cities), make opportunities available to them so they may pay the mortgages, make sure these mortgages are paid off before they add to the size of the structure (and I suggest that these new homeowners be allowed to add vertically rather than spread out in order to retain land for gardens and for bison). I would like to see this done without using any tax money as politicians should not have the right to give your money to charity, in part because they use these charities to funnel money back to themselves. "Charity is no part of the legislative duty of the government," said James Madison, I agree and I believe we can solve much of the homeless crisis when governments allow the subdivision of a limited amount of land for specific purpose of creating a bison reserve that doubles as an area for the tiny concrete homes, and by allowing concerned citizens who have wealth to build the concrete structures and expect the investment to be returned via monthly payments from the occupants. Those who have the wealth to invest in the project should see their investment grow due to their expanding bison herd, and should not have to gouge the home owners (those who are paying the mortgages) huge interest on the concrete structures. Because the concrete structures are small (200 square feet), the mortgage holder (resident) may be able to make 12 monthly payments and pay off the debt. After the debt is paid, the new homeowner may pour additional concrete on the second or even the third floors, or construct these additional floors with alternative building materials. I propose that both the second and third floors be allowed a square footage of up to 800 square feet. The concrete second floor (800 square feet) floor could be poured at the same time that the first floor dwelling is poured, but the thousands of additional dollars for the cost of doing this additional step should be paid up front by the prospective buyer. Some current renters have money saved and can afford to swing this. Keep the structures concrete so the investors can easily steam clean the premises and find a new occupant who is willing to pay the mortgage on the property should the existing occupant fail to pay the debt, and so the bison can rub against the homes without causing damage. Those people who have the wealth to purchase the section (or two or three or four adjacent sections) of land would also provide the outer fence to confine the bison, and it is likely that these same investors would then purchase the bison for the project, and these investors would be the ones who get to chose which one single species of bison would be allowed to roam. Those people who are paying mortgages on their tiny concrete homes could be prevented from adding their own bison to the herd until they pay off their concrete homes, and then they should be limited in how many bison they be allowed to add to the herd as there are water and feed issues. The animals would have to meet strict requirements (species, health, genetic vigor) set by the owners of the majority of the herd, who are likely those who bought the land, built the fence and poured the concrete homes. There is the issue of paying off the mortgage to the investors before you start competing against these same investors for grazing rights Perhaps those paying off their mortgage should be allowed one horse (a mare) and one bison (a cow) and hope they multiply. Let the horses roam with the bison, I suggest you limit the horse herd to Icelandic ponies as they are hardy and can be safely used on mountain trails, and being smaller have a smaller impact upon the environment, and are a desirable breed so that a profit is more likely to be had (always bring in superior blood lines and a superior stallions). Prospective horse owners who just moved into their concrete houses should vote on the single one breed of horses they allow to roam. Limit the homeownership of the project to people who own no other land nor home, and prevent renters as these renters should instead be signing up for their own tiny home, which should result in pride of home ownership rather than in garbage and needles being spread throughout the community. Provide mortgages while making it clear that the buyer is not allowed to rent out the property, nor would they be allowed to operate motorized vehicles within the section (or two or three or four contiguous sections) of land that is fenced off and shared with bison. Automated fences can open to allow moose, deer and antelope to enter and leave the community at will. The residents would also have to sign wavers forfeiting their right to sue should they or a family member be injured or killed by a bison or by any other animal roaming the area. Place the majority of the homes close to the outer edges of the communities and space them each by perhaps 50 or 60 feet (far enough away for the tobacco smoke to dissipate), allowing the space between the homes for bison to roam at will. Some people who are more physically fit may chose to occupy a concrete home that is located further away from one of the parking lots and bus stops. I imagine everybody would be hauling water from a well or from the water truck, nobody would be allowed to use noisy gasoline, propane nor diesel generators, nor blast music. Allow people to fence off an area adjacent to their house, an additional 200 square feet for a garden or for a front or back yard should they care for a fence, a fenced-off garden, or for a fenced-off front or back yard, but this should be executed in such a way to leave ample room for animals to waltz between the homes. Communities can designate areas for communal fenced-off gardens, so of course those requiring additional garden space can access these additional secured garden spaces, or simply grow your gardens in the spaces between the homes where the bison and horses are allowed to roam. Place parking lots next to the outer edges of the project as well, fence the parking lots off to prevent the bison, horses and thieves from having access to these areas. There are estimates of 82% of the North American population taking the "covid" jabs, those who took one, two or three jabs will likely be dead in one, two or three years. Town, city, provincial, state and federal governments will be receiving fewer taxes as the economy collapses, will face greater hurdles to help the homeless. The world will soon wake up to the worthlessness of paper money, creating both opportunities and havoc, it would be helpful to provide homeless people with a small concrete home in designated areas. Some communities may choose to provide the homeless with a tent, sleeping bag and gold pan and ship them off to Northern British Columbia, Yukon or Alaska, depending upon their nationality. Some communities could be a little more compassionate than other communities, they could not only help provide these small concrete homes for the homeless, they could also provide space for people living in their area to learn new skills and build projects… City Provides Space For Projects: The program I envision and outline below is opposite to that of communism, it allows for people to freely innovate and freely travel with their homebuilt creations. The civic, state, provincial and federal governments should all be allowing people to "freely" innovate and build and fly their own aviation creations with no legal hurdles. |
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