Daryl Kabatoff <doukhoborarchivescanada@gmail.com>: Mar 15 08:29AM -0700 If I Was Mayor of Saskatoon - Part One - By Daryl S. Kabatoff March 14th 2020 AD 6:40 pm 27,608 words Contents: Aviation, Boating, TIG Welding Banking, Wealth Management Diamonds, Gold and Money Female Fashion Trends Largest Building in Saskatchewan British, German and Russian History High School Students, Hockey Players Gun Laws, Native Governance Restaurants and Fine Dining Appeasement and Being Nice Blinkin' Lights Religion and Humor If I was mayor of the City of Saskatoon I'd end of the money grab of the 30 km/hour school zones. The schools should post reduced speeds but with illuminated, blinkin' and more frequent signage. There should be no fine print on traffic speed signs, it is unreasonable for drivers to slow down to read fine print on street signs, then check the date and time of day to see if the information conveyed applies to them. There should be no reduced speeds in school zones when the students are inside the schools, so at the start of classes the speeds on the illuminated and blinkin' signs should return to 50 km/hour and cease blinkin'. The speed should only be reduced to 30 km/hour for 30 minutes before the start of classes, during the lunch hour, and for 30 minutes at the end of the school day. An end to reduced speed limits near high schools, for the high school students should have learned how to cross streets before graduating from grade 8. High school students who impede traffic by recklessly crossing streets should face fines to help pay for the cost of the new brightly blinkin' 30 km/hour primary school zone signs (and to reduce home and business taxes). Instead of 30 km/hour zones for the high schools, give the high school students crosswalks where they may push a button and get traffic to either slow down or stop. People like blinkin' lights, give the high school students a few blinkin' lights that are activated by pushing a blinkin' button. Reimburse the money of the ticketed drivers who were fined for exceeding the poorly marked 30 km/hour school zone limits. Drivers who were ticketed in these zones for speeds up to and including 55 km/hour should have their fines cancelled and money returned. This reimbursement should be funded by ticketing drivers who are in violation of traffic laws. Enforcing the fines for unattached trailers left on streets will go a long way in raising money to reimburse the drivers who were ticketed in the school-zone money grabs. The poorly made and poorly placed signage has resulted in not just traffic fines, but in increased insurance rates, together these increased costs resulted in the loss of mobility to some citizens - City Council should work to refund all these losses incurred by their negligence. Increased the number of speed limit signs. Some 60 km/hour zones are so poorly posted that drivers have not seen the existing one or two signs and instead travel at slower or faster speeds. Signs indicating speed limits should be posted regularly along streets and freeways, on every second or third light pole or power pole. Several of the 50 km/hour zones can be increased to 60 km/hour, and several 60 km/hour zones should be increased to 70 or 80 km/hour. There is a small 90 km/hour section on Circle Drive that should be reduced to 70 or 80 km/hour. Improved traffic flow by increasing speeds on Chief Mistawasis Bridge and on the roadways leading to and from this bridge. Improved traffic flow by connecting Clancy drive to 18th Street, passing beneath Circle Drive as this will alleviate the congestion on 22nd Street and Circle Drive. Improved traffic flow by widening sections of Circle Drive so that merging onto this freeway will become far less dangerous. Taylor Street should be moving four lanes of traffic at a consistent 50 km/hour, if a high school insists upon lower speeds during school hours, then get your blinkin' signs and your blinkin' lights to communicate the lower speeds in a clear and in an unambiguous manner. Put some study into alleviating congestion on Circle Drive between Avenue C and Millar Avenue. An overpass at Highway 12 and Marquis Drive is required but should be delayed due to mismanagement of city finances, and when it does finally get built it should have enough clearance to allow farmers to transport their grain bins. Improved traffic flow by re-routing the Yellowhead Highway to either one or two miles west of Dalmeny Road, and connecting to the existing Gordie Howe Bridge via a new road located between Cedar Villa Estates and the CN rail yard. This would be hundreds of millions of dollars cheaper than building a proposed bypass on the far east side of the city; furthermore having traffic totally bypassing the city will negatively affect local businesses and result in an additional hundreds of millions of dollars of lost revenue. If the provincial and federal governments desire to fund a bypass, then utilize Grasswoods Road and a new Grasswoods Bridge and have CPR locate their new bridge there as well. It would be in error to get Saskatoonians to pay for a traffic bypass for it would negatively impact businesses for decades to come, as was done in Regina. Improve the traffic flow on Idylwyld Drive by widening the street to 6 or 8 lanes and perhaps give the buildings lining the street a European style similar to, matching or blending into the style of the Bessborough Hotel or the old Eaton's building on 3rd Avenue South. Beautifying the city will improve the lives of the merchants, the residents and the visitors. We should study the issue of similarly improving 20th Street West. Reduced property taxes via the enforcement of existing traffic laws. Ticket drivers who hang any obstacles to vision, such as dream catchers, on their rear-view mirrors. Ticket the drivers who debadge their vehicles and obscure their license plates. Ticket the drivers who tint their front windows. Ticket drivers who fail to come to a complete stop at red lights and stop signs. Ticket the owners of the unattached trailers left on the streets. Removal of red-light cameras, it is a cash grab that largely benefits those who own the cameras. End to dedicated bike lanes, instead seek to improve road surfaces where bicycles are numerous. Most bicyclists in Saskatoon don't want bicycles and bike lanes, they instead want automobiles and their own houses. The city should work to remove lead from pipes and also bury power lines to insure the city doesn't suffer power outages during ice storms. An end to water fluoridation, the substance is toxic. Also a ban on toxic sales receipts, the chemicals cause mental and reproductive disorders, and cancers. The toxic sales receipts are a far greater problem than single use plastics, we should focus on the issue of the toxic sales receipts and eliminating that threat before even addressing the issue of plastics. The Federal government refuses to act to ban the toxic receipts, the provincial governments do not appear to be concerned, and so the responsibility to protect Saskatoon citizens falls upon the shoulders of the civic government. Allow people to continue to poison their children and themselves with toothpastes and deodorants, people should be free to choose. Removal of the blue recycling bins… people may still recycle their tin cans, plastics and papers by dropping off their scrap metals, plastics and paper at designated locations. Garbage pick-up should be conducted in alleys should the neighborhoods have back alleys. Individual homeowners will pay less for garbage pick-up each week if they don't set their numbered bins out each week. The city should assist some people to obtain rotating composters so we all may take advantage of the leaves and grass clippings and improve the soil throughout the city. Any future arena and velodrome should be located near the downtown core, in the central industrial area (the city yard site) near the existing sports and recreational facility of Harry Bailey Pool. I support the building of a single velodrome before the building of a second arena, and am unwilling to spend taxpayer's money for either venue. Trains should not be transporting dangerous goods through the center of the city. The city yard site should be used for future world-class arenas, swimming pools, gymnasiums, a velodrome and a stadium. Either remove the tracks to provide more room for the sports facilities or repurpose the tracks to transport people to and from these sports venues to distant parking lots. We should not be spending many hundreds of millions of dollars for a dangerous goods traffic bypass without first eliminating the transport by trains of dangerous goods through the center of the city. Canadian Pacific Railways should be required to post a $3 billion performance bond to cover future damages should they continue to transport dangerous goods through the center of the city. CPR needs to begin building a train bridge to cross the river elsewhere, now. Canadian National Railway also transports dangerous goods through the city, they too should be required to post a $3 billion performance bond. Land south of 19th Street West between Avenues B and C and the freeway, and also land south of 20th Street between Avenue A and First Avenue should be utilized for city residents to develop metal working skills and build small projects, with the immediate goal of becoming skilled enough with TIG welding and aluminum fabrication so that they may build their own small aluminum landing craft, small speed boat or paddle-wheeler. This is land closest to the poorest of the poor, the site is ideal for giving hope to people that have given up hope, and has river access for launching their finished boats. The higher quality TIG welders that have pulse capability smoke less than most every other welding technology, these welders, grinders, and other equipment that produces smoke, should all be used in conjunction with smoke extractors as the smoke generated from grinders is as harmful as the smoke generated from the welders. These pulse TIG welders utilize very small amounts of power when used to weld thinner materials, lowering the overall costs of the program and lowering the cost to the participants as they learn how to use the equipment. Those who participate should be provided with secure lockers so they may store their own personal welding supplies and small projects, such as their own tungsten anodes, filler wire, cutting and grinding wheels, masks, gloves and other welding supplies. As devices used for sharpening tungsten anodes are easily contaminated, they should obtain their own anode sharpening devices. The tungsten anodes are held by TIG torches that can be contaminated and broken, people should purchase a TIG torch that feels comfortable and fits their hands and needs. As breathing masks get coated with germs and become moldy, participants should obtain and care for their own should they have desire for one, and they should consider building themselves powered air respirators, perhaps by using the parts from a battery powered drill. Participants should pay daily for the electricity and argon gas they consume, and of course will be required to pay for any metal they require for their chosen projects. After the students demonstrate proficiency with AC pulse TIG aluminum welding (by completing small projects such as a fuel tank for their car, truck, bicycle or motorcycle, landing craft or plane), then they would be eligible for a secure space were they may over time assemble their own small aluminum boat or plane. There should be no woodworking, gluing nor painting conducted in the facility as efforts must be made to maintain air quality and reduce explosion hazards. There should be no MIG or other welders in the facility in order to force the students to become proficient with the TIG welders. After the participant demonstrates his or her ability to TIG weld, they will set their sights to manufacturing components for their boat or airplane or for their trailer. The aviation department should have priority over and total oversight of the boat building department and should assume responsibility to maintain security of all people's projects, and not allow unauthorized access that jeopardizes the integrity of the projects. The aviation department requires people who are skilled in TIG welding and will not waste resources on purchasing nor on training people to operate MIG welders. The MIG welders would be certain to lessen the build time of the boats, but the issue is not to reduce build time of the boats but to teach people to become better TIG welders so they may attempt to build airplanes. Don't turn people away when they arrive to the facility, provide the person with a chair in a classroom and show them instructional videos rather than application forms questioning their eligibility to participate. I envision a multistory building that would perhaps be the largest building in the province, and if the facility is not large enough to allow people secure space for building their boats and airplanes, then additional facilities would be made available. There would be coffee shops, and ample walkways that would allow visitors to view the projects from behind glass, perhaps we can integrate pedestrian viewing tubes into the facility similar to the tube conveyors at Charles De Gaulle Airport in Paris. We can use assorted city facilities to teach people to pilot both boats and planes. Allowing people to innovate and create will likely reduce drug use, violence, suicide and sodomy, and save tax money over the long term. The city should anticipate future provincial and federal governments that encourages innovation and allow people to fly aircraft of their own designs and with minimal or no red tape and interference. Present laws prohibit the homebuilt aircraft from carrying adequate amounts of fuel and prevent the use of multiple engines, both of which adds great measures of safety. Laws prevent people from experimenting with variable swept wing designs, which also increase safety by reducing stall speeds when required. The city should make land available on the eastern and south-western outskirts for landing and parking these homebuilt creations. The city should not wait for future provincial and federal governments to encourage innovation and consider providing space and encouragement for unemployed and underemployed city residents to build their own aircraft now. People should start building their aviation creations now, knowing that future provincial governments will not hamper their ability to innovate, create and fly their own creations but will encourage and help enable them instead. It is a combination of 1) government restrictions, 2) government red-tape and 3) high insurance costs that hamper and even curtail people from innovating, building and flying their own aviation creations, the city of Saskatoon requires new provincial and federal governments to assist us to overcome these hurdles, but we should do our best without their immediate assistance. The provincial government should be allowing people to "freely" innovate and build and fly their own aviation creations. The City of Saskatoon should similarly be free to partake in this relaxing of aviation regulations and provide space for the construction of approved designs of aircraft inside city-owned properties. It has been done elsewhere and can be done here: groups of people build copies of the same aircraft, when the airplanes are completed then the builders draw lots for them. Or these planes may be "completed" without the engines and avionics, after distributing the aircraft (via drawing lots), then the new owner will have the option of which engine and avionics to install into his or her plane. We should be allowing groups of people to manufacture multiple copies |
Daryl Kabatoff <doukhoborarchivescanada@gmail.com>: Mar 15 08:28AM -0700 If I Was Mayor of Saskatoon - Part Two - By Daryl S. Kabatoff March 14th 2020 AD 6:40 pm 27,608 words Recently administrators at the main downtown library discarded massive number of books citing that people bound to wheelchairs were unable to reach the books on the highest and lowest shelves. Over the last few decades the head librarians have been filling our shelves with material promoting witchcraft and homosexuality, this is in addition to the librarians pushing books advocating Catholic fertility rites. It costs taxpayers about a million dollars every time a single individual gets infected with HIV, but you won't read about that in books at our libraries. The libraries are being patronized by drug addicts who have little interest in reading, and who's presence negatively affect the learning of those who are so inclined. I do not support spending any money on a new larger downtown library, nor on spending money to annually turn the existing libraries into Catholic temples of fertility, nor on spending any additional money on new crappy books advocating Catholicism, Islam, witchcraft nor homosexuality. Nor should we be spending money on computers (and computer support technicians) for patrons to play games on, and we can save money by reducing or ceasing the purchase of adult fiction books. The library is for housing books and making these books accessible, not to cruise the internet and play computer games. We should stop spending money on paying wages for the administrators who turned our libraries into jokes. We should radically cut the budget on the libraries and find new administrators who will allow books that are critical of the Catholicism, Islam, witchcraft and homosexuality. Rather than censor Michael Rowbotham's "The Grip of Death: A Study of Modern Money, Debt Slavery, and Destructive Economics" and even purge the record of the book ever having been at the library, we should instead buy several copies of the book. Rather than having hundreds or even thousands of different children's books advocating witchcraft and homosexuality, we should be providing children with books that encourage independent thinking. Currently far less than 1% of the people in Canada are ramming their penises up each other's arseholes, we should not be using taxpayer's money to encourage the other 99% to do so. Until the homosexual / witchcraft books are removed from the children's section of the libraries, consider carding people and preventing anybody under the age of 18 years old from entering the public libraries, lest the city face a law suit for contributing to the delinquency of children. Children are created by a union of a man and a woman who ideally unite as a family and work together to raise these children, the public libraries (and Hollywood and the media and the churches and the schools) are being used to contribute to the delinquency of children by advocating the removal of the fathers from the lives of his children and tearing families apart. City council should recognize that the libraries have been co-opted by individuals that have very dark agendas and do everything possible to prevent additional money transfers that allow these damaging agendas to continue. Michael Rowbotham has a plan where interest-free money can be created to pay for new infrastructure (bridges, overpasses, sewers, roads, schools, libraries…), it would be helpful to give the citizens of Saskatoon access to such material. Recently people have had access to an excessive amount of fiction and are confusing fiction for non-fiction. Anticipate a new provincial government that will not pay rent for welfare recipients but will instead help the former renters become homeowners. Home ownership, even if the home is tiny, will go a long way to improve the lives of people. The tiny homes should have concrete floors, concrete walls and a flat concrete roof to lessen the build time and provide shelters of substance that cannot easily be destroyed. Provide tiny homes (approximately 200 square feet), eventually the new home owner may get their act together to upgrade the cheap windows and stove provided, add insulation, expand the first floor or add a second story to the structure, make an outhouse, add solar panels or a windmill for electric lighting, or even dig a water well. Provide each new residence with a heavy steel door that cannot be easily kicked in. Rather than giving away tax money monthly to pay rent to a landlord, instead provide some building materials and kick-start home ownership. Place leans upon each property so that the houses may not be sold without the taxpayers recouping their investments. The City of Saskatoon should not wait for provincial nor federal government assistance with our homeless crisis, we should purchase a block of four or six sections of land several miles away from the city for the new small homes. The land can be fenced and shared with bison, the houses need to be concrete as the bison would rub against them on occasion. Some new homeowners would opt to live in bison-free areas - people should have options in life - governments should be providing options for people rather than taking options away. Governments removed building options from people and forced them to use construction techniques that result in rotting homes of limited life spans… it is likely better to live in a concrete home surrounded with bison than live in the basement of a rotting home surrounded by discarded needles while having your privacy and the sanctity of your home repeatedly violated by your landlord who refuses to give tenants the legally required 24-hour notice before barging into the premises. Stop funding the downtown Lighthouse and instead provide the impoverished with small homes in the countryside, and find other ways to build confidence in consumers so they will return to the downtown core and patronize the stores. The Russian peasants living under the Russian Tsars had the right to live in small shacks in the countryside and were allowed to have gardens or small crops, while the Canadian slaves living at the Lighthouse are fed grossly substandard meals. I've seen grown men cry at the Lighthouse, as they were made to wait over an hour for their dinners to arrive, and when the dinner finally arrives the food provided is unpalatable and the portion insufficient to sustain life. People come out of a six-week psychiatric torture session at the University of Saskatchewan, or at Saskatoon City Hospital, and their Brahmin psychiatrist has them injected with a long lasting CIA inspired "depot" drug on the final day of that horror. Then they end up at the Lighthouse and continue to be mistreated, it's no wonder that grown men cry. Management at the Lighthouse benefits from the donations and are widely known to take food home for themselves while their inmates suffer. Many people who are repeatedly "treated" to the six-week long psychiatric sessions and end up in Filipino (Catholic) run group homes where the food provided consists mainly of starches (bread and potatoes) and minimal fruits and vegetables. The Filipino Catholics don't open group homes to provide loving care for the disenfranchised, they open the group homes in order to profit from their misery. Free people are paid in gold and silver coins and are allowed to own land and guns… allowing some Canadians to possess land and possess guns, and allowing them to buy commemorative gold or silver coins at the post offices and banks at greatly inflated prices, is just a show. The Charter of Rights and Freedoms foisted upon us by Trudeau Senior doth not recognize our right to own neither land nor guns. Those that have gun licenses should be aware that the license is just a temporary permit to possess a gun and the gun may be removed from them at any time, and similarly those that have land risk similar loss. In some regards the Russian peasants had more freedom than the Canadian slaves. Both the Russian peasants and the Canadian slaves are provided with priests that wave smoke and splash some water around. The Russian peasants were made to fight for their country while the Canadian slaves are made to eat substandard food while their nation is handed over to Islamists. The Russian Tsars defended their nation while Ottawa strikes secret deals with both the Islamists and the Chinese, and even allows the Chinese to launch legal suits against us in secret courts should we hamper their unfettered access to Canadian resources. Neither the federal nor provincial governments are helping to identify nor eliminate excessively radioactive foods and radioactive goods being brought into the city, the city should make some effort to purchase detectors and scan a sample of the goods being offered for sale. No matter of the degree of nuclear fallout from the Fukushima Daiichi or other nuclear disasters, no effort is made by any Canadian government officials to warn parents to provide Potassium iodide to their children. Likely the greatest radioactive fallout occurs when it rains or snows, an attempt should be made to discover what is falling out of the sky and then warn residents when appropriate. An end to Catholic (pagan) fertility rites on city property… no money spent on decorated evergreen trees, decorated evergreen tree wreaths and blinkin' lights, on their purchase nor on their annual installation and removal. Removal of the pagan representations of penises on Broadway Avenue. Removal of all Egyptian phalluses located on city owned properties (such as on the Broadway Bridge and at City Hall). An end to the arrest and psychiatric torture of those who criticize the Catholic (pagan) phallic traditions. An end to psychiatric treatment (torture) within the city… it is the churches that are sick and not the people who criticize the pagan traditions taught by these churches. The city should look at not only ending torture in the hospitals (a real mismanagement of tax money) but look at compensating people who suffered under the hands of psychiatry. The so-called "Christian" churches teach people to honor pagan fertility tree traditions that are in direct opposition to God's First Three Commandments… people are taught to honor pagan fertility traditions in place of God's Commandments and then these people go on to commit violations of other of God's Commandments, the resulting crime destroys lives and results in higher taxes for businesses and homeowners. The churches (and mosques and temples) should be taxed in order to alleviate these higher taxes that they themselves are causing through their pagan teachings. The Doukhobors should pay increased taxes as they too have adopted the Catholic fertility rites and so have become Catholics, they claim to abide by God's Commandments but they honor Catholic fertility rites which are in violation of God's First Four Commandments. When people adopt Catholic fertility rites then they become Catholics, and that includes Doukhobors. It will be difficult to collect increased taxes from the Zoroastrians as they are difficult to find… Zoroastrians faced tremendous persecution from Moslems over the centuries and now they hide. The Doukhobors (the old believers) faced tremendous persecution from Christians over the last few centuries and now they avoid persecution by embracing Catholic fertility rites and by changing their Slavic names to Anglicised names. The Canadian Ukrainians turn eggs and trees into decorated idols and actively help to teach my Doukhobor relatives to embrace the Catholic fertility rites. Now my Doukhobor relatives love Catholic fertility rites far more than Jesus. The Jehovah Witnesses are a Catholic church as they embrace the Vatican's Sunday Sabbath. The Jewish community will not face additional tax burdens because they do not encourage people to violate God's Commandments. Please note that I never stated that one is saved by keeping God's Commandments, nor do I hold such a view. People are systematically taught to embrace traditions in place of God's Commandments, their libraries are filled with books advocating witchcraft and homosexuality, and their media is but a mouthpiece for the Catholic Church that repeats the call to turn trees into decorated idols and provides encouragement to violate additional Commandments, resulting in crime and higher taxes. So not only should the churches, mosques and pagan temples be taxed to help pay for the costs they impose upon society, their media should be taxed as well. Multitudes of soldiers gave their lives for our freedom – our civic governments (and other governments) honors their sacrifices by erecting Egyptian obelisks (pagan representations of penises) and by getting other soldiers to bow to the pagan penises by placing fertility tree wreaths at the base of the dinks. These are traditions that have become so important that society is willing to have those who point out the pagan filth be arrested and tortured in psychiatric facilities. The city should demolish the cenotaph, those citizens who oppose the demolition of this pagan phallus should be allowed to remove it from the city and erect the erection elsewhere. There are more appropriate ways to thank service men and women for their service than to honor them with a pagan dink. The city closed down the Mendel Art Gallery, it was a wonderful place that provided free access to art and to a conservatory full of plants. Only once I went to Saskatoon's new art gallery, I was turned away as the entire facility was closed to the general public, but other people were still being admitted, those being admitted were arriving in limousines and they were wearing outfits that exceed the cost of what I spend on clothes in three years. I did not return. One would think that with four stories the new art gallery is large enough to always accommodate people of differing social-economic backgrounds at the same time. One would think that the old gallery would not be shuttered until the new gallery was ready for occupancy, but this was not the case and the general public was left without a gallery for years – the wealthy among us cared little that the city was without a working gallery while the new gallery was being constructed as they could easily afford to frequently fly to other communities and other countries to view the art there. I support the re-establishment of the Mendel Art Gallery and an end of cash transfers to the new gallery. A study should be done on the new gallery and determine how it can be repurposed, perhaps it can be used to teach aviation or perhaps the space can even be used to build small airplanes. There is a much greater desire of city residents to own their own cars, motorcycles, boats, airplanes and helicopters than to spend money for admission into an exclusive art gallery where people arrive in limousines. The city used to hold the immensely popular "Louis Riel Relay Race" in the 1980's and 1990's, the event drew great crowds to the center of the city. It was a way to bring together people of all cultures, not just Metis, but also Native Aboriginals, Whites, Chinese and most of the rest of the diverse community. Then the city cancelled the event and put Chinese Dragon Boat Races in their place. About the same time the Chinese Dragon Boat Races began, the media stopped their campaign to demonize the Chinese people, and instead ran "news" stories of how the Chinese were embracing "Christmas" (aka turning trees into decorated idols), saying that the Chinese people were just the same as you and me. The media played upon people's love of pagan fertility rites in order to push a pro-Chinese agenda. I support a return of the Louis Riel Relay Race to downtown Saskatoon. If Chinese people want to maintain their traditions they should do so without cancelling our |
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