>>At the very beginning of his book, "The Nehru Dynasty", astrologer K.N.Rao
>>mentions the names of Jawahar Lal's father and grandfather. Jawahar Lal's
>>father was believed to be Moti Lal and Moti Lal's father was one Gangadhar
>>Nehru. And we all know that Jawahar Lal's only daughter was Indira
>>Priyadarshini Nehru; Kamala Nehru was her mother, who died in Switzerland
>>tuberculosis. She was totally against Indira's proposed marriage with
>>Feroze. Why? No one tells us tha! Now, who is this Feroze? We are told by
>>many that he was the son of the family grocer. The grocer supplied wines,
>>etc. to Anand Bhavan,previously known as Ishrat Manzil, which once
>>to a Moslem lawyer named Mobarak Ali. Moti Lal was earlier an employee of
>>Mobarak Ali. What was the family grocer's name? One frequently hears that
>>Rajiv Gandhi's grandfather was Pandit Nehru. But then we all know that
>>everyone has two grandfathers, the paternal and the maternal grandfathers.
>>In fact, the paternal grandfather is deemed to be the more important
>>grandfather in most societies. Why is it then no where we find Rajiv
>>Gandhi's paternal grandfather's name? It appears that the reason is simply
>>this. Rajiv Gandhi's paternal grandfather was a Moslem gentleman from the
>>Junagadh area of Gujarat.
>>His Moslem grocer by the name of Nawab Khan, had married a Parsi woman
>>converting her to Islam. This is the source where from the myth of Rajiv
>>being a Parsi was derived. Rajiv's father Feroze was Feroze Khan before he
>>married Indira, against Kamala Nehru's wishes. Feroze's mother's family
>>was Ghandy, often associated with Parsis and this was changed to Gandhi,
>>sometime before his wedding with Indira, by an affidavit. The fact of the
>>matter is that (and this fact can be found in many writings) Indira was
>>lonely. Chased out of the Shantiniketan University by Guru Dev
>>himself for misdemeanor, the lonely girl was all by herself, while father
>>Jawahar was busy with politics, pretty women and illicit sex; the mother
>>in hospital. Feroze Khan, the grocer's son was then in England and he was
>>quite sympathetic to Indira and soon enough she changed her
>>a Moslem woman and married Feroze Khan in a London mosque.Nehru was not
>>happy; Kamala was dead already or dying. The news of this marriage
>>eventually reached Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. Gandhi urgently called
>>and practically ordered him to ask the youngman to change his name from
>>to Gandhi. It had nothing to do with change of religion, from Islam to
>>Hinduism for instance. It was just a case of a change of name by an
>>affidavit. And so Feroze Khan became Feroze Gandhi.The surprising thing is
>>that the apostle of truth, the old man soon to be declared India's Mahatma
>>and the 'Father of the Nation' didn't mention this game of his in the
>>book, 'My Experiments with Truth'. Why? When they returned to India, a
>>'Ved! ic marriage' was instituted for public consumption. On this subject,
>>writes M.O. Mathai (a longtime Private Secretary of Nehru) in his renowned
>>(but now suppressed by the GOI) 'Reminiscences of the Nehru Age' on page
>>second paragraph:"For some inexplicable reason, Nehru allowed the marriage
>>to be performed according to Vedic rites in 1942. An inter-religious and
>>inter-caste marriage under Vedic rites at that time was not valid in law.
>>be legal, it had to be a civil marriage."It's a known fact that after
>>Rajiv's birth Indira and Feroze lived seperatly, but they were not
>>Feroze used to harass Nehru frequently for money and also interfere in
>>Nehru's political activities. Nehru got fed up and left instructions not
>>allow him into the Prime Minister's residence Trimurthi Bhavan.Mathai
>>that the death of Feroze came as a relief to Nehru a nd Indira. The death
>>Feroze in 1960 before he could consolidate his own political forces, is
>>itself a mystery. Feroze had even planned to remarry. Those who try to
>>tabs on our leaders in spite of all the suppressions and deliberate
>>misinformation, are aware of the fact that the second son of Indira (or
>>Feroze Khan) known as Sanjay Gandhi was not the son of Feroze. He was the
>>son of another Moslem gentleman, Mohammad Yunus.
>>Here, in passing, we might mention that the second son was originally
>>Sanjiv. It rhymed with Rajiv, the elder brother's name. It was changed to
>>Sanjay when he was arrested by the British police in England and his
>>passport impounded, for having stolen a car.
>>Krishna Menon was then India's High Commissioner in London. He offered to
>>issue another passport to the felon who changed his name to
>>Sanjay.Incidentally, Sanjay's marriage with the Sikh girl Menaka (now they
>>call her Maneka for Indira Gandhi found the name of Lord Indra's Court
>>dancer rather offensive!) took place quite surprisingly in Mohammad Yunus'
>>house in New Delhi. And the marriage with Menaka who was a model (She had
>>model for Bombay Dyeing wearing just a towel)was not so ordinary either.
>>Sanjay was notorious in getting unwed young women pregnant. Menaka too was
>>rendered pregnant by Sanjay. It was then that her father,
>>Colonel Anand, threatened Sanjay with dire consequences if he did not
>>her daughter. And that did the trick. Sanjay married Menaka.
>>It was widely reported in Delhi at the time that Mohammad Yunus was
>>at the marriage of Sanjay with Menaka; apparently he had wanted to get him
>>married with a Muslim girl of his choice. It was Mohammad Yunus who cried
>>the most when Sanjay died in the plane accident. In Yunus'book, 'Persons,
>>Passions & Politics' one discovers that baby Sanjay had been circumcised
>>following Islamic custom, although the reason stated was phimosis. It was
>>always belived that Sanjay used to blackmail Indira Gandhi and due to this
>>she used to turn a blind eye when Sanjay Gandhi started to run the country
>>as though it were his personal fiefdom. Was he black mailing her with the
>>secret of who his real father was? When the news of Sanjay's death reached
>>Indira Gandhi, the first thing she wanted to know was about the bunch of
>>keys which Sanjay had with him.
>>Nehru was no less a player in producing bastards. At least one case is
>>graphically described by M.O. Mathai in his "Reminiscences of the Nehru
>>Age", page 206. Mathai writes: "In the autumn of 1948 (India became free
>>1947 and a great deal of work needed to be done) a young woman from
>>arrived in New Delhi as a sanyasini named Shraddha Mata (an assumed and
>>a real name). She was a Sanskrit scholar well versed in the ancient Indian
>>scriptures and mythology. People, including MPs, thronged to her to hear
>>discourses. One day S.D. Upadhyaya, Nehru's old employee,brought a letter
>>Hindi from Shraddha Mata. Nehru gave her an interview in the PM's house.As
>>she departed, I noticed Mathai is speaking here) that she was young,
>>and beautiful. Meetings with her became rather frequent, mostly after
>>finished his work at night. During one of Nehru's ! visits to Lucknow,
>>Shraddha Mata turned up there, and Upadhyaya brought a letter from her as
>>usual. Nehru sent her the reply; and she visited Nehru at midnight...
>>"Suddenly Shraddha Mata disappeared. In November 1949 a convent in
>>sent a decent looking person to Delhi with a bundle of letters. He said
>>a young woman from northern India arrived at the convent a few months ago
>>and gave birth to a baby boy. She refused to divulge her name or give any
>>particulars about herself. She left the convent as soon as she was well
>>enough to move out but left the child behind. She however forgot to take
>>h her a small cloth bundle in which, among other things, several letters
>>Hindi were found. The Mother Superior, who was a foreigner, had the
>>examined and was told they were from the Prime Minister. The person who
>>brought the letters surrendered them..."I (Mathai) made discreet inquiries
>>repeatedly about the boy but failed to get a clue about his
>>hereabouts.Convents in such matters are extremely tightlipped and
>>Had I succeeded in locating the boy, I would have adopted him. He must
>>grown up as a Catholic Christian blissfully ignorant of who his father
>>Coming back to Rajiv Gandhi, we all know now that he changed his so called
>>Parsi religion to become a Catholic to marry Sania Maino of Turin, Italy.
>>Rajiv became Roberto. His daughter's name is Bianca and son's name is R
>>Quite cleverly the same names are presented to the people of India as
>>Priyanka and Rahul. What is amazing is the extent of our people's
>>in such mat! ters.The press conference that Rajiv Gandhi gave in London
>>after taking over as prime minister of India was very informative. In
>>press conference, Rajiv boasted that he was NOT a Hindu but a Parsi. Mind
>>you, speaking of the Parsi religion, he had no Parsi ancestor at all. His
>>grandmother (father's mother) had turned Muslim after having abandoned the
>>Parsi religion to marry Nawab Khan.It is the western press that waged a
>>blitz of misinformation on behalf of Rajiv. From the New York Times to the
>>Los Angeles Times and the Washington Post, the big guns raised Rajiv to
>>heaven. The children's encyclopedias recorded that Rajiv was a qualified
>>Mechanical Engineer from the revered University of Cambridge. No doubt US
>>kids are among the most misinformed in the world today! The reality is
>>in all three years of h! is tenure at that University Rajiv had not passed
>>single examination. He had therefore to leave Cambridge without a
>>Sonia too had the same benevolent treatment. She was stated to be a
>>in Cambridge. Such a description is calculated to mislead Indians. She was
>>student in Cambridge all right but not of the University of Cambridge but
>>one of those fly by night language schools where foreign students come to
>>learn English. Sonia was working as an 'au pair' girl in Cambridge and
>>trying to learn English at the same time. And surprise of surprises, Rajiv
>>was even cremated as per vedic rites in full view of India's public.
>>This is the Nehru dynasty that India worships and now an Italian leads a
>>prestgious national party because of just one qualification - being m!
>>arried into the Nerhu family. Maneka Gandhi itself is being accepted by
>>non-Congress parties not because she was a former model or an anmial
>>but for her links to the Nehru family.Saying that an Italian should not
>>India will amount to narrow mindedness, but if Sania Maino (Sonia) had
>>served India like say Mother Teresa or Annie Besant, ie in anyway on her
>>rights, then all Indians should be proud of her just as how proud we are
>>Mother Teresa.
>>At the very beginning of his book, "The Nehru Dynasty", astrologer K.N.Rao
>>mentions the names of Jawahar Lal's father and grandfather. Jawahar Lal's
>>father was believed to be Moti Lal and Moti Lal's father was one Gangadhar
>>Nehru. And we all know that Jawahar Lal's only daughter was Indira
>>Priyadarshini Nehru; Kamala Nehru was her mother, who died in Switzerland
>>tuberculosis. She was totally against Indira's proposed marriage with
>>Feroze. Why? No one tells us tha! Now, who is this Feroze? We are told by
>>many that he was the son of the family grocer. The grocer supplied wines,
>>etc. to Anand Bhavan,previously known as Ishrat Manzil, which once
>>to a Moslem lawyer named Mobarak Ali. Moti Lal was earlier an employee of
>>Mobarak Ali. What was the family grocer's name? One frequently hears that
>>Rajiv Gandhi's grandfather was Pandit Nehru. But then we all know that
>>everyone has two grandfathers, the paternal and the maternal grandfathers.
>>In fact, the paternal grandfather is deemed to be the more important
>>grandfather in most societies. Why is it then no where we find Rajiv
>>Gandhi's paternal grandfather's name? It appears that the reason is simply
>>this. Rajiv Gandhi's paternal grandfather was a Moslem gentleman from the
>>Junagadh area of Gujarat.
>>His Moslem grocer by the name of Nawab Khan, had married a Parsi woman
>>converting her to Islam. This is the source where from the myth of Rajiv
>>being a Parsi was derived. Rajiv's father Feroze was Feroze Khan before he
>>married Indira, against Kamala Nehru's wishes. Feroze's mother's family
>>was Ghandy, often associated with Parsis and this was changed to Gandhi,
>>sometime before his wedding with Indira, by an affidavit. The fact of the
>>matter is that (and this fact can be found in many writings) Indira was
>>lonely. Chased out of the Shantiniketan University by Guru Dev
>>himself for misdemeanor, the lonely girl was all by herself, while father
>>Jawahar was busy with politics, pretty women and illicit sex; the mother
>>in hospital. Feroze Khan, the grocer's son was then in England and he was
>>quite sympathetic to Indira and soon enough she changed her
>>a Moslem woman and married Feroze Khan in a London mosque.Nehru was not
>>happy; Kamala was dead already or dying. The news of this marriage
>>eventually reached Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. Gandhi urgently called
>>and practically ordered him to ask the youngman to change his name from
>>to Gandhi. It had nothing to do with change of religion, from Islam to
>>Hinduism for instance. It was just a case of a change of name by an
>>affidavit. And so Feroze Khan became Feroze Gandhi.The surprising thing is
>>that the apostle of truth, the old man soon to be declared India's Mahatma
>>and the 'Father of the Nation' didn't mention this game of his in the
>>book, 'My Experiments with Truth'. Why? When they returned to India, a
>>'Ved! ic marriage' was instituted for public consumption. On this subject,
>>writes M.O. Mathai (a longtime Private Secretary of Nehru) in his renowned
>>(but now suppressed by the GOI) 'Reminiscences of the Nehru Age' on page
>>second paragraph:"For some inexplicable reason, Nehru allowed the marriage
>>to be performed according to Vedic rites in 1942. An inter-religious and
>>inter-caste marriage under Vedic rites at that time was not valid in law.
>>be legal, it had to be a civil marriage."It's a known fact that after
>>Rajiv's birth Indira and Feroze lived seperatly, but they were not
>>Feroze used to harass Nehru frequently for money and also interfere in
>>Nehru's political activities. Nehru got fed up and left instructions not
>>allow him into the Prime Minister's residence Trimurthi Bhavan.Mathai
>>that the death of Feroze came as a relief to Nehru a nd Indira. The death
>>Feroze in 1960 before he could consolidate his own political forces, is
>>itself a mystery. Feroze had even planned to remarry. Those who try to
>>tabs on our leaders in spite of all the suppressions and deliberate
>>misinformation, are aware of the fact that the second son of Indira (or
>>Feroze Khan) known as Sanjay Gandhi was not the son of Feroze. He was the
>>son of another Moslem gentleman, Mohammad Yunus.
>>Here, in passing, we might mention that the second son was originally
>>Sanjiv. It rhymed with Rajiv, the elder brother's name. It was changed to
>>Sanjay when he was arrested by the British police in England and his
>>passport impounded, for having stolen a car.
>>Krishna Menon was then India's High Commissioner in London. He offered to
>>issue another passport to the felon who changed his name to
>>Sanjay.Incidentally, Sanjay's marriage with the Sikh girl Menaka (now they
>>call her Maneka for Indira Gandhi found the name of Lord Indra's Court
>>dancer rather offensive!) took place quite surprisingly in Mohammad Yunus'
>>house in New Delhi. And the marriage with Menaka who was a model (She had
>>model for Bombay Dyeing wearing just a towel)was not so ordinary either.
>>Sanjay was notorious in getting unwed young women pregnant. Menaka too was
>>rendered pregnant by Sanjay. It was then that her father,
>>Colonel Anand, threatened Sanjay with dire consequences if he did not
>>her daughter. And that did the trick. Sanjay married Menaka.
>>It was widely reported in Delhi at the time that Mohammad Yunus was
>>at the marriage of Sanjay with Menaka; apparently he had wanted to get him
>>married with a Muslim girl of his choice. It was Mohammad Yunus who cried
>>the most when Sanjay died in the plane accident. In Yunus'book, 'Persons,
>>Passions & Politics' one discovers that baby Sanjay had been circumcised
>>following Islamic custom, although the reason stated was phimosis. It was
>>always belived that Sanjay used to blackmail Indira Gandhi and due to this
>>she used to turn a blind eye when Sanjay Gandhi started to run the country
>>as though it were his personal fiefdom. Was he black mailing her with the
>>secret of who his real father was? When the news of Sanjay's death reached
>>Indira Gandhi, the first thing she wanted to know was about the bunch of
>>keys which Sanjay had with him.
>>Nehru was no less a player in producing bastards. At least one case is
>>graphically described by M.O. Mathai in his "Reminiscences of the Nehru
>>Age", page 206. Mathai writes: "In the autumn of 1948 (India became free
>>1947 and a great deal of work needed to be done) a young woman from
>>arrived in New Delhi as a sanyasini named Shraddha Mata (an assumed and
>>a real name). She was a Sanskrit scholar well versed in the ancient Indian
>>scriptures and mythology. People, including MPs, thronged to her to hear
>>discourses. One day S.D. Upadhyaya, Nehru's old employee,brought a letter
>>Hindi from Shraddha Mata. Nehru gave her an interview in the PM's house.As
>>she departed, I noticed Mathai is speaking here) that she was young,
>>and beautiful. Meetings with her became rather frequent, mostly after
>>finished his work at night. During one of Nehru's ! visits to Lucknow,
>>Shraddha Mata turned up there, and Upadhyaya brought a letter from her as
>>usual. Nehru sent her the reply; and she visited Nehru at midnight...
>>"Suddenly Shraddha Mata disappeared. In November 1949 a convent in
>>sent a decent looking person to Delhi with a bundle of letters. He said
>>a young woman from northern India arrived at the convent a few months ago
>>and gave birth to a baby boy. She refused to divulge her name or give any
>>particulars about herself. She left the convent as soon as she was well
>>enough to move out but left the child behind. She however forgot to take
>>h her a small cloth bundle in which, among other things, several letters
>>Hindi were found. The Mother Superior, who was a foreigner, had the
>>examined and was told they were from the Prime Minister. The person who
>>brought the letters surrendered them..."I (Mathai) made discreet inquiries
>>repeatedly about the boy but failed to get a clue about his
>>hereabouts.Convents in such matters are extremely tightlipped and
>>Had I succeeded in locating the boy, I would have adopted him. He must
>>grown up as a Catholic Christian blissfully ignorant of who his father
>>Coming back to Rajiv Gandhi, we all know now that he changed his so called
>>Parsi religion to become a Catholic to marry Sania Maino of Turin, Italy.
>>Rajiv became Roberto. His daughter's name is Bianca and son's name is R
>>Quite cleverly the same names are presented to the people of India as
>>Priyanka and Rahul. What is amazing is the extent of our people's
>>in such mat! ters.The press conference that Rajiv Gandhi gave in London
>>after taking over as prime minister of India was very informative. In
>>press conference, Rajiv boasted that he was NOT a Hindu but a Parsi. Mind
>>you, speaking of the Parsi religion, he had no Parsi ancestor at all. His
>>grandmother (father's mother) had turned Muslim after having abandoned the
>>Parsi religion to marry Nawab Khan.It is the western press that waged a
>>blitz of misinformation on behalf of Rajiv. From the New York Times to the
>>Los Angeles Times and the Washington Post, the big guns raised Rajiv to
>>heaven. The children's encyclopedias recorded that Rajiv was a qualified
>>Mechanical Engineer from the revered University of Cambridge. No doubt US
>>kids are among the most misinformed in the world today! The reality is
>>in all three years of h! is tenure at that University Rajiv had not passed
>>single examination. He had therefore to leave Cambridge without a
>>Sonia too had the same benevolent treatment. She was stated to be a
>>in Cambridge. Such a description is calculated to mislead Indians. She was
>>student in Cambridge all right but not of the University of Cambridge but
>>one of those fly by night language schools where foreign students come to
>>learn English. Sonia was working as an 'au pair' girl in Cambridge and
>>trying to learn English at the same time. And surprise of surprises, Rajiv
>>was even cremated as per vedic rites in full view of India's public.
>>This is the Nehru dynasty that India worships and now an Italian leads a
>>prestgious national party because of just one qualification - being m!
>>arried into the Nerhu family. Maneka Gandhi itself is being accepted by
>>non-Congress parties not because she was a former model or an anmial
>>but for her links to the Nehru family.Saying that an Italian should not
>>India will amount to narrow mindedness, but if Sania Maino (Sonia) had
>>served India like say Mother Teresa or Annie Besant, ie in anyway on her
>>rights, then all Indians should be proud of her just as how proud we are
>>Mother Teresa.
NB: Also shed some insight about Shri Farooq Abdullah, Jammu and Kashmir
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