When you put too much of your ego on the line with your money, you may feel great when you win, but on the other hand, you may feel discouraged when you lose. When you allow your ego to enter your trading, you put subtle pressure on yourself to succeed. This added pressure could compel you to make dumb mistakes like holding on to losing trades to avoid hurting your ego. It's better in the end to take a professional approach to trading marked by objectivity and rationality. Sure, it is necessary to have a passion for what you do, but it is not necessary to get a swelled head."
This is waterfall decline in Nifty happening from past 9 days, 4720 should be protected in Nifty for today on closing basis.
Break of 4720 will see a impulsive down move till 4675,4610,4565 and 4538.
On Upside if Nifty starts trading above 4805 that would be first sign ...
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