Today's most active topics:
* 10 Million Lao People - Where are there? - 2 new
* Rau Phwvnyawm - 2 new
* Rau fajkhaum, taumdub - 1 new
* Thanouxay or DKJ why your goverment still doing these thing??? LPDR officials kill Hmong - 1 new
Active Topics
10 Million Lao People - Where are there? - 2 new
Phoun is location, Muong, or Kingdom not ethnicity. Same goes with word Tai,
this means people. The only people should be considered Tai ethnic are pinong
Tai Dam. The Siamese don't understant Lao latnguage and when they hear Lao
people call either Tai this then Tai that , they assume that ethnic. - Sat 8
Oct 2011 20:30
2 messages , 2 authors
Rau fajkhaum, taumdub - 1 new
...fajkhaum, Kuv tsis tau koom nrog pab twg li tabsis npaj siab tos koom Hmoob
pab nawb, cov nplooj tsawb ces kuv zam kev. Vim laus zujzus lawm es pheej muaj
qhov niag kho kho siab txog lub neej Haiv thiaj xav taug sawvdaws qab seb pab
twg khawb naskos es tshum tus pas rau hauv qhov lo lo plaub. Yog tias koj paub
pab twg no los tham qhia kuv thiab thiaj tsis - Sun 9 Oct 2011 08:08
1 message, 1 author
Thanouxay or DKJ why your goverment still doing these thing??? LPDR officials
kill Hmong - 1 new
...Xahye Phanpheut, Go in front of the mirror and say stupid to the person you
see! There are more than enough proofs waiting for....? X Z - Sun 9 Oct 2011
1 message, 1 author
Rau Phwvnyawm - 2 new
... Yawg Phwv; Thaum Col. Tub Lwj Muas tseem ua tug Hua Na OD nyob Phaj 2 xyoo
1968 yawg xuas Jeep thauj nyiaj mus tsev, Lis Txos (Lis Pos - Phoojywg band
tug txiv ntxawm) thiaj nqa kiag 8 million kip. Tub Lwj tsis txaus siab thiab
hais rau yawgloj hais tias Lis Txos nyiag nyiaj, yawgloj thiaj hu Lis Txos mus
hais, Lis Txos coj kiag Phuvtheev Lis - Sun 9 Oct 2011 09:59
2 messages , 2 authors
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