Daryl Kabatoff <doukhoborarchivescanada@gmail.com>: Jul 28 05:12AM -0700
Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part C - By Daryl Kabatoff July 26th 2020 7:31 pm 47,350 words Much of the money being spent at the casinos in Canada originates from Western New Guinea, Islamists from Indonesia invaded the island about 60 years ago and have been slaughtering the native inhabitants, many of whom are Christians, ever since. Both Chinese and Canadian companies are involved in extracting the gold from the extremely rich land, it is land that likely contains the highest concentration of gold in the entire world. The Chinese transport the gold by pipeline - the Chinese pump an extremely rich golden slurry to their waiting ships, then transport this golden slurry to China where they refine it into gold bullion. The Chinese then use the gold to purchase land, resources, houses, entire companies, and to buy off politicians in Canada and around the world. The Papuans were our allies in WWII, and now Australia and other western nations close their eyes to the atrocities committed by the Islamists, and close their hearts to the suffering of the Papuan people. The "savages" at aboriginal run casinos in Canada work hard to benefit from this Papuan wealth. Should Saskatoon build a casino and get a piece of the Papuan pie, we should use much of the profits to aid Papuans rather than Canadians. It's funny how Canadian aboriginal Indians care little that much of the money pouring into their casinos originates from Western New Guinea and that the inhabitants there are facing genocide. This uncaring attitude of Canadian aboriginal Indians is largely due to them being Catholics, their concern is for their genitals and their blinkin' trees rather than their fellow man. And when an earthquake and tidal wave struck Indonesia in 2004, Canadian "Christians" sent massive amounts of aid to the Islamists in Indonesia, for they too care little about the Papuan people. Many Indonesians were becoming massively wealthy from their theft of Papuan gold, and then in 2004 western churches began raising many hundreds of millions of dollars for the Islamists of Indonesia. Papuans are now united in their adoption of Catholic fertility rites, they turn trees into decorated idols, pray to Mary and sing Jingle Bells. Many Christians in American helped to elect and re-elect a homosexual Indonesian Islamist to the presidency of the United States of America, they voted for the sodomite because he appeared to share their values when he repeatedly posed besides trees turned into decorated idols. Together the Papuan gold and trees turned into blinkin' idols were instrumental in electing and re-electing the homosexual Indonesian Islamist to power, and once in power Obama funded the massacre of Christians in the middle-east. But the American Christians still love Obama, for his blinkin' trees were exceptionally decorated, Obama even turned trees into decorated idols with the medals of the American war dead. The American and Canadian aboriginal natives are fond of Obama, even though his presidency was largely funded by the genocide of the Papuan natives in western New Guinea and area. It is an easy thing for Islamists to pretend to be Catholics as both groups harbor a great hatred for God's Commandments. See the politicians pose next to the blinkin' trees, it is a Catholic fertility rite, different aspects of this pagan winter holiday are in direct opposition to God's first Three Commandments. Politicians of all stripes are trying to get the Catholic votes and do so by adopting filthy Catholic traditions. The Canadian political parties are run by people who turn trees into decorated idols, they are so eager for the Islamic, Sikh and Hindu votes that they promote these people within their parties, they guarantee that large percentages of the space in post secondary educational facilities be handed out to people of these alternative religious persuasions, they provide homes in Canada not only for the pagan "immigrants", they provide homes for the Islamic, Sikh and Hindu family members, cousins, and for entire villages (and give them free health care and such). Now about the only time we see a white woman on tv is when she is shown together with an Arab, Asian or African man. The white people in North America turn trees into decorated idols and adopt other Catholic fertility rites, such as sticking a miniature Egyptian obelisk (penis) on the roofs of their church and on the top of their blinkin' trees. They embrace pagan fertility rites and then give their nations away to members of alternative fertility cults. I criticized the pagan traditions in their churches and said that their churches were censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism, they made me a home in a psychiatric ward and annually turn their homes and entire cities in blinkin' temples of fertility while giving away homes to members of alternative fertility cults. These Catholics consider themselves rich, so rich that they can give entire nations away to members of alternative fertility cults. They made me a home in a psychiatric ward at a cost of many millions of dollars, they spend billions of dollars annually getting trees to blink, they spend trillions of dollars giving houses to Islamists, Sikhs and Hindus (and to Latin American and Filipino Catholics), and can't find it in their hearts to so much as buy me a cookie!!! In the final days God uses His angels to bring destruction, don't seek protection from angels is my advice. Anyway, to make a long story short, God is about to spread you folks out like dung and I think it is absolutely hilarious!!! The Saskatoon Star-Phoenix newspaper and other media outlets throughout the western world used comics to teach people that Africans and South Sea Islanders were cannibals, they would depict white people in a cooking pot while black people or south sea islanders stood next to the pot and tended to the fires burning below. This continued well into the 1960's but since then it is no longer politically correct to use the comics to denigrate the African people, while the South Sea Islanders are still periodically depicted as cannibals. Assorted churches (including the Seventh-day Adventist Church) published books explaining how their missionaries traveled to these distant lands and civilized the cannibals. The churches never quoted Scripture in their publications, nor from their pulpits, nor during their Bible Studies, that supported the existence of cannibals, instead they would teach of the existence of cannibals in Africa and the South Seas while censoring existence of cannibals in the "civilized" west. In 1988 I criticized this racism taught by the churches and faced arrest and the beginning of years of torture. Hollywood was systematically teaching people to seek power from supposedly magical rocks, was teaching people of the great benefits of engaging in witchcraft, and taught of the existence of ghosts as opposed to angels, but then in 1989 this changed with the release of "Silence of The Lambs" where a single cannibal was depicted as being real and active in the western world. So in 1989 Hollywood began to be more truthful in their teachings than the Christian churches, as the Christian churches continued to censor the existence of cannibals in the western world. In 1988 people began paying millions of dollars to have me tortured at the University of Saskatchewan (and later at Saskatoon City Hospital) for daring to speak of the existence of cannibals in the civilized west, then starting in 1989 they began spending millions of dollars to watch Hollywood movies depicting cannibals in the civilized west. Anyway, Scripture proclaims that God is about to spread you people out like dung over the surface of the earth, this is fair and I fully support it. Already God has begun to spread many of your apostate children out like dung, I not only support it, I think it is absolutely hilarious. Just as you folks think it hilarious that I get tortured by predominantly Brahmin psychiatrists, I think that the deaths of your children is equally hilarious. In February 2020 aboriginal protestors set up a blockade on 20th Street and Idylwyld Drive, the Saskatoon City Police responded by blocking additional streets in the area. Huge numbers of police officers and police cars were deployed to assist the aboriginal protestors to block streets. Tax money collected from the residents of the city should not be used to pay police officers to block traffic. The police in Canada have a duty to uphold the laws of Canada, not Catholic laws, not Islamic Sharia laws, not Chinese laws, not United States laws, not United Nations laws, nor First Nations laws. Should I become Mayor of Saskatoon, I will instruct our Aboriginal/Catholic police chief to stop using our police force to block streets and impede the flow of traffic. The Catholic law is to steal an obelisk (a pagan representation of a penis) from Egypt and erect it in the center of Vatican Square, then each winter to place a large evergreen tree turned into a decorated idol next to the stolen dink, and encourage the entire world to join with them in this pagan filth, while ramming their penises high up into your children's arseholes. It is not appropriate for the police force in Saskatoon to celebrate Catholic laws and annually turn the police station into a blinkin' temple of fertility. Nor is it appropriate to use the police force to arrest people who dare to criticize Catholic fertility rites. If our current Aboriginal/Catholic police chief continues to abide by First Nations laws and Catholic laws, then he should be prepared for a new job. Canadian laws should be applied equally to all Canadians. Annually turning the police station into a blinkin' temple of fertility is an indication that the police are sworn to uphold Catholic laws. After police officers finish their shifts, then they may go home and turn their homes into blinkin' pagan temples of fertility. And if Saskatoon city police officers desire to block streets, then they should attempt to do so when they are not on the clock. Catholic laws also include the censorship of Scriptural references to cannibalism, police officers should not be arresting people and delivering them to Hindu, Islamic, Sikh or Catholic psychiatrists to be tortured when they dare to quote or refer to unpleasant Scriptures. The western churches and their media worked hard over the years to teach people that the cannibals in this world were isolated to Africa and the South Seas, while censoring acts of cannibalism committed by the "civilized" people in the west. People accuse me of "lunacy" and being a "lunatic" while at the same time the "Christmas" and "Easter" celebrations they religiously observe are scheduled by the placement of the sun and the moon in the sky. Catholics defend their "solar and lunar location-based" religion by claiming those who are opposed are insane lunatics. They have me repeatedly arrested for daring to speak in opposition to their solar and lunar scheduled events, and their police would repeatedly drive me past the front gates of the University of Saskatchewan, which have four Egyptian obelisks (representations of penises) built into them, pointing up to the sun. They stick Egyptian penises on the roofs of their churches, they cap their blinkin' evergreen tree idols with Egyptian dinks, they drive me past the front gates of the University of Saskatchewan which incorporates the four Egyptian penises, and deliver me to a Hindu psychiatrist there who proclaims that I think too much about penises, and then sets to work to torture me with nauseous horrid drugs. Hindus gain their spiritual bliss via orgasm and here I was provided with a Hindu who told me that I think too much about penises. Later her Brahmin Hindu husband, who was similarly a psychiatrist, tortured me as well. Six week sessions that went on for years, I complain on the usenet and get accused of being a pedophile, people laugh and continue tithing to churches that have Egyptian penises on their roofs, they laugh and turn their homes into blinkin' temples of fertility. They borrow money from their children so they may build new psychiatric torture facilities in North Battleford, and then laugh. The first round of torture took place in the fall of 1988. Then the second time the police arrested me a police officer said "You have a history of mental illness, you are under arrest." The third and subsequent times I was arrested, the officer said "You have a 'long-term' history of mental illness, you are under arrest." So the City of Saskatoon police force is able to have people arrested and delivered to brutal horrid torture by proclaiming that it is tradition that the individual be arrested and tortured. Canadians spent many millions of dollars having me repeatedly tortured, they continue to spend billions of dollars annually turning trees into decorated idols, and not a single person has the ability to blush over the issue. I lost year after year after year after year to brutal horrid torture, then lost subsequent years living in utter fear of another arrest and round of torture, and people respond by borrowing money from their children to build new psychiatric facilities in North Battleford, and then they publish obituaries proclaiming that their ignorant family members are up in heaven with Mary!!! People can't find it in their hearts to even attempt to try to make up the loss of years of my life to brutal horrid torture by buying me a simple single holiday to anywhere. My best guess is that people are waiting for Jesus to return before they start to treat me with any respect or dignity, and good luck with that. People think they have the freedom in Christ to accuse others of lunacy and then work to have them arrested and tortured, they think themselves to be assured of heavenly rewards, but they confuse their immorality with immortality. We all make judgments of who or what to love and who or what to hate. It used to be that the Priests of Fish-God Dagon would dress up in full length fish costumes and teach people to bow to decorated evergreen trees. There has been an evolution in Catholic thought where now their Priests of Dagon reduced the scope of their full length fish costumes and retain just the use of their fish-head hats. Most fish lay enormous numbers of eggs and so they are viewed of symbols of fertility, like the evergreen tree which was worshipped for centuries because they remain vibrant, green and fertile year around. Annually the Catholics at the Vatican turn a tree into a decorated idol and place it next to the Egyptian obelisk (penis) they stole from Egypt, suitable as both are symbols of fertility, like their fish-head hats. They arrested me for speaking and gave me to a Hindu psychiatrist who said that I thought too much about penises, but it wasn't me who thought so highly of penises that I would stick a pagan dink in the center of Vatican Square or on the roof of a church, and besides, Hindus gain their spiritual bliss via orgasm. Our community requires a peaceful evolution in thought and action and not a violent revolution. Peaceful evolution doesn't begin with blocking roads, rail lines, nor pipe lines, nor does it include acts of arson or derailing trains, as acts such as these will only lead to violence and death. Traditional aboriginal beliefs involve talking to grandmothers before engaging in any actions, these grandmothers have their voices and power removed from them by Ottawa and by the corrupt chiefs on the reserves, then the young natives go out into the world without consulting their grandmothers. The corrupt chiefs steal reserve lands and hand the quarter sections out to their friends and family members, they ship grain grown on reserves to China, and grow and ship that |