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سميرة سعيد تمنح ميس حمدان الفوز في "شكلك مش غريب"



بالفيديو.. شاهد "نهاية العالم" بسبب تأخر الإنترنت ثانية واحدة



فيديو.. رد فعل أوغلو فى حالة إغماء مفاجئة لوزير خارجية بوركينا فاسو على الهواء


بالفيديو...شاب أسترالي يضرب مسنين بسبب خروجهما في وقت متأخر من الليل


أبو حفيظة يتفوق على باسم يوسف وبجرأة سخر من السيسي


فيديو يثبت سرقة فيلم حلاوة روح من فيلم ايطالي­


تسجيلات سرية تكشف تآمر حمد بن خليفة على السعودية


لحظات مروعة لتعذيب رجل على يد "شبح".. كاميرا تتمكن بالفعل من تصوير "شبح"


المظاهر خداعة


المغربي الذي أبكى ملايين العرب وأقام عليهم الحجة


البنت فاهمه غلط


بالفيديو.. خادمة تضرب طفلاً بعنف



الرجل العنكبوت الحقيقي .. فيديو




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Call Dtd : 4th May14 : 

Nifty Futures for May'14 . Series is expected to trade in the foll. Band:

Monthly S n R. 
Please observe volumes at these levels

Levels- Pls. click link below: 
May'14 Nifty Futures
Monthly S n R Diff. between two levels
MR5 7090 60
MR4 7030 73
MR3 6957 57
MR2 6900 50
MR1 6850 24
Pivot Point 6826 0
MS1 6781 45
MS2 6702 79
MS3 6688 14
MS4 6651 37
MS5 6596 55
MS6 6484 112
MS7 6460 24
MS8 6428 32
MS9 6404 24
MS10 6365 39
MS11 6239 126
MS12 6207 32
MS13 6153 54
MS14 6056 97
MS15 5984 72

  May'14 Nifty Futures

Monthly S n R Diff. between two levels

MR5 7090 60

MR4 7030 73

MR3 6957 57

MR2 6900 50

MR1 6850 24

Pivot Point 6826 0

MS1 6781 45

MS2 6702 79

MS3 6688 14

MS4 6651 37

MS5 6596 55

MS6 6484 112

MS7 6460 24

MS8 6428 32

MS9 6404 24

MS10 6365 39

MS11 6239 126

MS12 6207 32

MS13 6153 54

MS14 6056 97

MS15 5984 72


Hi Ravi Sir,

 Good Morning,

 Hats off to your Dedication towards markets sir .. The Monthly Support & Resistance for Nifty which you have in sent last 3 months are ultimate & Nobody can beat this. I am working for Kotak Securities  from 2005 and visited so many websites  but have never seen anybody like you with such success ratio particularly in Nifty levels.

Sir, I am very much interested in learning to prepare these levels so that I can generate S&R for Sensex & BankNifty also. And also plz let me know if we can use the same formulae even stocks also.

 Please send this months S&R for this month whenever time permits.

 Please share me your mob number if possible.

 Thanks in anticipation,

K Durga Prasad

Member of Long term Investors Research




Hi Ravi, 

I have been regularly going through your mails which you send out on the  Google group on intraday trades, futures etc - though honestly I have not followed them as I am a novice when it comes to trading however looking to learn the tricks and techniques of intraday trading. 

Is there anyway that we could get in touch with each other wherein you could support me on picking up the art of trading (I wonder if there is any science) - and I am not asking it for free as I am willing to compensate for the knowledge sharing. I am seriously looking for a stock market guru who could help me understand the market and its dynamics when it comes to intraday trade. 

I am based out of Gurgaon - and you? 





On Fri, Jan 31, 2014 at 9:00 AM, suraj shetty <sunshetty@> wrote:

HI Ravi,

All i can say is that your  analysis  is just Superb.
I m stunned at the accuracy, Falling short of words to appreciate your work.
God Bless
Suraj Shetty


 Please observe VOLUMES at these levels. or Candlestick Bullish or Bearish pattern. 


Different Trading systems Ravi.pdf

Your feed back is welcome.  


Happy Trading. 


PS: While due care has been taken in preparing the  Analysis, no responsibility can be or is assumed for any consequences resulting out of acting on it.



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    gauresh <gauresh59@gmail.com> May 04 04:27PM +0530  

    * Adi Guru Sankaracharya Jayanti............*
    *Don't miss to watch the videos of drama of Adi Guru Sankaracharya....*
    *The links for the same have been put at the bottom of this page.*

    Back to top

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 Adi Guru Sankaracharya Jayanti............

Don't miss to watch the videos of drama of Adi Guru Sankaracharya....

The links for the same have been put at the bottom of this page.

One of the greatest philosophers of India, Adi Shankaracharya founded the Advaita Vedanta, which is one of the sub-schools of Vedanta. Adi Shankaracharya whole-heartedly believed in the concept of the Vedas but at the same time advocated against the rituals and religious practices that were over exaggerated. On a closer introspection of the life history of Sri Sankaracharya, we find that he also started the monastic order known as Dashanami and the Shanmata convention of worship. Given here is Adi Shankaracharya biography, which will give you valuable insight into the life of this great poet and philosopher.

Born in a simple Brahmin family approximately in the 8th century A.D in Kaladi, Kerala, he was named as Shankara and is considered to be the incarnation of Lord Shiva. It is said that Shankaracharya's mother Aryamba had a vision that Lord himself told her that he would incarnate in the form of her first-born child. Right from childhood he showed a penchant towards spiritual knowledge. He could easily recite the Puranas and the Epics and mastered the Vedas during his early years in Gurukul. Adi Shankara's teachings were thoroughly adopted by his disciples later on.

Right from childhood, Shankaracharya was interested in Sanyasa and wanted to lead a meaningful life detached from the worldly pleasures. Once, while taking a bath in Purna River, Shankaracharya was attacked by a crocodile. Though his mother wanted to rescue him, she could not and was helpless. Seeing the haplessness of his mother, he asked her permission for letting him renounce the world. She was left with no choice but to agree. As soon as he recited the mantra, the crocodile left him. Shankaracharya began his life as an ascetic from then on. He proceeded towards further down south of India in search of a Guru.

One fine day on the banks of River Narmada he met a man named Govinda Bhagavatpada. Since Shankaracharya was much learned about the Vedas and the Puranas, Govinda Bhagavatpada agreed to be his Guru for attaining spiritual knowledge. Under his tutelage, Shankaracharya gained expertise in different forms of Yoga that included Hatha, Raja and Jnana yoga. He then received the knowledge of Brahma. Thereafter he was known as Adi Shankaracharya whose sole purpose of life was to spread the teachings of Brahma Sutras all over the world.

Adi Sankaracharya believed in the philosophy of "non-dualism". He believed in the fact that every individual has a divine existence, which can be identified with the Supreme cosmic power. Though bodies are diverse, the soul is one. The moment someone believes that the concept of life is finite; they are discarding an entirely higher and different dimension of life and knowledge. Self-realization is the key to attain Moksha and connect with God. Though he died young, he left an invaluable treasure of spiritual knowledge for future generations.

*****************           *****************                  *****************

Advaita means non-dualism and Vedanta means the conclusion of the Vedas. Adi Shankaracharya postulated four central doctrines:

1. Brahman, the Absolute is reality. In the Absolute Brahman the distinction between the knower, knowledge and the objects to be known, the subject, object and means, by which they are cognized, is dissolved.

2. The world though not unreal so long as we are in it and of it, becomes irrelevant and illusory when higher perception of Brahman (the Absolute) is attained.

3. The Absolute (Brahman) can be realized by following a four-fold path:

Viveka- right discrimination between the permanent and the impermanent, the real and the unreal;

Vairagya-detachment from the sensory attractions; 

Sama, Dama and Shraddha-calmness, self-control and faith; and 

Mumukshutva-the constant yearning to attain the liberation from the finiteness of individuality(Moksha).

4. Bhakti or Devotion is only a step to secure the grace of God, which would obliterate the distinction between the aspirant and God.

The above doctrines can be summed up in three short statements of Adi Shankaracharya:

"Brahma Satyam
Jagan Mithya
Jivo Brahmaiva Na Parah"

This translates roughly as follows:
"God alone is real,
the world is unreal,
the individual is none other than God"


This means that there is only one supreme reality, Brahman, the Supreme Being. Brahman is infinite and omnipresent, therefore nothing can be added to it and furthermore, there cannot be a place where he is not. There is no place for the world or man or any creature outside Brahman. It transcends all pairs of opposites and descriptions.

The reality of the world is then relative as opposed to the absolute nature of Brahman. In that sense, and in comparison with Brahman, the world is unreal. By unreal, it is meant illusory, very much like a dream, which has its own subjective reality, but which is illusory compared with the waking state.

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Many people think trading is the simplest way of making money in the stock market. Far from it; I believe it is the easiest way of losing money. There is an old Wall Street adage, that "the easiest way of making a small fortune in the markets is having a large fortune."

I discuss below eight ways of undisciplined trading which lead to losses. Guard against them, or the market will wipe you out. I am qualified to speak on this subject because I was myself an undisciplined trader for a long time and the market hammered me into line and forced me to change my approach.

1. Trading during the first half-hour of the session

The first half-hour of the trading day is driven by emotion, affected by overnight movements in the global markets, and hangover of the previous day's trading. Also, this is the period used by the market to entice novice traders into taking a position which might be contrary to the real trend which emerges only later in the day.

Most experienced traders simply watch the markets for the first half of the day for intraday patterns and any subsequent trading breakouts.

2. Failing to hear the market's message

Personally, I try to hear the message of the markets and then try to confirm it with the charts. During the trading day, I like to watch if the market is able to hold certain levels or not.

I like to go long around the end of the day if supported by patterns, and if the prices are consistently holding on to higher levels. I like to go short if the market is giving up higher levels, unable to sustain them and the patterns support a down move of the market.

This technique is called tape watching and all full-time traders practice it in some shape or form. If the markets are choppy and oscillate within a small range, then the market's message is to keep out.

Hearing the message of the market can be particularly important in times of significant news. The market generally reacts in a fashion contrary to most peoples' expectation. Let us consider two recent Indian events of significance.

One was the Gujarat earthquake that took place on 26 January 2001 and the other the 13 December 2001 terrorist attack on the Indian parliament. Both these events appeared catastrophic at first glance. TV channels suggested that the earthquake would devastate the country's economy because Gujarat has the largest number of investors and their confidence would be shattered, making the stock market plunge.

Tragic as both the events were, the market reacted in a different way to each by the end of the day. In both cases the markets plunged around 170 points when it opened, in both cases it tried to recover and while it managed a full recovery in the case of the Gujarat earthquake, it could not do so in the Parliament attack case.

The market was proven correct on both counts. The Gujarat earthquake actually held the possibility of boosting the economy as reconstruction had to be taken up, and also because most of the big installations, including the Jamnagar Refinery, escaped damage. In the case of the attack on parliament, although traders assessed that terrorist attacks were nothing new in the country but the market did not recover because it could see some kind of military build-up ahead from both India and Pakistan. And markets hate war and uncertainty.

In both these cases what helped the cause of the traders were the charts. If the charts say that the market is acting in a certain way, go ahead and accept it. The market is right all the time. This is probably even truer than the more common wisdom about the customer being the king. If you can accept the market as king, you will end up as a very rich trader, indeed.

Herein lies one reason why people who think they are very educated and smart often get trashed by the market because this market doesn't care who you are and it's certainly not there to help you. So expect no mercy from it; in fact, think of it as something that is there to take away your money, unless you take steps to protect yourself.

3. Ignoring which phase the market is in

It is important to know what phase the market is in -- whether it's in a trending or a trading phase. In a trending phase, you go and buy/sell breakouts, but in a trading phase you buy weakness and sell strength.

Traders who do not understand the mood of the market often end up using the wrong indicators in the wrong market conditions. This is an area where humility comes in. Trading in the market is like blind man walking with the help of a stick.

You need to be extremely flexible in changing positions and in trying to develop a feel for the market. This feel is then backed by the various technical indicators in confirming the phase of the market. Undisciplined traders, driven by their ego, often ignore the phase the market is in.

4. Failing to reduce position size when warranted

Traders should be flexible in reducing their position size whenever the market is not giving clear signals. For example, if you take an average position of 3,000 shares in Nifty futures, you should be ready to reduce it to 1,000 shares.

This can happen either when trading counter trend or when the market is not displaying a strong trend. Your exposure to the market should depend on the market's mood at any given point in the market. You should book partial profits as soon as the trade starts earning two to three times the average risk taken.

5. Failing to treat every trade as just another trade

Undisciplined traders often think that a particular situation is sure to give profits and sometimes take risk several times their normal level. This can lead to a heavy drawdown as such situations often do not work out.

Every trade is just another trade and only normal profits should be expected every time. Supernormal profits are a bonus when they -- rarely! -- occur but should not be expected. The risk should not be increased unless your account equity grows enough to service that risk.

6. Over-eagerness in booking profits

Profits in any trading account are often skewed to only a few trades. Traders should not be over-eager to book profits so long the market is acting right. Most traders tend to book profits too early in order to enjoy the winning feeling, thereby letting go substantial trends even when they have got a good entry into the market.

If at all, profit booking should be done in stages, always keeping some position open to take advantage of the rest of the move. Remember trading should consist of small profits, small losses, and big profits. Big losses are what must be avoided. The purpose of trading should be to get a position substantially into money, and then maintain trailing stop losses to protect profits.

Most trading is breakeven trading. Accounts sizes and income from trading are enhanced only when you make eight to ten times your risk. If you can make this happens once a month or even once in two months, you would be fine. The important point here is to not get shaken by the daily noise of the market and to see the market through to its logical target.

Remember, most money is made not by brilliant entries but by sitting on profitable positions long enough. It's boring to do nothing once a position is taken but the maturity of a trader is known not by the number of trades he makes but the amount of time he sits on profitable trades and hence the quantum of profits that he generates.

7. Trading for emotional highs

Trading is an expensive place to get emotional excitement or to be treated as an adventure sport. Traders need to keep a high degree of emotional balance to trade successfully. If you are stressed because of some unrelated events, there is no need to add trading stress to it. Trading should be avoided in periods of high emotional stress.

8. Failing to realise that trading decisions are not about consensus building

Our training since childhood often hampers the behaviour necessary for successful trading. We are always taught that whenever we take a decision, we should consult a number of people, and then do what the majority thinks is right. The truth of this market is that it never does what the majority thinks it will do.

Trading is a loner's job. Traders should not talk to a lot of people during trading hours. They can talk to experienced traders after market hours but more on methodology than on what the other trader thinks about the market.

If a trader has to ask someone else about his trade then he should not be in it. Traders should constantly try to improve their trading skills and by trading skills I mean not only charting skills but also position sizing and money management skills. Successful traders recognise that money cannot be made equally easily all the time in the market. They back off for a while if the market is too volatile or choppy.



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